2015: Why Nigerians Will Vote For Jonathan - Nanaghan 07 Mar 2014 - TopicsExpress


2015: Why Nigerians Will Vote For Jonathan - Nanaghan 07 Mar 2014 07:20 AM By DAPO AKINREFON Mr Ben Nanaghan is a Media Consultant and a public affairs commentator. In this interview, he explains why President Goodluck Jonathan should be given a second term. Excerpts: What is your opinion on the recent removal of four ministers by President Jonathan. Do you think the move is in the right direction? My impression of the President is that of a man who cannot be stampeded into taking decisions. His maturity, astute reasoning and measured temperament are part of his defining personality. The opposition and some Nigerians castigated the president for not sacking Princess Stella Oduah on the spot during the Oduahgate scandal. Nigerians must be patient to stay on the same page with their president as Jonathan is not a military president who acts on the spur of the moment. Odi and Zaki-biam are good examples here. However, this is not to say that the other three ministers were also sacked. For instance, Godsday Orubebe-the Minister of Niger Delta affairs, Caleb Olubolade-Minister for Police Affairs and the Minister of state for Finance, Dr. Yerima Ngama all have political ambitions, which they want to pursue. They have all done excellently well, even Princess Stella Oduah who unfortunately fell in evil hour to indiscretion. What is your opinion on the National Conference, do you think there should be no-go areas? I have always harped on the fact that the National Conference with its present template will be the icing on the cake of President Jonathans political achievements. The real opponents of the conference are those die-hard critics of the president, who would rather stab him at the back than jointly build an economically prosperous nation. It is however heart warming that leaders from the region met recently in Ibadan and all supported the conference. The aim of the National Conference is for us to sit down on a round table to solve our peculiar problem as ethnic nationalities and groups. Do you think Nigerias unity is negotiable as is being canvassed in some quarters? The Federal Government has made it abundantly clear that the only no-go-area of the National Conference is the indivisibility and indissolubility of the nation called, Nigeria. This simply means that the geographical entity called Nigeria is not negotiable but every other aspect of its existence that could fast track a great peaceful prosperous nation is negotiable. Our political progenitors did not have this golden opportunity to dialogue and so late Chief Obafemi Awolowo, who believed that every Nigerian child should be educated was frustrated by the very slow pace of education and development in Northern Nigeria which led him to describe Nigeria as a mere geographical expression. Remember that the late Sir Ahmadu Bello the Sardauna of Sokoto also described Nigeria as a historical mistake. Why do you think Nigeria should vote for President Jonathan for a second term? Let me start by informing you that Jonathans profile is soaring by the day. In July 2013 the President was rated 53 per cent by Nigerias authoritative pollster - NOI polls. By August of the same year, he soared up by four notches scoring 57 per cent. Forget APCs Jonathan haters and bashers who depend only on rigging elections.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 04:55:16 +0000

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