21000LOVEClub,;;, GREAT Revelation,; Part One,; OH Thou,; - TopicsExpress


21000LOVEClub,;;, GREAT Revelation,; Part One,; OH Thou,; Ministers, Bishops and Pastors GOD Speaks from HIS MOUNTAIN,; 1st -3rd July 2014 LOVE BEFORE it will be TOO LATE Let there be LOVE in CHURCHES/RELIGIONS,; in the POLITICAL/SPIRITUAL LEADERS, and in the NATIONs In Rm12.1-21,;the word said,; You must present your body a living sacrifice, Holy, acceptable to GOD by his mercy, which is your reasonable service to him,; and be not conform to the lust of the world (Greed, Covetousness ,Corruption in tithe/offering, Extortions, Pride, Hatred, Un forgiveness, Discrimination);,but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your MIND, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect,; will of GOD,;{4-13},we are all in one body in Christ and have different gifts by his grace not by power,; whatever thing we do with our gift,; let it be done to the glory of GOD in simplicity not with pride,; with diligence, showing mercy, reconciliation,; with cheerfulness,; let LOVE overshadow your life,; flee from evil and embrace peace and do good,; be you compassionate with brotherly love to one another,; not been sluggish/lazy in business,; but with the SPIRIT of GOD all the time,; have faith in hope,; be patient in all,; be prayerful without seasoning,; Distributing to the need of the saints and the poor,;{14-16},;Use your tongue to bless them that hate and curse you,; never you abuse nor curse anybody or your nation,; Rejoice with them that are happy and sorrow with prayers to them that mourn,; Remove your eyes on high and ostentatious things of the world(Opening churches and branches for making more money for the GOs and head quarters, not for the love of GOD,; buying jets when your members are poor, building schools where your members cannot go),; be humble and bring yourself low to the common man and the poor,; Do not prove to know more than everybody, but be tolerant, considerate and wise in wisdom,;{17-21},;Recompense no man evil for evil,; LOVE your enemies and pray for them,; provide things and be honest in the sight of all men (friends and enemies),;if possible, as much as you can, live peaceably with all men,; Please NEVER YOU AVENGE yourself,; but rather live it to GOD,; for GOD have told us that VENGENCE BELONGS TO HIM,;;therefore if your enemy hunger, feed him/her,; if he is thirsty, give him drinks,; if he is sick, go and visit him and pray for him/her, if you have money, pay his hospital bills,; by so doing you are you are heaping COALS OF FIRE ON HIS HEAD,; Do not overcome of evil,; but overcome evil with GOOD.; This is the word of the living GOD for all that love GOD and man,. YES,; I BELIEVE, LOVE, FORGIVENESS and JUSTICE can change the WORLD. *LOVE one person a DAY to change the WORLD *It is our FUTURE, our HOPE and our SECURITY,; *May the GOD of LOVE bless your DAY;’’’LOVE you ALL The West wind and the SPIRITUAL EARTH QUAKE Going on NOW- (Jeremiah23.19-20., Exod19.4-6,9-12,15-20,.Exod14.13-14., Exod10.19,Ps101.5-8.,1Cor3.11-13. ,Exod3.1-14,.Rev4.5,.Rev5.1-6,Gen1.1-3,14-19,Acts9.3-16).
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 06:20:13 +0000

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