21ST DECEMBER LOVE TIE WALK IN THE PARK 2014. Do you want - TopicsExpress


21ST DECEMBER LOVE TIE WALK IN THE PARK 2014. Do you want to come over to my place? in till the rain stops. I only live around the corner. James asked as he put on his jacket. If thats ok. Thank you Maria said nervously. They hurried out of the pub and into an alleyway. The alleyway led them to a block of flats. Rain trickled down the drain pipes. And into the gutter underneath them. An occasional tweet of a bird could be heard. The wind was picking up also. James lead Maria into a white hallway. It smelt like a hotel. Clean and fresh. They arrived at his door and James unlocked it. Welcome to my humble abode. James said as they entered and shut the door behind them. Maria looked around the apartment. ***************************************************************** (Wondering if this night had meant something to him. However their was a very strong possibility. That he did this with other girls too. And why shouldnt he? James was single and attractive. However thinking this made Maria feel cheap. To think of herself as just a girl that he invited round. Maybe one of the many girls that he had round. What did she even mean to him? I suppose time would tell. )
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 19:11:00 +0000

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