22/7/2014. Jay Shri Krishna We are discussing the knowledge. - TopicsExpress


22/7/2014. Jay Shri Krishna We are discussing the knowledge. Buddha Said: “Everything arises and passes away. When you can see this, you are above sorrow.” Why you are depressed? Because you voluntarily created it and feared it will be permanent. But Buddha says there is nothing permanent. The spring comes and goes, the autumn comes and goes. Seeds are turning into trees and trees are turning into seeds. This entire universe is hide and seeks game by the seed and tree. You were born, became teenaged, youth, old aged, wrinkled, and now will die. You will be burnt, ashes flown to farms, grain grew out of it, went to your home, and your grandson ate you. What you are eating may be your great grandfather. River-water flows to sea, sun heat turns it into vapors, clouds formed, again went on the mountains and rained there, and again that water finds its way to sea. This game is going on since millions of years. Nature is always changing. A man with wisdom knows this and becomes witness to this entire phenomenon. He for sure knows that neither he nor anybody else is doing this. It is Nature that is doing this. He knows that it is not he but the Nature that has to transact the job. It is not his but Nature’s need to implement the task. So wiseman becomes non entity and allows the Nature to do it through him. Now he is sorrow less man. Why you have sorrow because you have hurry. You believe that you have to do the activity, otherwise it will remain undone. You believe that you can prevent the change. You either want to keep the Nature static or to force it to work in the opposite direction or either you want to expedite the process or slow down it. In short, you want to do something to satisfy your ego. This is your clash with the Nature. The Nature is infinite. You are without any noticeable existence. You are part of the Nature. And a part can’t force the whole to change its direction or course of action. Where the wise man floats in the flow of the Nature, you either try to cling to bank or try to swim in the opposite direction of the flow. If you are also swimming in the direction of the Nature then you are not happy with the vehemence of the Nature and either you want to increase or decrease it. In every case you are always trying to clash with the Nature. And this is the reason of your sorrow. That is the reason of your depression. It is not that the Nature has any charm for the wise man. In fact the Nature identifies the live and not the body of the wise man, as the Cell network identifies the SIM and not the instrument of the mobile. And the live of ignorant and the wise man are one and the same. Buddha says that everything rises and passes away. This life has risen and has to pass away. The very purpose of the life is just to pass away. It is like a bubble of the soap. It come on its own, uncaused, and eclipses on its own, uncaused. But you want the bubble here for permanent. Each time you have seen that bubble coming and going in a minute, yet each time you mistook to see it permanently. This is the cause of your sorrow, and depression. So Buddha says everything arises and passes away. When you imbibe this fact in your life you are above sorrow. There is no reason for sorrow, it is a cause for a surprise. The journey from ignorant to wise man is the journey from sorrow to surprise, exclamation. So don’t try to pull or push the events. You just can’t. Nature has its schedule, allow Nature the independence to work accordingly. Tell your ego to calm down and let the Nature fulfills its obligation. This is the way to not only do away the sorrow, but to be happy also. May God bless you.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:32:18 +0000

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