22.12.2014, 7 p.m. Walked down to the Club of the colony. In the - TopicsExpress


22.12.2014, 7 p.m. Walked down to the Club of the colony. In the Club there is a huge hall for a library, but hardly any books there. A good library is essential for the upliftment of the mind. In Western countries which I visited there are good libraries in all towns, even in small towns. In Fremont, which is a small town in North California where I stay with my daughter, there is a good Municipality library where I go frequently to read and borrow books. In bigger cities of U.S.A. Canada, Europe etc there are really fantastic libraries. These libraries are usually crowded, which means people there are keen to increase their knowledge. In Allahabad, where I spent most of my life, I regularly visited the Public Library in Alfred Park. It is an old library, but with few new books. Evidently little government grants are given to it. I suppose the same is the situation in most libraries in India. Many important books are not there. I have prepared and handed over a letter which will be posted on the notice boards of all the Towers in the colony appealing to all residents in the colony to donate books, particularly serious books on history, biography,literature, science, philosophy, economics, etc In the letter I have mentioned that I will be taking a personal interest in the library, as I am myself a keen reader of books. There should preferably be a trained librarian, and a good catalogue, and books arranged systematically subject wise. This will be particularly beneficial to the children living in the colony Let us see the response.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 13:49:27 +0000

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