2117. answering-christianity/jews1.htm Talmud. The roots of - TopicsExpress


2117. answering-christianity/jews1.htm Talmud. The roots of the hatred. To maintain the title of chosen eugenics is necessary. Genetic isolation in the midst of multiplicity, would demand a very strict and discriminating code of ethos. Nihilistic reversal where gene>meme become meme>gene. The identifier is the meme, the idea(l), in this case a chosen people, by God, for their meekness, inferiority, weakness. Weakness becomes power - the second reversal - quantity overcome quality. Monotheism is taken out of Egypt, by the slaves who are liberated by god - chosen to wander (suffer) the desert as outcasts (landless, anti-chtonic). The Egyptian pyramid is reversed. The Egyptian attitude towards time is appropriated, and hierarchies are inverted. strong = weak weak = strong nature = evil god = good, where god resides outside time/space, or the causation chain of nature. God is placed where the Pharaoh sat upon his throne pinnacle. The wandering chosen ones must have come into contact with Zoroastrianism in Babylon, before they were expelled from there - presumably being spiritually authoritarian and selling yourself as part of the entitled would make you hateful amongst people more open to all forms of spirituality. Later they come into contact with Hellenism, producing Christianity - not through Christ, a half-breed (Roman/Jew), but Paul (Saul), a full blooded Jew. A marketing opportunity, selling itself to the lowest-common-denominator in the human spirit, and in the socioeconomic hierarchies of Roman Empire. The Roman interpretation of Hellenism became fertile ground for this memetic dis-ease to spread and flourish amongst the lower social strata. Heidegger goes into how Roman Civilization is, in many ways, antithetical to Hellenic Culture. He uses the way in which concepts were understood, and in particular something as fundamental as the idea of truth, which we, in the Anglo-Saxon west have inherited from the Romans (veritas), in comparison to the original Hellenic conception of alehteia. This inheritance cannot be dismissed as inapplicable in todays world. The ideas of choseness persists, and such ideas as entitlement, due to birth, and the inversion of hierarchies where words, detached from their role as symbols of the phenomena, can be inverted in reference retaining only their attachment in the noetic code of definitions, is part of what we call Modernity. Modernity, is not only about material/physical techniques/technologies, but more so about psychological/mental techniques and technologies. A culture establishes a regimented, ritualized, behavioral pattern - which also relates to conceptions of success and ambition in the socioeconomic sense. It provides the tools and the means, to facilitate this way of living - this uniforming lifestyle, that differs only on a superficial level, remaining true to shared standards of evaluating and measuring value. Along with the materials, and the technologies and the training in physical techniques, all individuals are also given noetic training - they are given mental techniques. These shared techniques are accessible for the right amount of money and effort, creating a uniformity in thinking. Once the technique is learned it can be repeated in regards to any phenomenon and a y form of data. It is a learned way of dealing with phenomena, creating the illusion of parity because techniques are made to require a minimal amount of inherited qualities. The uprootedness of the Egyptian slave, the Jew - a resemblance with Gypsies or Roma in Europe - is a fundamental part of the Jewish psyche. From meme to gene inversion establishes a counter-nature attitude, where the ruling entity must be placed in some ethereal realm where no man can reach and so none can aspire towards. God, is replaced by the abstraction of idea(l) - a Platonic, purified, noetic projection. Jew - Christian - Islam - Communism - Humanism...the binding concept being victim (sinner): powerlessness reversing this inheritance into a redefinition of power. And if meekness must contradict itself to attain power, while selling itself as the eternal victim, a change of strategy might avoid the paradox. If meme cannot maintain itself as gene, or root itself from its uprooted essence without contradicting its identity, then selling the idea(l) of uprootedness as a liberation from the determining, constricting past (nature) is an alternative. Uproot all man from nature, from his past, from his heritage, from his essence, to make your own anti-nature nihilism less conspicuous. Marketing is required. Once more manipulating and exploiting human nature, while selling the idea that there is no such thing as human nature (man too complex to be categorized); spreading shame in relation to ones own nature, ones own blood, as Freud did; equating the attachment as a rigid fascism, a product of fear; promoting the possible, within the acceptable, as a viable alternative lifestyle, where man can reinvent himself continuously if he purchases the means, because the right is innate; the equation of resistance with fear and hatred to diminish it; the popularization of identifying with vitcimhood, where Jewishness becomes a shared bond in a world full of innocent victims of injustice, prejudice, unfairness, bullying, and so on; the indirect promotion of choseness where one is born with the right to be treated in a common way - born in entitlement.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 15:01:36 +0000

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