20FIT-IN PART 10 BY: BALEKANE - Moses and Bra Molf went to - TopicsExpress


20FIT-IN PART 10 BY: BALEKANE - Moses and Bra Molf went to class without saying anything on their way and Moses was thinking of answers to a question asked by Bra Molf. They finally reached their destination and went to sit to their individual desks and chairs. Sir Makakaka came in the class after ten minutes and started to teach, it was when the period was about to end when there was a knock on the door. Come in Said Sir Makakaka while busy writing a home-work on the chalk board. It was TK, he went straight to the teacher without even looking at the students due to what happened to him last week which shamed him. He whispered to sir Makakaka and the teacher turned to look at Moses... The principal is calling you Said the teacher while looking at Moses then returned to write on the chalk board. Moses closed his exercise book then put it in his beloved nike bag then after stood-up and followed TK. On their way to the office, TK turned to look at Moses... Brayaka(My friend), I am sorry for what I did to you and may you please forgive me, see... With what you did to me... I realized how bad I treated you and I am so sorry Said TK with his humbled tone. Moses looked at TK and was about to tell him that he forgives him and would like to be forgiven as well but the demon inside controlled him other-wise... Mxm! I wont forgive you and I am not done with you, watch the space Said Moses not knowing how it came out as they came to a halt at the office door. Since the door was opened, the principal summoned them to come in. Moses saw the woman he didnt know sitting opposite of the principal as he went to sit on the empty chair next to the woman and TK sat next to him(Moses). Moses, this is TKs mother... She is here to tell you that she forgave you for what you did to her child and she came to say that she is on her way to the police station to drop the charges Said The principal with a formal voice tone. TKs mother was nodding her agreement while the principal was speaking. Nice meeting you Mrs... Ahhh! Said Moses not even sure that he heard the principal quoting the name of TKs mother. Call me aunt if you like Said TKs mother with a fair look and a friendly smile. Oh! Ok! Uhm... Aunt, I thank... Said Moses then couldnt continue as the demon was starting to take control. What Moses... Asked the principal while frowning bending his head down a little. I... I... Said Moses then realised that the demon is starting to take control. I dont care about your forgiveness and dropping of charges, I am not done with him, I want him dead. Said Moses while raising his voice tone then stood-up and walked-out of the office while ignoring the principals command. Come back here boy! Yei! Said the principal as he watched Moses disappearing to the wrong direction. Moses headed out of the school instead of going back to the classroom, when he opened the gate... He heard voices but unfortunately it wasnt him in control of himself. Moses ignored CPFs(Community Police Forum) who were telling him not to go out while jogging to the gate but it was too late for CPFs as Moses went then ran to his home while leaving his school bag behind. CPFs were the guards at the gate of Tsako-Thabo Secondary School. Moses could see and feel that he was controlled and he had no power to dominate the thing that was in him. Moses started to cry while heading home and he regretted joining the devil worship team. The demon took Moses to his home and when he came to a halt next to the door, he tried to open the door but found it locked then he picked-up the key underneath the mat then unlocked the door and headed straight to his room while forgetting to close the door. Moses went straight to sleep but took off his clothes first and became naked. Moses immediately woke spiritually and he was extremely thirsty of blood then he didnt waste time as he flew out of the house, he could smell the blood that was about one mile away and that made him to fly in faster pace till he saw lights of ambulance and police vans, then he went there and saw many people bleeding because of two cars which were involved in a car accident, head-on. Moses didnt know which one to go to but he then went to the person who was stuck within the car that was badly crashed into, beyond repair. Moses went in the car and grabbed the arm of the person then started to suck the blood like a hungry child who was being breast-fed. After a minute, Moses was satisfied and drunk as he looked-up and saw the car spinning while laughing... Hahahaha-ahhahahaha! Moses enjoyed every time of his spiritual experience but reality was awaiting him. Moses flew back home and went to his bed then slept. It was at eight oclock when Moses was woken by his grandmother... Moses! Moses! Said Koko Mary while shaking him to wake-up. Moses opened his eyes and realized that he was naked and his grandmother was standing next to him. Eish! Eish! Eish! Etswa mannn!(Get out!) Shouted Moses while pushing his grandmother out of his bedroom. Moses then closed the door and immediately remembered that there was a gig at town but didnt remember who was on the decks, then he went to take clothes in his wardrobe and saw that stack of money he hid within his clothes, he took it and counted it, it was four-thousand rand and in his school trousers he had a thousand and thirty rand. Moses took the money and wore his expensive clothes and shoes which Bra Molf gave him for court session. Moses then headed out of his bedroom and saw Koko Mary at the Kitchen waiting for him. Moses! What is wrong with you? Why were... Said Koko Mary before interrupted. Take this Said Moses while giving his grandmother three hundred rands. Moses grandmother became quiet while picking up the money and putting it with his breasts. Moses was the top dog within his hood in less than a month because of the clothes he wore, how he smelled, the girls he dated and the car he went to school by(Bra Molfs Golf 6). Moses went to the taxi while greeted by everyone he came across and saluted most by nyaope boys then asked for five rands but he gave them a twenty rand note and for sure he became their conversation for the next hour after passing. Moses hailed a taxi the minute he was at the main road then a quantum came to a halt next to him. Moses opened the sliding door then went to sit next to the beautiful girl who was listening to music with earphones. Hello! Said Moses while sitting down and the taxi starting to move. The girl didnt greet back. She is ignoring me or what? Asked Moses o himself. The taxi went and went and Moses wasnt bored as the driver played good hip-hop music to the ears of Moses since some of the artists who were singing were people he met every friday when all devil worshipers meet to discuss the mission and assignments of the week. The quantum reached where Moses was going to... Shoprite Said Moses then the driver stopped and Moses went out heading straight to Channel M and as he came next to the bouncer, he was stopped. Twenty-Rand or Fifty-Rand for VIP Said the Nigerian bouncer with a frown. Moses took-out a fifty-Rand note amongst hundred-Rands. Who is the speacial guest? Said Moses while handing a note to the bouncer. That Dj with a big head... Uhm... I forgots him said the bouncer with a nigerian accent while giving Moses a stamp on the hand. Who could it be? Said Moses to himself while heading in through the crowd ushered by one of the bouncers to the VIP section. When Moses was settled at the VIP section, he saw clear the Dj which the bouncer was talking about, it was... Dj... #ContinuesTomorrow_EightThirty. - BIO-LOVE is coming next week. Invite your friends to like this page for the love of #TeamAbatsoge.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 18:22:27 +0000

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