21 February 2014 Being good, doing good, leaving good is being - TopicsExpress


21 February 2014 Being good, doing good, leaving good is being God like: Romans 12:2 “Do not be CONFORMED to this world but be TRANSFORMED by the renewal of your mind, so that you may prove what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect in His sight for you.” In definition to conform means to comply with rules, standards or laws, and what the word means in this context is that “when you are in Rome you must do what romans do”, but Romans 12 says you must not conform but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Over the years I have realized that as Christians we grow weary and tired. Some of us like the beautiful, majestic and lovely flowers of this world which are seasonal, when spring approaches we bloom, flower and become unhidden to show off our pretty colors and lovely aromas yet when winter approaches we wither and shrivel and our aromas turn to be foul and nauseating. in essence what I am trying to say is our love for God is conditional, what I am trying to say is, us doing good depends on to whom is the deed intended for. But Being good, doing good, leaving good is being God like. Get the rhyme God=good When you stop being good, you stop being God-like. Goba a christian gase a part time job/studies, it is a life time agreement and commitment. Be persecuted for righteousness. “Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil falsely for my sake, rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for they persecuted the prophets that were before you” “Doesn’t this statement remind you of Daniel?, the faithful man who knew who his God was and knew who he was and was not influenced by the people around him or by the threat of dying because of his believe” Let’s turn our eyes to Genesis 18-19: It speaks of 2 men who were in right standing with God, Abraham and Lot. Lord,God, one day passed by Abrahams home, at the time, on his way to Sodom where his angels were going to bring forth terror and destruction. He visits Abraham reassuring him of the promise He, the Lord, had made to him earlier, remember that our God is a faithfull god. His delays are not his denials, it’s a cliché I know but it is true. God then tells or shares with Abraham, his friend, what He, the Lord, was going to do at Sodom. But then Abraham pleads with him and says: Genesis 18vs23 “will you destroy the righteous together with the wicked?” Remember that Lot lived with his wife and daughters at Sodom and in this verse Abraham was referring to him(Lot) The Lord,God, answered and said: Genesis:18vs32 “And he said, oh not let the Lord be angry, and I will speak again only this once, suppose Ten(10) be found there(here Abraham was referring to finding ten righteous people) , and the Lord God answered and said I will not destroy it for the ten’s sake” The moral of this story is that even if when you 1st arrived in medunsa you found that people calling themselves Christians/masione were living in an ungodly way and were doing ungodly things it is not an excuse for you to conform and be transformed into their ways. Remember gore wena o letswai la lefase. One writer said: “Salt must make a difference in food, enhancing the flavor, salt does not change its saltiness, but changes the taste of food” “A Christian must have a flavor of influence wherever he/she goes, they must change the world around them, not be transformed into it” So I say to you do not come here and become part of the 7 colors of behavior in medunsa. Enhance our flavor, make us tasty in the eyes of the Lord, be that difference. Be part of those 10 people which our lord God promised to Abraham that if He, the lord, were to find you, with your righteousness, he would spare us, he would spare our degrees, he spare our lifes and most importantly He would spare our souls. Matthews 5 vs. 16: says “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble and good deeds and recognize and honor God, praise and glorify your father who is in heaven” Do not get tired of being good, doing good, leaving good and being God like. O se lapixe ke goba mochreste e fela o lapixe ke go tsena kereke Being a church goer is different from being a Christian “Going to church does not make you anymore Christian than going into a garage and calling yourself a car” Billy Sunday Remember that we do not light a lamb and put it under the table. You are the light God has chosen for us (imagine if you were the only real representation of a Christian that a person would ever come across) thus sit upon the highest hill, be our salvation, be the star that shined the way of the 3 wise man, be that umber of fire that would lead us the children of Israel through the desert of darkness, be Moses’ stuff which parted and opened the red sea so we, the children of Israel, can safely cross. Be our David and defeat the giant of social acceptance, social conformation, and the giant of complacency and physical gratification. Let not you deepest fear withhold you. Be our salvation. Do not get tired of being good, doing good,leaving good and being God like. Mogoto T.F
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 20:32:26 +0000

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