21% bf at 194 to 17% bf at 171 successful client Yes or No? well, - TopicsExpress


21% bf at 194 to 17% bf at 171 successful client Yes or No? well, in the eyes of a terribly misinformed client yes... but in the eyes of an actual expert , absolutely not. man oh man the fitness industry is soo jaded, let me clear things up. Lean muscle tissue is what keeps fat OFF!! Now, further down the rabbit hole. Do not pay all attention to the number on the scale or even an electronic device, or standardized caliper algorithms for body fat composition, this is about 1% of a truly skilled trainers means of tracking results. Note how easily it becomes to lift the weights you once struggled with, how you fit your clothing, how you feel, progressions of movement patterns, coordination, excitement level...etc! When you chase a number on the scale, your entire focus and expectation of success becomes entirely fixated on this number, rather than what I just mentioned--> a.e. the entire experience/lifestyle of resistance training. Again, the number of weights on the barbell, movement efficiency, how you feel emotionally, how you fit your clothing, how quickly you recover, how hungry you are (this is a good thing, not ravenous but hunger is good) how excited you are to train. Chasing a number causes anxiety, something 9 out of 10 weight loss clients are probably made aware of this number 1000 times a day , the last thing you want to do is reinforce this as the main RESULT of training/dieting, When you shift focus to the factors that really get you excited to train/diet, the whole personal training experience is amplified ten-fold, and results come as a result of this shift in perspective. A client empowered by an experienced skillful trainer that actually cares about them, should never feel intimidated, anxious, or scared!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:31:58 +0000

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