20FIT_IN PART 1 BY: BALEKANE - Moses a young man who was - TopicsExpress


20FIT_IN PART 1 BY: BALEKANE - Moses a young man who was 15years old, was busy brushing his teeth after bathing as he was preparing for his first day at school. Moses lived with his grandmother only in a four-room house which was at Mamelodi and he attended school at Tsako-Thabo Secondary School doing grade 10, actually It was going to be his first day at school doing grade 10 and he was nervous as he chose subjects which were said to be difficult subjects, Science and Mathematics. When Moses was done brushing his teeth, he went to wear a school tie then took his school bag and went to his grandmothers room. Moses knocked then after receiving permission to get in, he opened the door and looked at his grandmother who was rubbing her eyes. Granny, I am going to school now Said Moses as a way of asking for money. Give me that purse, Said Moses grandmother(Koko Mary) while raising up from the bed and sitting on her butt but still her half-lower part still in bed. Moses took few steps forward to take his grandmothers purse then went next to her to give her what she requested. Koko Mary took the purse from Moses then after unzipped it, she extracted a ten rand note... Take, Said Koko Mary while handing the money to Moses. Moses took the money then looked at it for seconds and looked back at his grandmother... Aowa! But granny this is a new year and I am sure that prices went-up at school, Said Moses while scowling. But Moses I dont have more than that, looking at days which are coming as well, please take it, Said Koko Mary. Moses threw the money to his grandmothers bed then went out of his grandmothers room as he went to sit on the couch then switched on tv knowing very well that his grandmother will do something about it. After a minute, Koko Mary came to a halt next to him then asked him how much does he want. Twenty-rand. Said Moses still scowling. When Koko Mary heard the amount, she got hurt because she knew she couldnt afford to give him that kind of money everyday when he goes to school because Koko Mary earned pension money only as her only income and she had to buy grocery, clothes sometimes, pay rent and invest in insurance for the very stubborn grand child of hers. Ok! Take, Said Koko mary while extracting a twenty rand note within her purse then handing it to Moses. Moses took the money with excitement but didnt want to make it obvious as he took the money without thanking his grandmother and immediately went to school. Koko Mary sat on the same couch which Moses was sitting on, as she thought of ways which she could use to make money in order to be able to please her grand child. Moses on the other side was bouncing to school and on his way he passed through pakistans shop to buy a small packet of Lays(snack) and when he was done, he headed straight to school while eating the snack. It was when Moses came to a halt next to school gates, when he took his money and hid it within the empty plastic of lays. Moses at school was a boring person to most people because he was low self-esteemed and was bullied all the time though he loved to threaten girls in order to be feared by them but not his male peers. Moses went in the school after he was done hiding his money and when he came to a halt next to multitudes of people, he bent his head then joined the group. It was assembly, something which bores people who belong to other religions except Christianity. They were singing a song which Moses knew very much, the title of it was Modimo ga le teng, gayo mathatha and Moses was singing out loud then suddenly heard a person who was standing next to him remarking. Mxm! Said the guy who was standing next to Moses then he went away from the assembly like he was heading to the toilet as Moses looked at him. Did I do something wrong? Moses asked himself then thought for a second then continued with singing the song he knew by heart. The song ultimately faded-away and it was time for the principal to welcome new student and as well as old students back. The principal did his job then after thirty minutes he was done and it was time of prayer, one teacher who was known as a pastor... Went to the well built pulpit then told everyone to close their eyes then took six seconds of silence before he began to pray, it was a long prayer but again it was worth welcoming students and it ultimately ended. Amen! Said people who were excited to see their old friends and started to proceed with the conversation they were having before the assembly began. The assembly broke away as the teacher said... You my disperse to your old classes Said the teacher who was praying then went away from the pulpit. The noise started to erupt from individual students as they went to their classes while those who are known of bad things headed to the toilet to smoke and some to gamble. Moses needed toilet in order to release his faeces, so he went to the toilet. When he got to the toilet, he was glad to find the toilets clean and both the floor and the seats(Lavatory) were new material. Moses sat down and helped himself for a long period of time, something most of normal human beings do just to be completely relieved. It was after fifteen minutes when Moses went out of the toilet and only to see people who were gambling right in front of the door which he was busy behind. Mmmmmmh! Eh son! Why did u help yourself next to where we are gambling? Said TK the boy who was feared by many if not all students, he said while covering his noise by his school tie. Moses heart started to beat fast and loud, he even thought everyone within the toilet could hear it. Everyone within the toilet stood still while sitting on their suit-cases and fixing their eyes on Moses with a scowl. Moses hesitated to answer as he fumbled his response. TK stood-up... Yei! I am talking to you, mxm! Actually give me my money because it was your smell which made me lose my money, plus you owe me Said TK while searching Moses front pocket. Moses knew that he didnt owe TK a cent but feared the guy very much that he was afraid to tell him so. You dont have money? You only carry plastics of snack, look guys, mxm! Said TK while showing other gamblers the lays plastic then he laughed followed by other gamblers. Moses didnt know what to say to get his money back which was within