22 Branhamism is nothing other than a pontifical ministry between - TopicsExpress


22 Branhamism is nothing other than a pontifical ministry between pentecostalism and the midnight Cry! And now branhamism is like a pentecostal sieve in the hands of the Almighty God who sent the midnight Cry. Each sermon of the midnight Cry shakes the pentecostal sieve. And if a camel can pass through a needle’s eye, you will also pass through the hole of this sieve if you are a chosen one. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!] Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe KACOU 96: ON DAN.7:13 -14 (Preached first on Sunday morning, April 25, 2010, in Adjamé, Abidjan–Ivory Coast / Ref.11-13) 1 ... Given the progression of the Message over the world, I have decided not to filter the calls I receive anymore. So anyone can call me now, even from a public phone booth. My two phone numbers remain: (+225) 77010100 / 44444409 2 May God bless you brethren, I come to the questions! ... Brother Philippe, if a brother or sister is travelling for some reason, when can he be a brother of the assembly of the place that he frequents? There is no time or reason allotted for that. Everything will depend on him. Whatever the duration, he will make the choice according to his will. 3 Brother Philippe, can a brother whose wife is not submissive or does not believe the Message hold a responsibility in the congregation? Yes brother, he cannot be a pastor or a preacher but he can do the other tasks. 4 And I stress that for all these tasks, the wife, if she is a sister, has to certify before the congregation that her husband is worthy to carry it on. Thus, when the message is accepted in a church, that is what will be done. A leader [a person entrusted to conduct the prayers], on behalf of all, will have all those who have a task stand up before the congregation, beginning with the pastor, the preachers and others. He will first address his wife saying: Sister so and so before God and before men, do you certify that the brother is worthy of the task we entrust to him? And she will raise her hand and say, Yes, I certify that he is worthy! and the congregation will be addressed. But if she says: No, he is not worthy! He must immediately get seated. She does not have to give any reason. You see? She is the only person from among you who is in the secret and intimate life of the pastor, preacher, elder or others. If this one has impure things or does unworthy things, she knows it and if she betrays the congregation, she will have to answer for it before God. And if she comes to confess it one day, the congregation cannot pray for her. And then, after her, the leader will say to the congregation: Is there anybody in the audience who does not agree that the brother holds this responsibility? He that raises his hand has to give a good reason; otherwise the congregation will pray and the leader will come to the next one. Year after year, this is not renewable except after a very serious mistake. But I think that when a pastor has led you to the Message of your time, it would be good to have him as the pastor again, if possible. 5 Brother Philippe, when the Lord says that among all the born of women, there is not a greater than John, is He Himself included? Yes brother! That is why he specified saying among all the born of women ... because he was not born of a man and a woman but only of a woman. John is the greatest of all the priests because he presented an eternal sacrifice, that of a spiritual Lamb that came down from Heaven and as a prophet, he presented Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, whereas all the other prophets presented Jesus in the written or spoken form. But Jesus says he is the littlest in the kingdom of the heavens, yet the kingdom of the heavens, it is the prophet! You see? If we stick to his ministry as a prophet, he is the littlest but as for the priesthood, he is above all, including the prophets! Christianity consists in two things: the prophet and the priesthood. Aaron is the father of the priesthood but John the Baptist is the greatest of all the priests as Mat.25: 6 is for all the prophets according to Rev.12:14 because he reveals Christ. These are the two ministries which are particularly linked to Christ. 6 Also, brethren, I inform you that Zipporah had come back home as I had wished it. But a few days ago, for a small reproach, she left again saying she will no more come back. Having as ever no heart even for her children, still young. Brethren, I did what I could; just ignore it, as if there is nothing. And I have always said she has never believed the Message; that is why, even in her guiles, I have never baptised so far because I am a prophet! 