21 OCTOBER- 30TH NOVEMBER 2013. 6weeks ago I started a coarse - TopicsExpress


21 OCTOBER- 30TH NOVEMBER 2013. 6weeks ago I started a coarse called LSV was nervous and scared missed home asoon as igot there having the staff members telling me that I have 30 secs to empty my bags jus made me LOL inside voice lol! as I walked into the room they asked me to introduce myself and was to nervous to even talk In front off everyone starring at me like moekolos lmao. but as the days passed by everyone had aye background that they have carried for so long! so it was time to let it out to just our platoon, so many things people carried for so long so proud off each and one off them for releasing somethings that were so heavy on there shoulders! we all had our moments everyone getting pissed off at each other but we seem to allways stick together as a new fam bams lols. missed everyone back at home, wanted to gap hm on the second week couldnt handle and jit eh. but would like to thank my FAMILY AND FRIENDS BACK AT HOME FOR SUPPORTING ME BUT MOST OFF ALL OUR HEAVENLY FATHER FOR WATCHING OVER ME THREWOUT MY GOOD AND BAD DAYS! LSV was life changing missing everyone In PLATOON TWO! hope to catchup again :) loveyous endlessly whanau! remember the word PUSH lol shot Iakopo :L the positive thing was completing something that was so tough negative thing would be been away from my family but hey I MADE IT STILL BREATHING LMAO! #BLESSINGS
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 10:29:42 +0000

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