21 Benefits of Trampoline Exercise Why is Trampoline Exercise - TopicsExpress


21 Benefits of Trampoline Exercise Why is Trampoline Exercise Different Astronauts in the weightlessness of space will keep themselves fit by exercising regularly while exerting stress on their bones and muscles to prevent bone and muscle degeneration. This can occur quickly without the important force of gravity. Scientists believe reduced stress on bones may be responsible mini trampolinefor the progressive bone loss seen in astronauts. This gradual degeneration also occurs to those who are confined to beds due to illness or old age. Gravity is the key to why I believe trampoline exercise is the best form of exercise. Rebounding is a unique exercise were weightlessness is achieved at the top of each bounce while each upward bounce works against gravity producing forces greater then 2 – 3 times the force of gravity on a mini trampoline. These forces produce stress on every part of the body strengthening the muscles, bones and even the cells. Also the forces are equally distributed throughout the body and so do not lead to the high shock impact that runners experience which can damage joints and bones in the legs, knees and spine. I myself have experienced the health benefits of rebounding on a trampoline. In fact there are numerous health benefits associated with trampoline exercise. Here is a list of 21 health benefits of rebounding – everything from slowing down alzheimer’s disease to weight loss 1. Immune System Benefits The lymphatic system is like the garbage can of the body removing harmful toxins, dead cells, cancer cells and foreign substances. The system collaborates with white blood cells in lymph nodes to protect the body from being infected by cancer cells, fungi, viruses or bacteria. Your lymphatic vessels link your immune organs, which include your bone marrow, tonsils, thymus, lymph nodes and your spleen. This busy network produces and circulates blood cells and antibodies to fight infection, filter bacteria, and eliminate parasites and debris from your body. Because most modern-day illnesses and afflictions are immune related, treatments are often best stimulated by the activation of lymph. While all exercise simulates the movement of lymph fluid inside the vessels, rebounding on a trampoline is the most effective way of stimulating the lymphatic system due to the forces involved when bouncing. The lymphatic system is filled with many thousands of one way valves that travel in a one-way direction, upward against gravity through the main lymph vessels that run up to through the legs, arms and torso and toward the heart. When bouncing on a trampoline the G- forces produced and the constant vertical up and down movement cause all of the one way valves to open and close simultaneously, increasing lymph flow by up to 15 times and offering a perfect pump for your lymphatic system and therefore the perfect boost for your immune response. Unlike the circulatory system the lymph system is much more dependent on exercise for it to function well and rebounding offers the best form of exercise. 2. Detoxification Lymphatic SystemWith a lack of exercise circulation can become inhibited. This can result in blood plasma proteins such as fibrinogen, globulin and albumin accumulating causing toxins in your tissue spaces and problems for your cells. The lymphatic system is much more dependent on exercise then the circulatory system and trampoline exercise is ideal for both circulation and lymph flow. The increased heart rate combined with the rythmical contractions of your leg and calf muscles while bouncing help to pump these fluids around your body. As blood and lymph continue upward, the contraction of your diaphragm, which controls your breathing increases the pressure in your abdomen, easing these fluids forward on their journey and helping to flush out waste and toxins. As your breathing increases an increased supply of carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen absorbed by organs in the body. Also while rebounding at the bottom of each bounce your cells are compressed which helps to extract toxins and waste from the surrounding tissue fluids. 3. Weight loss weight lossA study from NASA found that a 150- pound individual spending one-hour on a rebounder will burn more calories than the same person jogging for an hour. According to NASAs Journal of Applied Physiology it is 68% more efficient than jogging. The combination of cardiovascular exercise and the strengthening of the muscles contribute to weight loss. As muscles strengthen they aid in the increase of the metabolism which helps burn off fat. The cardiovascular workout burns calories. By jumping on a trampoline for approximately 20 minutes 3 – 4 times a week significant weight loss can occur. 