21ST JANUARY, 2015 [FRIDAY] LESSON NINETY[90] : MISSIONARY CHALLENGES Continuation / - 1. MISSIONARY OBJECTIVES Firstly let see the wrong objectives: a. To teach the true brotherhood of man, it overlook the vital sin question for the Bible says All have sins and fall short of the glory of God b. To reconcile all men and sinners ultimately to God. Jesus has already accomplished this on Calvary for the Bible says There is no other name in heaven, or on earth or under the earth, whereby man be saved, but only through Jesus alone, c. To seek to uplift the people through civilization and development. This cannot save one soul from eternal hell. d. Pleasure, adventure, escape from boredom, an easy task, are false and unsteady motives that soon wear off. Let see the true objectives: a. Obedience to the command of God, in the great commission Matt 28:19,Go ye therefore, and teach all nations. Mark 16:15,Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to all creature. b. Acceptance the will of God for our lives. Eph 2:10, and walk in certain good works: Rom 12:1-2 c. A passion for the soul of men Psa 126:6, Matt 9:36 d. A desire to preach the Gospel, beseech men to turn from sin to God Acts 3:26, Ezek 33:1-3,Turn ye from your evil ways. e. To establish Christians in the truth Heb 5:12 f. To establish indigenous churchs that will become self-propagating Titus 1:5 II. MISSIONARY MOTIVES 1. External motives: The pre-believers temporal conditions c. Their moral condition c. Their spiritual condition Eph 2: 2. Internal motives: a. Loyalty to the Master we serve John 10:16, II Sam 23:15-16 b. Gratitude to the Master who has redeemed us c. Love Him John 21:15-17 III. MISSIONARY PRINCIPLES 1. The main aim of mission is to make Christ known to all men as the Saviour from sin. a. It is a unique aim b. It is a distinctive aim c. It is a determining aim 2. The policy of missions is to widest diffusion The field is the world In the Book of Acts God used persecution to scatter the Christians as to reach greater areas with the blessed Godpel. 3. The Saviour command is individual and personal,go ye, and the mission rests upon every member of the body of Christ. When God calls one to service He calls by name, Gen 22:1, John 21:15 Paul was a Jew, so when Jews rejected him, God sent him far away to the Gentiles Acts 9:15c, Acts 22:21 God may send missionaries even to utmost part of the earth, so that ever knee shall bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is their Lord and personal Saviour.. Amen Have a nice and blessed weekend.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:14:48 +0000

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