7 I inform you that the invitations are being forwarded and by early June, our brethren who are abroad will start coming for their baptism and consecration. They have to come before shots burst out here again. It is Gabon that will set the tone! There will come people from the whole world. There are lambs with repenting hearts that are coming! In the same way, you have the greetings of the assembly in Aokas Wilaya, it is in Bejaia in Algeria. I also greet pastor Daniel Ungur in Zengo-Mutchapa, pastor Ezekiel Ulama in Lumvor-Lakaya, pastor Abishai Umirambe, pastor Michael Umul and all their assemblies. One day, when one of them gets to Uganda or even to Rwanda, to brother Shimiyimana for example, he will say: I’m brother so and so whom the prophet talked of in such a sermon and they will listen to him. We have also brother Pemosso Prejes in Oklahoma City, U.S. who heralds the Message and brother Augustin Koki in England, who looks after the English translation of the Message ... 8 There is no room here for the Samballat and Tobijah who spend their time attacking my person and writing to all the embassies saying that I am the most dangerous man to be so that I may never be granted a visa to travel. What if I am the one who issues the visa to heaven? [Ed: The congregation says Amen!]. Also, the pastor Robenson in Haiti told me to pass on his greetings to you. He said: I still believe the Message and you are my prophet! [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!]. 9 Brethren, flood the earth with the midnight Cry sermons! Whether written or in audio and be pure of the blood of the sons of men! Find a small opportunity and send a preaching like Pronounce the Judgement into the phone of a friend so he may know what God has done in this generation. All the elect in this generation will come here to the midnight Cry. All the virgins of William Branham who are alive in this hour of midnight will come here while the descendants of Azusa Street will remain there, looking for signs! 10 And there is one of them who wanted me to give him a sign to show that I am a true prophet. He was fixing to get married. He had started the procedures! And I said: If I am a true prophet, let your marriage with that girl named Martha never take place. I shut that in heaven and on earth on the base of the mission that I received on April 24, 1993. This is the miracle that I give you. It is now two years. And after having called all the fires upon me, he talks about taking me to court. You see? Yet, he wanted a miracle ... They do not understand anything! 11 The brethren had a meeting with some muslim leaders. They understand the concept of prophet better than any christian of those churches ... They know that a prophet does not have to come and say what is already in the Bible! They told the brethren: a messenger (rassûl ) is a prophet to whom a Message has been revealed that is a shari`a which makes the preceding one obsolete. But a nabi is a prophet who has no message, no book. In the Koran it is said: laysha kula nabi rasul, wa lakin kulu rasul nabi which means any prophet is not a messenger but any messenger is a prophet . And they were obliged to admit that I have got all the aspects of a rassûl! But this, catholics, protestants, evangelicals and branhamists do not know it. It was the first time those muslims met such people! And I told the brethren: Leave them alone, its not yet time for them. 12 Well, now I want to talk about Dan.7: 13 ... In the Old Testament, God sent many angels to Israel and when he sent an angel and that angel completed what he had been sent for, the redemption for which He sent them was not yet acquired. He sent another and then another until He Himself took a body to come down on earth because He Himself is the Angel of Gods covenant with Israel. But He is also the Angel of Gods covenant with the nations that is why, after the seven angels, He Himself came to earth! [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!]. 13 Daniel said: I saw in the night visions, and behold, there came with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man, and he came up even to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. Amen! Dan.7: 13. One like a son of man! And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. 14 Far back, in the Old Testament, in the book of Esther, He appeared after the seven chamberlains of king Ahasuerus had failed! When the seven stars in His right hand failed, He came Himself because He is the greatest of the stars, He is the star of David, and you know according to Rev.11 that He will show Himself as the bright and morning star! Amen! When Balaam said a star would come out of Jacob, that star was not Paul, Irenaeus, Martin, Columban, Luther, Wesley and Branham but Jesus Christ Himself! 