2108 male I Do Not Have Any Sympathy or Grief For Kids Died in - TopicsExpress


2108 male I Do Not Have Any Sympathy or Grief For Kids Died in Peshawar Attack and this feeling came to me when I saw a girl hungry from past 2 days, shivering at mid night in Mumbai winter.Yes, seeing her, made me realize that I do lot of things on facebook to show my sadness on many dis-heartening events. Yes likemost of you, I also reacted on Peshawar School Attack. I changed my profile pic as a Candle, wrote on various pages, showed my fury and did everything that we do to show our emotional reactions.But isn’t it easy to read some news on attacks and miseries happening across the World and feel disgusted while talking over a cup of tea, feeling you have done your part of role in the society? Do you think that sharing your or someone else’s thoughts online is going to make a difference in our SOCIAL well being? You cannot bring the change by sharing news on social media. Actions speak louder than words. TAKE ACTION! Here are some questions that might change the way we act: 1. Do people die ONLY due to terrorists attack? Do you know, 10 million kids die every year of chronic hunger and hunger-related disease? Instead of feeling sorry for kids died, can you feed a hungry homeless child? 2. Does putting a black DOT display pic can save a child from feeling cold? Instead of that can you help a child outside your house/locality who is shivering in cold by providing a blanket? 3. You might have donated your eyes after death to an NGO and declared it on FB. What about donating blood which will save 4 different lives with just 1 unit. ‘I can’t. I booze a lot’ might be your inner voice’s answer to this. 4. I am against the candle march that people do to mourn over a tragedy. Do you have that same fire inside you? Honestly, has it affected people who do wrong in any manner? 5. You are virtually present everywhere online. What about your social presence when elections and public participation is required? ‘Ohh! Are you kidding? I have other jobs to do. This country will never change.’ 6. You share and like most of the feminist posts. Did you ever saved an unknown girl from getting harassed in public places? 7. One of my friend told me he cleaned his desktop and organized all icons! But how about cleaning our country? Give respect to people who clean our surroundings. 8. Another one got ‘SAVE TREES’ printed on 1000 paper sheets for distribution. Intelligent, isn’t it? Do things smartly, save environment by minimizing the usage of paper, electricity, using mass-transit systems as much as possible. 9. Do you share and like all the posts sharing the analysis of low literacy rate of India? Have you ever tried educating at least one Indian? By questioning you, I do not mean that you stop doing what you do on social networking sites. It helps in spreading awareness but along with awareness we needto give priority to ACTIONS that make our society a better place to live. You can criticize me for my views in the comments section Cheers!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 10:03:19 +0000

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