21 reasons why BC Education is being crippled. This is the time - TopicsExpress


21 reasons why BC Education is being crippled. This is the time to rethink how Christy Clarks government has served our childrens needs. The media love doing lists so here is my own as to how Clark has failed to provide the leadership for BC. Feel free to add to it. (1) All other provinces in the country will have school this fall. Will BC? (2) All other provinces spend more money on the kids than does BC. (3) By the time BC kids finish grade twelve, the kind government of BC will have spent $13,000 LESS than any other province for their education. (4) Every other province goes to binding arbitration when there is a dispute with teachers. BC does not. Clark does not think it is necessary. (5) No other province has ever bribed parents to keep their kids home from school. BC has. (6) No other province has said that kids DONT have the right to education other than BC. (7) No other premier has been thrown out of university for cheating. Does her end justifies the means philosophy come at the expense of BC kids? ( No other premier other than Clark has a bare high school education. Does her own lack of a proper education hamper her in making the right decisions for BC kids? (9) No other Ed. Min in the country has shredded contracts with teachers other than BCs own Christy Clark. How many kids have been affected by this? (10) No other government has gone to the Supreme Court on several occasions to waste tax payers money to fight childrens rights to a fair education. (11) No other premier other than Clark has hired her own personal lackeys at salaries in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to do nothing. Money that could have been better spent elsewhere. (12) No other premier other than Clark has hired a tv personality (Pamela Martin) and paid her $200,000 to do absolutely nothing. Again money that could have gone to better students. (13) No other premier has spent $475,000 on the publics credit card the first year in office for essentials like trips to the Oyster Bar. Again money that could have gone to better education. (14) No other premier has spent hundreds of thousands on air fare to Kelowna when she promised before to buy a house there - this is way higher than any other premier before her. She has a Do as I Say not as I do complex. (15) No other premier has lied as much about what she wants to do about education than Christy Joan Clark. She has been in power for years, makes promises and doesnt keep them. Didnt she say 12 years ago that she wanted to fix bargaining? Did she not say that the government was willing to negotiate 24/7 but didnt show up for that infamous weekend at all? Didnt she say negotiators were on the phone all the time with the BCTF only to be proven a liar? (16) No other government has ever locked teachers out at recess and lunch other than this one and kept them from interacting with kids the past spring. (17) No other government has talked about the affordability zone while making sure that MLA salaries increase by 70% and personal assistants by virtually the same in the past five years. (1 No other government has a Min. of Education who cant do the math about funding. He claims 1+1+1+1+1 = 12. (Explanation: The government has provided 5 billion in educational funding the past twelve years while claiming it is 12.) (19) No other government has created so much drama at the expense of BC parents and kids. The forty pieces of silver bribe really looks disgusting. (20) No other government has been found GUILTY of contempt of BC teachers and the parents in a court of law in provoking strikes and not settling fairly. Other governments care. Clark does NOT about the public or its kids. (21) No other government can claim the highest rate of child poverty in all of Canada. If other governments provide better funding, why cant Clark?
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 22:57:19 +0000

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