15 Look upon the cover of the green book, there are only seven stars according to branhamists but at midnight, we can see that the great eagle who carries them in his wings is Himself the great star! Amen! After the four living creatures of Eze.1, a fifth one comes out upon the clouds of the heavens. He has the ministry of Jesus! Amen! John says: In the midst of the four living creatures, a fifth living creature was there as slain. It was him who came down on April 24 with the mystery of the unknown language. He came and preached it on earth! Amen! 16 Look at Dan.7:13-14, the Ancient of days was sitting there with His seven elders before him! And He said: Who can unveil the devil and put an end to the seduction that is reigning on earth? Paul said: Here I am Lord, send me! Then he was purified, made white and refined and sent as a leader on earth with the Word, signs and wonders with the seal of infallibility to perpetuate the Bible! He completed his mission and was gathered with his lot. And behold, seduction was still on earth! He sent several other angels and behold, the land was still corrupt, the devil had organised his children and had invented and perfected new methods of corruption and sin. And the Ancient of days sent another one, then another one, then another one, then another one, up to the seventh ... When William Branham was up there, in the presence of God, he could see the devil. He could see him in his languages, his movements, his hideouts ... but once he came down, everything got blurred! As an eagle, he unveiled the devil hidden in catholic, protestant and evangelical churches and when the devil got into his King James bible, he could no longer see him! Suddenly everything was blurred! He took up, shook and looked into everything but there was no devil ... he had taken up, shaken and look into everything, including the pulpit except his King James bible. And God called him back, he also slept with his people! 17 And when Daniel saw that God had sent the seven old men, the seven angels who are the seven stars of Rev.1:20 and that after that the branhamists also went on dividing into ism and ism, and rejoiced despite that, Daniel got sad. Brethren, he must have wept! But a word came out saying: Do not weep ... Daniel. And Daniel said: I saw in the night visions, and behold, there came with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man, and he came up even to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. Amen! Dan.7: 13. One like a son of man! And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed It is Rev.5:4-5. You see? 18 And thats what happens here in Rev.12. John saw the great eagle giving his wings to the Bride of Christ on earth. When Isaiah said that mountains would be made plain, this got fulfilled without any earthquake. Who is this one who gives his two wings to the Bride of Christ on earth? The Bible says that John started to worship him and William Branham said he would be a glorious character, that is to say the manifestation of Christ because Christ is glorious; and yet where is he? 19 Now notice this: Four living creatures here in the right hand of God, four horsemen there in the right hand of the devil! And when you see the four horsemen of the seven seals, know that there are four horsemen who are the seven messengers of God! And after that, the great Horseman Himself appears in Rev.19! Four living creatures then the Lamb with the little book; four living creatures then the Lamb with the unknown language. Seven angels then the Angel of Jehovah in the Old Testament! Seven princes, seven angels before Ahasuerus, seven chamberlains on earth but another earthly angel, Hegai urged on by the seventh heavenly angel who is Memucan! 20 Now, who is this eagle? This eagle is the great eagle that holds the seven stars! And we can exactly see there, on this book, the imprint of the seven stars of the Lamb! ... Where does he come from? Where is this Cry that stirs up and awakes those virgins from? William Branham, in the sermon: Spirit of truth, that he preached on January 18, 1963 in Phoenix, Arizona, said in paragraph 43: It may be my going-home time. It looks very much that way. If it is, there will rise somebody after me, that’ll take the Message on. He’ll be an odd person, but he’ll rise after this and take the Message on. And you listen to it. As long as it’s Scripture, stay with it. Amen! 21 He says: an odd person, someone who will slip in, coming from somewhere else, outside of the evening time. So it will not be a branhamist because the Bible says that all the ten virgins grew heavy, slept, including the best and the most spiritual among them. Including Ewald Frank, Barilier, Barutti Kasongo, Donald Parnell, Pierre Kas ... But an odd person shall come and do that and the wise and prudent and even the foolish virgins shall come forth! And I got the call and commission and everything before I could hear the name of William Branham. 22 Branhamism is nothing other than a pontifical ministry between pentecostalism and the midnight Cry! And now branhamism is like a pentecostal sieve in the hands of the Almighty God who sent the midnight Cry. Each sermon of the midnight Cry shakes the pentecostal sieve. And if a camel can pass through a needle’s eye, you will also pass through the hole of this sieve if you are a chosen one. [Ed: The congregation says, Amen!] We are going to sing O what a joy my heart is full of! ... Print this chapter Send this page to a friend back to the list matth25v6.org - Copyright © April 2007 Registration of Copyright ® All rights reserved
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 14:04:23 +0000

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