22 October : What the Gentiles did with the True Gospel of the - TopicsExpress


22 October : What the Gentiles did with the True Gospel of the Kingdom (4) Let us continue to receive light concerning this dangerous era in which we live: in which those redeemed from among the Gentiles are in the driving seat of the gospel program. #.6. Mystery Babylon The mixture of political power and religious authority created a new reality that is Mystery Babylon! Mystery Babylon is an amorphous system and way of life in which Yahweh is not on center stage. Doomed for ultimate destruction, Mystery Babylon is the prevalent spirit ruling all facets of life on earth today! It is the driving force behind any assumed worship which deviates from the simplicity of the gospel! Read the warning from above and flee for your life: Revelation 18:1-6 (KJV) 18 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. 2 And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. 3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies. 4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. 5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. 6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. Babylon infiltrated and has been assimilating the Protestant Movement! Let us continue to see how Babylon or the prevailing spirit of the world has manifested especially in the Protestant Movement starting from the generation that saw Martin Luther and his epic campaign. This goes to show that the spiritual disease Yahweh is warning the Elect remnant of is truly all pervasive! Protestants have long reviled Rome and its religious structure. But Protestants fared no better. All the things we shared in #.1-5 above have been manifested both within Rome as well as the Protestant Movement. As heaven revealed some time ago, the time has come when Protestant leaders should eat humble pie and apologize to the Pope in Rome because most things protested against in the past are now the norm! Let us see some more specific manifestations of Babylon that are unique to Protestants. #.7. Permanent Division contrary to the express instruction and Prayers of Yeshua Yeshua gave His life to redeem those that would become His Body: one indivisible, organic spiritual entity encompassing people of all races, ethnicities, tribes, gender, age groups, economic capacities who are translated from the rule of Satan into His Kingdom. His express instructions were for saints in Him to love one another and live in unity and sealed it with fervent prayers to Abba. John 13:34-35; John 15:12-14; John 17. Apostle Paul was used to clarify the organic nature of the Body in several epistles especially Romans Chapter 12:1-8; 1 Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:1-16. But Satan has successfully triggered a situation whereby saints have embraced division and divisiveness as the new normal. Divisions have been wired into the organized Church, manifesting as: 7.1. Denominationalism This is the strange construct whereby Christians are programmed to see themselves and derive their basic identity according to the ministry where they are planted and have primary allegiance to human leaders. This is a direct contradiction! Saints should individually have primary allegiance to King Yeshua to the degree that any instruction contrary to His given by men is automatically negated as Peter counselled in Acts 4:19. In the same way, saints in communities, cities, nations and globally should see themselves first as members of His Body and then as those planted in specific congregations to be taught, trained, equipped, activated and released into the Royal Priesthood! Saints are not owned by their Pastors to whom this word is given: 1 Peter 5:1-4. 7.2. Gender based fellowshipping This new attempt to divide the body along lines of Gender is not from Yahweh who wants saints to know each other by the Spirit (our gifts and callings) rather than by the flesh! To create exclusively Male clubs and Sisters Sororities in any shape or form is to give space to Satan to divide the Body. 7.3. Racism in House of Yahweh It is to the shame of the gospel in the Western world that Racism is the biggest barrier hindering people from becoming united. In several cities, the racial divisions are so pronounced that hatred for other races is a normal lifestyle of people who claim to be redeemed and even Spirit filled! 7.4 Emergence of the ethnic gospel In the Third world, the same spirit fosters ethnicization of the gospel. People become members of congregations according to ethnicity of the Pastor and composition of the people. There is no room for Holy Spirit to guide. 7.5. Class consciousness and favouritism extended to wealthy people What saints are warned to avoid favouritism on the basis of economic means and social stature is now the new norm! James 2:1-10 #.8. Exaltation of Mammon in the House of Yahweh Look at what Protestants have done: built high places for Mammon where money is exalted and saints encouraged to make covetousness a way of life thinking they are exercising faith. Money is useful and needed for living and for fulfilling Kingdom assignments. Unfortunately the way money is taught about and the way ministers pursue and raise it clearly contradicts the core of Kingdom teachings on it in Matthew 6:19-34 and 1 Timothy 6:6-10. #.9. Mis-Management of Revivals Various visitations of the Holy Spirit have been mis-managed because of the spirit of Babylon. Even the mighty Azusa street revival was fairly squandered when racism reared its ugly head. #.10. Modern Towers of Babel Yahweh wants us to increase and multiply and fill the whole earth with His glory and Kingdom. We remember that in Nimrod the divine principle in Genesis 1:28 was reversed as he rather subdued and controlled the will of others and caused building of the original Babylon as well as the Tower of Babel(Genesis 10:8-10; Genesis 11:1-9) In the same way, many Protestant ministries have laid aside the empowerment pattern of Yeshua (Teach, Train, Equip, Activate and Release). This process leads to sending of those identified by Holy Spirit to plant new congregations (not branches controlled by headquarters) and start new overseas missions which extend the frontiers of the Kingdom! In its place, the in thing which many preachers secretly or openly aspire to is to use Marketing tools, not preaching of the Cross and discipleship to gather crowds of unconverted people who are no more than adoring fans and financial sponsors of super preachers. As more tools of Public Relations, Marketing and Advertising are deployed, the preachers become professional salesmen using the anointing and name of Jesus to do works that elevate them in the esteem of the people. Babylon could not be better demonstrated by crowds who are not taught the Cross and the narrow way but encouraged to pursue self ambitions and whatever gives them pleasure! -to be continued... Feel free to share these and other messages posted on Face book by Global School of Ministry with friends and family! They are free of worldly copyright restrictions. Praise the Most High that He has a remnant! If the series on the World since October 1 resonates in your heart, you have company across the world! It is time to do a reality check to discover by the Spirit any vestiges of the world lurking in our minds and hearts so that we can radically reject them and seek total deliverance by our Father! It is time for the remnant that rejects the leaven of the world to do these: Awake> Arise> Align with others of like faith to advance frontiers of the Kingdom! Where ever you live world-wide, please join us for a one hour encounter called DayBreak with the King! It holds every morning by 4.00am CT/5.00 am ET/ 10.00 am GMT-UST. The call in number from is: (US) 267-507-0240 with access code 580374. For those calling from outside USA: 001-267-507-0240 with same access code. The 24/7 Global Kingdom Prayer Chain with volunteers ministering, interceding and warring in the Spirit took off on Monday, October 14. Holy Spirit will use them to establish the ordinance of the Kingdom on behalf of the Elect Remnant over communities, cities, nations, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Queens and all that are in authority and usher in the Presence and Power of Yahweh like never before since history began! Anyone who is sick, under attack or distressed anywhere in the world with access to a telephone line can call in and the son of Yahweh on duty with ministering (angels) on duty will minister life, health, healing, strength, provisions and breakthrough! What an exciting time in the Kingdom! There are still 11 slots remaining to complete the prayer chain. If you have the grace and burden and passion to stand in the gap for just one hour a day, please send an email right away to apostlegsom@gmail and we will contact you! This is a new day for the Elect Remnant!
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:33:28 +0000

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