4. Stress stressStress is a well known culprit in lowering immunity to disease. Within a few minutes of being stressed adrenaline is released into the bloodstream causing your immune system to release lymphocytes. Adrenaline inhibits the ability of your white blood cells to fight of antigens. Corticosteroids are also known to suppress your immune response. Trampoline exercise help to release powerful hormones such as endorphins which can create a feel good feeling and a positive outlook. Exercise also helps to release tension in your abdominal muscles. Tension that can build up in your chest, jaw and back dissipates within minutes of gentle bouncing helping to relieve stress. Exercise helps to maintain the production of adrenocorticotropic (ACTH). Adrenocorticotropic is released to enable your body to adapt to stress. A long term effect of trampoline exercise is a lowering of your blood pressure and heart rate and a balance in hormonal output and cortisol levels. 5. Alzheimer’s disease alzheimersThe cause of alzheimer’s range from slow viral infections to high levels of toxins like aluminium. As mentioned earlier regular bouncing helps to detoxify the body due to increased lymph flow and blood circulation. Two processes essential for the removal of wastes and toxins such as heavy metals, and the strengthening of the immune system. A person suffering from the initial stages of alzheimers should benefit from this exercise. 6. Arthritis arthritisWhen toxins, wastes and inorganic substances accumulate, joints are more likely to become inflamed and swollen. The more difficult the joint is to use, the less flexible it becomes, along with the muscles that enable the movement. As you bounce more calcium is absorbed and deposited in your bones, making them stronger. The additional strengthening and toning of your muscles, ligaments and tendons, enhances the stability of your joins. When you bounce you gently stimulate the fluids surrounding your joins, encouraging lubrication of inflamed tissues and the cleansing of the wastes and toxins. The efficiency of your immune system is increased and elimination of urea is activated by better circulation. Bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and joints are strengthened, and your joints are nourished due to improved circulation. 7. Asthma AsthmaDuring an asthma attack, the air passages in your lungs are narrowed by mucous secretions and spasm. Regular bouncing helps to keep the mucous membranes clear of accumulation fluid and keep the lymphatic system strong helping to bring asthma attacks under control when they occur. 8. Blood pressure Blood pressureA lack of exercise can cause your arteries to constrict. Also poor food, stress, and too much salt and sugar. Start a regular exercise program to improve your circulation and blood pressure. Having low blood pressure can in turn reduce the risk of heart disease, strokes and kidney disease. Also when you bounce, blood and the oxygen it carries is directed away from inactive organs and muscles, to where it is required. Ensuring that your organs obtain enough oxygen is essential to them being able to function properly. 9. Bronchitis Many physiotherapists encourage the use of a bouncer to activate the secretion of phlegm from your lungs. the gentle bouncing can help to loosen the secretions so they can be coughed up and cleared. 10. Cancer Bouncing increases the rate of the oxygenation of your tissues, thus flooding your body cells with oxygen and nutrients. Increasing the supply of oxygen to your lungs, helps to prevent lung cancer from developing. Anaerobic bacteria which live deep in the colon can convert their excretions to female hormones called oestrogens and also to a cancer producing substance referred to as ‘deoxycholic acid’. If these products accumulate they can be responsible for causing cancer to develop in your colon. Anaerobic bacteria cannot survive in the presence of the enriched oxygen you invite in as you bounce, and more friendly aerobic bacteria survive instead. An abundant supply of oxygen to your cells is an essential element in preventing cancer. 11. Cholesterol Bouncing stimulates the production of HDLs which carry the cholesterol away, thinning your blood. If you have a high ratio of LDLs, bounce every day , with short bursts in between, to utilize the free fatty acids floating about in your bloodstream. 12. Constipation When you bounce, peristaltic waves in your intestines are activated and food passes through more quickly and wastes are released. Your intestines are automatically internally stimulated and the pressure exerted by your abdominal muscles on your bowel is intensified. 13. Ears Many ear problems have their roots in poor elimination of wastes and an accumulation of congested fluids. Both of these conditions are improved as you bounce. 14. Eczema Your skin depends on a healthy supply of nutrients, couples with oxygen from the vessels in underlying tissues. Eczema is often characterized by inflamed itchy eruptions. breaking into a weepy rash when severe. Food allergies are often the prime suspect. With regular bouncing, most people with eczema show marked signs of improvement. 