21/03/2009, 8:45am. INITIATES & INITIATION INTO THE LIGHT (a - TopicsExpress


21/03/2009, 8:45am. INITIATES & INITIATION INTO THE LIGHT (a memorable lecture date, 5yrs). The hall was fully airconditioned. With his walking-stick he slowly climbed the pulpit. He is a retired professor at brandei university massachusetts. Through his glasses he gazed at the congregation of 200 for 3mins,. With a faint smile & in a low tone voice the octogenerian, said am glad for us, So straight is the gate and narrow is the way and few there be that find it.. He pulled out his Apple i-pad, from which he commenced reading and the lecture: INITIATES & TRUE INITIATION INTO THE LIGHT Only the purest and noblest were given an initiation, and they were true seekers. In every age, those who were initiates of the mysteries were known as the lights of this world, even though they were unknown to the mass of humanity. Still, humanity benefited from their being here.An initiate is not only told the mysteries, he is also shown and given the experiences necessary for him to know the inner truths.Initiation means to be taken through the secret door of redemption by one empowered to do so for those seeking the inner path to eternal salvation. Initiation, especially of this nature, is not to be taken lightly.initiation is the way to expansion of consciousness and this aids one to understand and travel the straight and narrow inner path to liberation. Where before one was blind to the inner truths, he now sees, and where before he only had faith, he now knows. One now begins to operate in life through expanded awareness rather than through limited reason.It is for certain that no one can travel the inner path unless he is first initiated onto the path and this can only be done by one who is empowered to do so.So, as far as humanity is concerned, few there are that are at the present time seeking, or are even so willing, to step onto the path no matter how graphically the benefits of so doing is pointed out to them. It does not register on their consciousness as a need for them. one is sponsored before God. One is reconnected to God. One is given the means to purify oneself and to be raised up to become one with the Almighty.The noble Self, through love must be awakened. The sacrifice on the cross must be acknowledged. The segmented, fragmented self must be made whole (holy). The seven initiations must be undergone; the opening of the seven centers of light contained in the body. The sixth sense must be awakened. All this is embodied in the initiation when the eternal word is bestowed in the inner Self. This is the sword that slays the dragon.The thirst for higher knowledge must come, and through knowledge comes understanding and compassion. The heart responds to a higher vibration, and thereby love for Self, for God and for humanity is quickened. This is growth towards cosmic consciousness where the universal and the individual mind join in a cosmic status, beyond the boundaries of relativity.Initiation carries a very deep and sacred meaning, not to be lightly bantered about. It is said that if one takes the initiation of the Master and then betrays the Master, it is a thousand fold better that he had never been born. To betray the Master means to betray what was given to you in great trust (the initiation, the word). One may fall away from the Master for one reason or another, but never to betray what he gave you. For in you was planted the seed of eternal life. The word and the seed are one and the same (“and the word shall free them”). The word manifests the power of the Absolute and frees you; it grows in you as the eternal light. It has to remove all of the contamination of the ages in order to shine forth in you and ultimately make you one with the light that knows no shadows. This is the sleeping word (the mantra) that comes to life in you and unfolds you into what you truly are. So revere the word. Use the word. Rely on the word for comfort when you are troubled, for you are now the word and the word is you. To betray the living word in you is to betray the real purpose of life itself; it would be like selling a diamond of incalculable worth for the price of a bowl of porridge.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 22:36:24 +0000

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