2015 is a watershed in the history of Nigeria because of many - TopicsExpress


2015 is a watershed in the history of Nigeria because of many things particularly elections. It is common knowledge that voting in the right people is the first step in the journey of a thousand miles that will take us to the Promised Land. Politicians are at it again, wooing us, telling us everything we want to hear. As in times past, many of us are falling for it, despite the fact that they calculatingly neglected us in the past. This is the time for us to ask key questions. For now, I am concentrating on youths and women. For the youths- right questions should include who has a good plan for the youths? Is there a tangible modality for the implementation of these plans? Are the youths encouraged and equipped to be the best they can be or are they relegated to the background? Youths are said to be leaders of today and tomorrow. This means that people should vote for leaders who understand this and not those who subtly tell them (through their actions) that ‘NOW’ is not their time, in fact, their time will never come. The indication is when the old keep recycling themselves without allowing the youths to get ‘there’. There is time for everything they say, meaning that a time comes when the elderly, will step aside and give the younger generation opportunity. Leaders of yester years must give way for ‘today’ and ‘tomorrow’s’ leaders. No teacher teaches his/her students in perpetuity, there is always an examination period. If a teacher, teaches students in perpetuity, it shows that the students are not learning, if that is the case, the teacher should be sacked for failing in his/her duty to impart the students with the right knowledge. How are the youths engaged in governance? Are they recruited as hoodlums to carryout dastardly acts like stealing, killing, maiming for these leaders or are their opinions sought and their creative ideas implemented? Do these so called leaders treat Nigerian youths the way they treat their biological children or they use ‘our common cake’ to benefit only their children and yet impose them on us as the only ‘qualified’ to lead? For women- look out for those who have good policies that favor women and not take with the left hand, that which is given to women with the right for instance, where a Law allegedly provides wellbeing for women nonetheless another Law within the same jurisdiction destroys peaceful marriage which women hold dear, and the venue where safety makes a lot of sense to women. Those who implement the 35% affirmative action by appointing women on MERIT not based on whose daughters or wives they are. Those who include women in governance not only those who are related to them or familiar in that other way (your guess is as good as mine), thereby reducing them to play things. Those who see women as partners of worth and not political clappers and dancers tools whose votes are good but whose issues should not attract necessary attention. As wives look out for those with policies that will provide your husbands’ with means of livelihood and not further impoverish them, thus denigrating them. As mothers, look out for those who do not push your children to societal vices and yet through the Laws and court system keep them behind bars as criminals. Nigerians, it is time we avoided those who turn us against one another like a plague, stopped killing ourselves over these crops of politicians irrespective of political parties, most of who have failed and will continue to fail us if we let them. They defect from one party to another purely for their pockets. Ask yourself, which of the political parties gave tickets to credible Nigerians? None! They all sold them to highest bidders, some of who borrowed the money. The question is wont they repay the loan? As Law makers they waste our resources replicating Laws, camouflaging that they are enacting new Laws for us. In reality these Laws are severely flawed making their implementation impossible. Worse still Legislators and members of the executive flout court orders without batting an eyelid but use their offices to compel other Nigerians to comply with court orders when it favors them. Our elected governors feel ‘godly’ when they perform the duties for which we gave them our votes and remunerate them as if they have done us a huge favor. Our politicians take this moralistic, patriotic, and high sounding oath of office ‘I, ............ do solemnly swear/affirm that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to the Federal Republic of Nigeria; …I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully and in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the law, and always in the interest of the sovereignty, integrity, solidarity, well-being and prosperity of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; that I will strive to preserve the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy contained in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; that I will not allow my personal interest to influence my official conduct or my official decisions; that I will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; that I will abide by the Code of Conduct contained in the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; that in all circumstances, I will do right to all manner of people, according to law, without fear or favour, affection or ill-will; …; and that I will devote myself to the service and well-being of the people of Nigeria. So help me God. (Underlining mine for emphasis) Who among our politicians sticks to the above oath? Which of them bears true allegiance to Nigeria when most of them cannot even recite the national anthem and pledge? Which politician ever devotes himself to the service and well-being of Nigerians when they amass stupendous wealth through their various allowances while majority of Nigerians wallow in poverty? Politicians shamelessly display more wealth than business men and women whose only business is to make money. Worse still, these businesses give back to the society through Corporate Social Responsibility unlike our politicians who through their reckless living seem to be mocking Nigerians for voting them in. Have we not seen our politicians display ‘gutter’ behavior in the public, questioning the title of ‘honorable’ put before their names, suggesting that they all deserve one year ‘compulsory’ course on national and political ethics. How many politicians strive to preserve the Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy contained in the Constitution? Can right to health ever be attained when they misappropriate the funds that ought to be allocated to the health sector while their immediate family members go abroad for such minor ailments as headache? Shame on them! It is unfortunate that most of them lack the ‘common sense’ to realize that this exposes them to all manner of risks. Education is the best vaccine against ignorance yet our so called leaders have refused to make education a constitutionally guaranteed fundamental right despite that article 17 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights provides for it. It is not surprising because that will leave Nigerian children and youths as political tools for execution of dastardly acts during elections. Again, while the standard of education in public schools keep falling; many of them own private schools which fees, an average Nigerian cannot afford thereby making nonsense of the universal basic education Act. They are yet to realize that education is not only critical but provides an enabling environment for development thus even the poorest of nations invest in education of their people. How many have realized that by virtue of section 14(2) of the Constitution, the security and welfare of the people shall be is the primary purpose of government? The realization of this should be evident in Laws and policies. Have constituency projects not become family and party reward system? Are they not allowing their personal interests of allegiances to causes ‘seemingly’ greater than Nigeria threaten our security and peaceful co-existence as a nation? Who truly upholds the constitution? Are human rights not farfetched in this country? The poor, as victims of circumstances (poor socio economic laws and policies) bear back-breaking penalties for stealing to survive while politicians and the rich who commit the same offence are sheltered. While we do not encourage criminality, we maintain that there should be freedom from discrimination in line with section 42 of the Nigerian Constitution and equality of ‘all’ under the Law as provided by section 17 of the Constitution and articles 3, 13 and 19 of the African Charter on Peoples and Human Rights which Nigeria has domesticated. If stealing is a crime, then all thieves whether wielding guns or pens must suffer the same fate. Haa, fellow Nigerians, these people have taken us for a ride for toooooooooooooooooo long! This may not work in 2015, but progressively, we should begin to say NO to people who want to perpetuate themselves in power. What should be the standard? I propose core maximum of two different political positions. In other words, anyone who has occupied two political positions should be STOPPED from contesting any other position. People should go and work, contributing their quota for the development of our dear country and not make ‘easy’ money through politics. Room should be given to others as nobody has the monopoly of ideas. People are elected to serve and not build a career in politics. We must vote for people who ACT and not those who only PROMISE. We need a new genre of politicians who ‘politicize’ conscientiously. I know we will get there. While imploring our politicians to live up to expectation, a bottom up approach should be adopted by all. If the followers stem out most of these vices particularly bribery and corruption in individual lives, it becomes easier when elected as leaders to implement them on a wider scale. This resonates with the national ethics of ‘Discipline, Integrity, Dignity of Labour, Social, Justice, Religious Tolerance, Self-reliance and Patriotism’, enshrined in section 23 of the constitution. The key question for all, in our actions and interactions should be ‘does this dignify Nigerians’? I pray that 2015 will bring with it true prosperity for all Nigerians as we courageously and boldly stand for what is right in our various spheres of influence! God bless Nigeria and Nigerians. OUP/1/1/15
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:58:46 +0000

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