2015 is here, and that means its time for New Years Resolutions - TopicsExpress


2015 is here, and that means its time for New Years Resolutions that will last about 15 minutes. My boss Chris Cebollero put out the request for us to list our professional goals, but rather than limit them to professional, Id like to list a few things Id like to work on in 2015 so each of you can hold me accountable. HEALTH I went from 283 to 232 pounds in 2014. I would ultimately like to live under the 220 mark. I hoped to be there by today but it looks like its going to take me a while longer. Being under 200 (even briefly) would be cool, but Ill be happy in the 210s. I would also like to be able to do an unassisted pull up (never been able to in my life). FAMILY I need to do better about prioritizing the people who matter in my life. To this end, I plan to limit myself to an average of 12 hours per week additional time with healthcare (be it teaching, meetings, overtime shifts, or training). And to take at least 4 vacations throughout the year (Trout Lodge in the fall, Fripp Island this month, a trip to MN, and one more TBD as time allows) PHOTOGRAPHY 2012 & 2013 have been dismal years, partially due to an unpredictable schedule. Now that I have stability in that, its time to grow again. I started the process to become a Certified Professional Photographer almost 2 years ago. Its looking like I might fail that deadline. The plan is to retake the written test and then nail the necessary images to earn that beast by making sure I get at least one for submission each session.* On the business side, I have started to build some momentum and I would like that to continue. I dont have an exact plan to make that happen at the moment so the goal is to make a plan and then to execute it. Photography will remain a side job as the market is still very volatile, but I would like to be profitable in doing it. I would also like to be more consistent with my submissions to the local paper. EMS Ive been on the streets for 12 years. It is time to have a plan and direction to what the rest of my career looks like. To this end, I plan to: Develop a relationship with a professional mentor so that these goals can be formulated and I can work in their direction. Continue to increase my involvement with EMS education by becoming an FTO and (helping?) teach a CCEMT-P class. MISCELLANEOUS Read the entire Bible again in 2015. Journal an average of 5 times per week for the purpose of improving my penmanship.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:42:22 +0000

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