21 Birthday Facts about me!. 1. I have 7 siblings! 2 brothers - TopicsExpress


21 Birthday Facts about me!. 1. I have 7 siblings! 2 brothers 5 sisters...only 2 of us are left handed I am one of them 2. I love the Color Red and my favorite number is 3 (or any odd number really) 3. Im the only child that loves to read 4. I sing and draw...use to play piano but I stopped getting around to playing again 5. Ive always wanted 3 children (odd numbers..my thing) 6. Im a HUGE pushover...The word No isnt in my vocabulary 7. I love Disney Movies (although they ruined me) 8. I love rain and hate snow 9. Love music and tattoos (would cover myself if I could) 10. Im afraid of the Dark and the Ocean 11. I miss living in the country 12. Im afraid to drive so Ive had my Permit for 5 Years!!!. 13. Middle School was my Favorite 14. When I was little I had a Spice Girls Doll.. :) 15. Sometimes I wish I could fast forward so I can have my life back ( as in have Travis back) 16. Im very impatient I hate waiting is stresses me out!. 17. I never sleep anymore I dont have my husband here so I cant hardly sleep....EVER 18. I hate being alone so its hard for me to be without him 19. FAMILY is EVERYTHING!. 20. I wouldnt wish this Life on anyone but I also wouldnt give it up for anything 21. I absolutely love everything about Me, My Life!. God has Given it to me for a reason and I believe that!.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 13:15:31 +0000

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