the plastic. TK looked at the well mended plastic of lays then threw it away while remarking... Mxm! Ssssek! Said TK to Moses with a loud voice. Moses went out of the toilet while picking-up the plastic on his way out. Yheeeeww! Said Moses to himself on his way to his class and when Moses came to a halt next to the door of the classroom he was attending at the year before, he looked at the faces which some he saw during festive season at the parks and some he never saw since the last day of school the year before the current one. Moses decided to go sit next to the person who was always quiet and sat alone, Bra Molf, his fellow class-mate. Bra Molf was a guy who was respected because he was said to be a stabbing person, that if you cross him then you will regret though no-one ever saw him do that but only heard of it then all believed it. Bra Molf was also that guy who ate and wore like he came from a rich family, let alone how many girls wanted him. Moses came to a halt next to Bra Molf and pulled the chair backward then sat without saying a word. Bra Molf turned with a smile and looked at Moses while nodding his greetings, Moses nodded back with a smile as well then asked... Dintshang(What is going on)? Said Moses while looking at Bra Molf with a smile. Ah! Nothing much boi Said Bra Molf while scratching his head. They spoke about the festive season(For three periods) while waiting for their former class teacher to tell those who passed... which class they have to go to. While Moses was speaking with Bra Molf, other learners within the class were speaking to their friends as well and suddenly someone entered in the classroom and all went silent immediately as they saw who was entering the classroom. It was TK who entered while heading straight at Moses. Moses was looking the other way and didnt see TK coming but he kept talking to Bra Molf, Moses only heard someone pulling him up by his trousers. Pay me son! Said TK in a loud voice tone to be heard by everyone in the classroom. Moses hesitated as he didnt know what to say because he knew that he didnt owe TK a cent. Bra Molf intended to help but remained calm just to see how Moses would react to what TK was doing to him. Eh son! I said pay me or am I talking alone? Am I crazy? Said TK while shaking Moses back and forth. Moses replied fast to every question but in a lowered tone unlike TK. No, you are not talking alone... No, you are not crazy Said Moses as fast as he could. Tomorrow come with my money, you hear me? Mxm! Foolish person Said TK while pushing Moses to the chair he was sitting on forcefully then went out of the class while bouncing. All students remain silent as they looked at TK going out and only Bra Molf wanted to deal with TK only if he prolonged his harassing actions. TK stopped at the door then looked back at Moses who was busy fixing his trousers. My money has to be fifty-rand tomorrow morning and if it happens that you dont come to school then it will be double, hundred-rand son Said TK then left without waiting for a reply. Moses started to get worried as he thought of what to do, he then felt a hand on his shoulder followed by a gentle voice. Relax, he wont do anything to you only if you join my family belief Said Bra Molf then the bell rang. Moses looked at Bra Molf with surprise then responded... What is your family belief? Said Moses while wrinkling his forehead. Bra Molf looked down then laughed a little. Dont worry, you will know soon, I think it is break time, follow me Said Bra Molf while raising up from his chair then heading out of the class and on his way out, he extracted an S4 mini phone just to update himself of what was happening. Moses admired everything about Bra Molf, the way he smelled, his phone and how people respected him. Bra Molf finally came to a halt next to where soft-drinks were sold and took out a hundred rand note then gave it to Moses to buy two litter coke. Moses knew that two litter was bought by a group of five people or more while compromising to get the exact amount required but this time it was bought by one person, Bra Molf. When he was done buying the soft-drink, Bra molf told him to go buy fruits for him then he can buy quarter(Sphathlo) for himself. Moses ran to buy those things while Bra Molf waited under the shadow of the tree still busy with his phone. Moses was busy counting the money when he was grabbed by TKs space men with his trousers. Yes! How much do we have here? Said TK while rubbing his hands against each other. Moses wanted to refuse giving the money to TK but then thought it would be a good Idea to see who is the best between TK and Bra Molf. Take it, please dont hurt me Said Moses while giving all the money to TK. TK took the money... Yah! Now you are talking, leave him alone Said TK while sniffing the smell of the money(Notes) and putting the coins within his pocket. Moses ran back to Bra Molf and as he came to a halt next to Bra Molf, he hesitated... TK took all your money before I bought and I... Said Moses before he was interrupted. Come show me where he is Said Bra Molf while locking his phone and putting it in his right front pocket while grabbing something in his left pocket and while following Moses. Moses came to a halt and pointed where TK was at... 7metres away. Bra Molf didnt waste time as he went to TK who was busy buying and as he came to a halt next to him, he grabbed his neck with his right hand then gave him a judo. It was when TK was down flat with his back and Bra Molf was on top of him when Bra Molf extracted an oukapi then put in on TKs throat and said... Give me all my money which you took from Moses, give me now Said Bra Molf while pushing the night through TKs throat. TK thought he was being killed... Here it is... Sorry I didnt know it was yours, please dont Said TK while extracting coins and some of the paper money within his pocket. Students were shouting and within a minute there was plenty of students surrounding them. Bra Molf took the money along with the one which belongs to TK and stood-up then kicked one of TKs space men on the butt while putting his weapon back to his pocket. Wow! This is my guy, said Moses to himself while looking at what was going on. #ContinuesTomorrow_EightThirty
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 18:20:23 +0000

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