2173. A man enters a river. The river is flowing down the - TopicsExpress


2173. A man enters a river. The river is flowing down the mountainside. Some parts faster others slower (locality). Is the man static? No. Only in reference to the flowing river is the fluidity of the mans corporeality more static - not absolutely static...MORE static, or less fluid, to be precise. The mans relative substance (re)acts to the flow of the river...he resists it. He exerts energy to maintain his place...and if he wishes to move upstream he must multiply the energies being used. Absolute order would be a state of no flow...and so non-existent. Order, the singularity, is the absence of dimensions...of space/possibility. It is one, encompassing a singular possibility which can be thought of as an absolute probability. But, there is no absolute, and so even the conception of a singularity is of an incomplete, near-absolute. Chaos is the expansion of space/possibility, veering towards the infinite. Energies would be uniformly distributed eventually coming to a state of almost absolute uniformity.... Infinite possibility means an absence of probability. Probability is also a word for ordering, or pattern. Something is more probable when there is a discernible pattern, an order, which makes it predictable. Probability is a restriction of possibility....veering towards the absolute , as in absolute order, the singularity. Saying something is probable is saying that not all possibilities apply to it. Randomness is the reverse. Infinite possibilities...as in expanding space, where probabilities, ordering, slowly declines towards a state of uniformity - all possibilities becoming equally possible. In my view it is this increasing state of possibilities which makes the emergence of new near-absolute singularities - new universes - possible. How is chaos created...from a singularity towards expanding space/time multiplicities, tending towards uniformity? Through the (inter)action of different levels of fluidity. Different levels of fluidity (flux) being what we call different patterns, different rates of ordering - different types of matter/energy. Interaction produces fiction, attrition. A pattern loses a small part of its flow. This energy becomes a free-radical, so to speak. And here lies the crux of the matter. Does this energy cutting away from a pattern retain a lower level of fluidity, changing, in effect, its type through the interaction, or does some of it lose all pattern and become random energy free-floating in time/space, still interacting but lacking order? I say both. Some of the energy splintering off degrades in ordering, becoming another form of matter/energy...a different type of ordering...and some is reduced to pure chaos - randomness. This slow accumulation of free-radical energies, lacking any pattern, are what is increasing chaos. Particles seem to pop out of nothing and then vanish, because they cannot maintain any order. In such a state life is impossible, because life depends on predictable patterns...and thats why we find them so attractive....beautiful, inspiring...delightful...and we long for that singularity in the past: we long for completion. It being a Death-wish. The desire to be ONE and to be None are both death-wishes - nihilism. In such a state, no patterns, would mean that nothing ordered would maintain itself for long. No matter would exist. Everything would become unpredictable, energy interacting with no pattern... But lets say randomness is not a fact...that chaos means increasing complexity. Here interactivity would tend towards uniformity due to interaction. All energy would eventually vibrate on the same wavelength...and be uniformly distributed. This means no divergence would be possible, and divergence is required for life to emerge, contrary to what nihilists think who worship the end of life. With no divergence there is no evolution, no bone, no skin, no blood, no other species, no other matter, all is the same. With no divergence there is no consciousness as there is nothing to be conscious of. Consciousness is the perception of divergence. The perception of similarity comes after the fact... The mind sees a difference and then in that difference it perceives a similarity with another. The mind must be other-than before it can perceive in the other a similarity. Divergence is a precondition to the perception of similarity. I first see other, then I see similarities between other and myself, or this other and that other...and I create categories. Similarities are of degree, and not absolute; not even clones are absolutely alike...not even one is absolutely the same as one ten minutes ago. Absolute similarity would be a description of the singularity of of the uniformity of chaos ...both different sides of the same nihilistic coin.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:41:11 +0000

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