22 Days of Tribulation Day 8: Debunking the idea God puts - TopicsExpress


22 Days of Tribulation Day 8: Debunking the idea God puts tribulation on you. Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no nor ever shall be . To really understand the end, you must understand the beginning. This is after Adam and Eve sinned. Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is becomes as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever. Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken. Most people think God kicked Adam out of the Garden. But he had mercy on Adam. Can you imagine living forever in this world never diying. Living with cancer forever. Living with a deformity forever. God had mercy and sent them out so they wouldnt live forever in a sinful body. But now God draws us towards the tree of life which is the Cross so we can take from its fruit which is Christ and live forever. You say what about the flood. God killed. Yes he did. And if he didnt the world was so bad that we wouldnt had a virgin left for Jesus to be born. Those in the ark were saved. I dont have enough time to go into how the ark correlates to Jesus but it does. And in that ark we will live. John 3:16 You say what about the Law. God ordered the killing of man who broke the Sabbath. Yes he did. You see God had protected Cain, a man who murdered his brother. God was not imputing sins on man before the law. Romans 5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law, So why did God bring the law? So sin would abound. Romans 5:20,21 Moreover the law entered that that the offence might abound, But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord. The law came so peoples sin would be magnified. This is why in Hebrews 10:2 The Bible says we are not to have a sin conscience but to always Always put our mind on the one who cleansed us. Other scriptures that back that up: Heb 1:3, 2 Pet 1:9 Roms 8:1 Example: trying not to over eat. Gluttony it is a sin. Always thinking about your weight over and over will cause you to eat more. Thinking about Christ ALL THE TIME will cause you to put that sin off in your mind thus you eat less. This is applicable to all sin. And Titus 1:15 says people that have a sin conscience always accuse other people of their sin because instead of thinking about Jesus, all they think about is their sin and other peoples sin. They live under condemnation, and bring others under condemnation. PHARISEES!!!! So Jesus came to uphold the law, which no man could for us. So that we would be pure. But why was Jesus so harsh. he said if you look upon a woman you have already sinned in your heart. Cut out your eye. Cut off your hand if it offend thee. Why was he saying this. He was talking to Pharisee Jews who though they were righteous by their works, and Jesus was saying you think your righteous enough to get into Heaven. Then Jesus told them what righteous really was. He was the only one who could fullfill the law. Now we establish the law. Not by trying to do it, but by proclaiming the one that did... If you are reading Matt-John and some other parts of the New Testament you must ask yourself is Jesus or his disciples talking to us or the Jews... This will change the way you see the New Testament. And then you have Jesuss disciples. And they are saying you are free from the law. You are righteous and Holy. You have been sanctified, justified, Holyfied and perfected forever. That you are a new creature, old things have past away, all things are new. That you have been CREATED in righteousness and holiness. Put on Christ not just in heart but by renewing your mind. Renewing your mind to Jesus. So does that mean we sin. Paul said about six times this in his letters God Forbid. Sin is bad and can harm you and those around you. But if we put on the new Christ and always always look to him with a clear conscience then we will be holyier than we ever have before. Not by thinking about ourselves but by putting our minds on Jesus. I know this for a fact because this teaching from JESUS has helped me be an overcomer. Then you have Revelations and the tribulation. We are in the ark. We are protected from Gods wrath. And that wrath is stored up in vials until the end. And then angels are flying over ministering to the people and 144,000 Super Jew/Christian Hybrids that are just like Jesus going out, preaching his word.... So ask yourself Why doesnt God just kill those on the Earth. Hes trying to bring them into subjection so they cry out I do need you God. He loves them and in a last ditch effort is trying to get them to see how wicked they are and to turn before it is too late.... Oct 4th 2011 I almost killed myself but like these in the tribulation I saw that I needed God and cried out for Jesus Culture and he came.....
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 20:36:32 +0000

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