15. Fatigue If you are tend to get tired, it could just be that you are not getting sufficient doses of oxygen to your brain and other organs. A few minutes on your bouncer should fix this problem. 16. Headaches There are a number of different causes of headaches and each person is different. Tension headaches are the most common and often surface because head and neck muscles are over contracted. They are also commonly associated with withdrawal from stimulants such as coffee and cigarettes. Most people experience relief from recurring headaches when they follow bounce programs regularly. 17. Lupus Systemic lupus Erythematosus is a disease that affects your joints, muscle tissues and other body organs. Regular bouncing helps ease inflammation and swelling which often develops around the joints. Fatigue is a common symptom of the complaint, so you must never strain yourself. Develop a bouncing programme to restore your energy and stamina 18. Menstrual Problems Common symptoms include mood swings, irritability, nervous tension and worry. It isn’t unusual to feel depressed and generally out of sorts. Regular bouncing will help to balance your hormonal secretions and glandular functioning, while eliminating the cramping that often accompanies your period. 19. Osteoporosis Bones can become thinner as a result of a loss of mineral content. Your bones require nourishment and sustenance from oxygen and nutrients and also the stress impact on each cell to generate strength. As you bounce you activate the flow of these nutrients to all bony tissues. Vital blood vessels within your bones are cleansed and wastes are removed. Gentle bouncing programmes suited to your individual capacity will provide a healthy challenge to your bone cells, with a minimum strain to your skeletal structure. When you tone your bones you are toning your muscles at the same time, you are not only preventing further bone loss, but you are also encouraging the formation of new and sturdier bone mass. Even short bounce sessions influence the calcium balance in your body. Bouncing is an exceptional method of exercise for both preventing and treating osteoporosis. There is every evidence that bone mineralization is organized in the most favourable way, to give strength to the bone in the direction to which the force is normally applied. Tapping the forces of gravity as you bounce increases and intensifies the amount of work performed by your bones and therefore strengthens them. 20. Sinus Problems Sinus problems are related to the fluid balance of your nose, ears, eyes and throat and should ease as you bounce. Gentle bouncing stimulates the drainage of the channels in your inner ear, helping to prevent infections and re-balance the inner vestibular apparatus, which helps to maintain your balance. 21. Varicose Veins On its return journey your blood flow is controlled by a series of valves, which may become weak, causing blood to pool in your legs, with varicose veins surfacing. Over a period of time, as you bounce, you should notice improvements in your veins. One of the reasons for this is that new routes are forming for the blood to flow back to your heart. Your veins perform a milking action, with the help of your calf muscles and then your abdominal muscles and finally your diaphragm, to press your blood upward and return it to your heart. When you bounce you not only activate the return of lymph and blood to your heart but you also stimulate the working of both calf muscles. They are powerfully and rhythmically contracting in repetition nearly one hundred times a minute when exercising. This cannot but help to tone the quality and strength of the supportive tissue and muscles in your legs. Purchasing a Trampoline There are many different trampolines out there that differ significantly in terms of cost and quality. For those buying a trampoline it can be quite difficult to know if the trampoline you have chosen really is good value for money. Mini trampolines are usually not that expensive. However the quality of a lot of the budget trampolines is poor and breakages can occur in the first year or so. Also spare parts may not be available. They can be badly constructed with the springs breaking easily, the mat tearing and the quality of the bounce uncomfortable. Ensure that the trampolines parts are strong, built using quality materials and that the trampoline is well constructed. A used trampoline can over time develop a lot of ware and tear. Ensure that any damaged or rusted parts are replaced as breakages while bouncing can cause serious accidents. Mini trampolines however are safer then the larger 8ft to 14ft trampolines due to their close proximity from the ground and with many of them coming with balance bars attached to the trampoline they are safe for the elderly to use and those with poor balance.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 15:12:22 +0000

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