2015..year of the Lords Glory..John 17:1..Return and rekindle the - TopicsExpress


2015..year of the Lords Glory..John 17:1..Return and rekindle the Altar of the Lord in your Life Job 22:21-28 Great Shepherd Ps 23:1-6 Theme: THE GREAT PHYSICIAN (Jehovah Rafael ) TEXT: JERE 8:22 One of the benefits of the Lord when He spoke of returning to Him is to cleanse you from every sicknesses, diseases, pain, malfunctions of any of your body parts. From biblical references and creation of the world, sicknesses and diseases enter into the it by means of sins, compromise, ignorance and disobedience but Christ Jesus who became a scape goat, as our great Physician brought us package of healing. Isa 53:3-5..illustrated how He took away our sicknesses and brought us healing but why are we still ill??? I was an asthmatic patient from childhood which was hereditary, and I suffer a lot with my parents and siblings from one doctors to another but no cure, most advantageously the medication given then will only subside the affection for some week at most month...it continues for years bringing me shame even to my career until I met the Lord...I must admit my healing was miraculous, over 12years now..Divine healing has been my portion but was initiated by ..two biblical practices..which I will enlist for you and as you obey, Like Abraham prayed for Abimelech in Gen 20:1-7..I will prayed for you and the Lord will grant you healing in Jesus name Let see some biblical references of how sickness enter into the world 1. sin..Gen 12:15-17..the house of Pharaoh was plague. 2. Ignorance..Gen 20:1-7..Innocent Abimelech ignorantly was afflicted. 3. Compromise Exo 15:26..Compromises of the children Israel brought afflictions 4. Disobedience ,,psalms 107:17.. 5. Insults and blasphemy (Rebellion) to the Lordship of our God and prophets..num 21:4-9 6. Glorification of the Lord..John 9:1-7 Remedy for Divine Healing comes by this two means 1. Mercy..Roman 9:15-16 though its clearly stated that God will have mercy on whom He chooses, but its clearly written in Proverb 28:13..that as many that will call on Him and renounces his/her sins..mercy will locate such fellow, so the onus is for you to stop running from one doctors to another, be it witch, herbalist modern day doctors and seek the mercy seat of God because every of those doctors you meet, until God approved your healing all their medication will leads to naught. 2. Believing in the great Physician. Jn 1:12 you can never believe in the Balm in Gilead(Jesus) unless you accept Him as your Lord and personal savior. So as you accept Him, His blood will speaks mercy for you as you call on the Lord and your healing is sure. Rom 10:9-11 In conclusion in Deut 7:12-16, Ps 107:18-20, Exo 23:25, Cease from your sins, disobedience, ignorance, and compromise that has lead you to lot of sacrifices and hold unto the Word of God in total obedience and peradventure if you have done those things that brought afflictions upon you, please seek Mercy, cause without mercy sins can never be forgiven niether sickness/diseases/affliction heal. The key of mercy is in your hand no one can stop you except you yourself...I hereby stand in the place of Abraham as a prophet and decree over your life in whatever way you have been afflicted receive your healing now in Jesus name. prayer..Father I thank and praise you for your word in Jesus name father in any way i have wrong you, willfully, ignorantly that has brought afflictions on me pls have mercy and heal me now in Jesus name. father by your mercy pls heal any members of my household now in Jesus name
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 09:17:43 +0000

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