20th June 2013 Written Update : irat’s friends go to him and - TopicsExpress


20th June 2013 Written Update : irat’s friends go to him and makes Virat have drinks. He feels dizzy after having the drink. He asks why there is no music. Music starts to play and an item girl is performing on the song “Sayyare…” and Virat’s friends make him have more drink s. He has them and goes and dances with the girl. He lifts the girl in her arms and dance. After the dance sth falls on her dress and she leaves. Virat goes to and says sorry. He brings towel for the girl Anjali. And they have an eye contact. Virat’s friends close the door from outside and leaves. Manvi is in her room. She feels Virat is angry and that’s why he’s not home yet. She texts him saying sorry and that she’ll never ignore him again. Virat wakes up in the morning and he sees Anjali’s dress there. But she’s not there and he can’t recollect what happened. He goes outside and find Nithin and asks him e=what happened. Nithin replies that sth fell on Anjali’s dress and they went to a corner. And then they din’t see them after that. Nithin in turn asks him what happened. He’s shocked and says nth of that sort happened. He asks for Anjalis’saddress. Virat is back home. After a bath he’s trying to figure out what happened between them. Manvi comes and asks about yesterday. But he replies nothing. Manvi says she waited whole night to say sorry. She had hurt her. But she won’t do it again. And back hugs him. She asks him to come for breakfast and leaves. Virat feels guilty. He tries hard to remember but is unable to. In the night, Virat tells Anjali that she can’t touch him. Only his wifeManvi can do dat. She’ll kill him ifshe knows sth happened. He tells her that they love each other. But he felt a loving wife should always doubt their husband. And tells her what all he did to gain her attention and how they ended up fighting. He then lies on the bed. Anjali calls up Manvi and tells her all what happened at the party. And that she met Virat first time today. And she knows all what he did to gain her attentrion. How Virat’s friends mixed sth in his drinks. And they locked the door from outside. She asks Manvi not to worry and not to misunderstand them. She adds that Manvi is really lucky to have him. Actually Manvi knows everything. She’s behind the door nd she thinks to herself. Though u duno anyth dat happened, I know everything. And ‘m gonna have a lot of fun. Precap: Virika are at the hospital. Viren tells her they can’t have kids. They’ll have to compromise with their fate.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 20:30:53 +0000

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