22 Ways To Promote Your Online Content - So you have written a - TopicsExpress


22 Ways To Promote Your Online Content - So you have written a piece of really great, useful and valuable content for your business besties (AKA your ideal target market)? You should be very proud of yourself. But now the trick is not to just post it to your blog and walk away. You must promote it. Here are 22 ways you can promote your online content from blogs to ebooks and everything in between. 1. Get a short link from Bit.ly or the Pretty Links WordPress plug-in. Bit.ly is uber cool because it helps you track your content’s reach. Email 2. Add it to your newsletter or at least mention it and give the short link to your website. 3. Email it to your clients. 4. Flick it to people you would like to comment or you value their opinion. 5. Email it to people you know super well (can include clients) and ask them to share it among their contacts via email and social. 6. Don’t forget to send it to the people you may have mentioned in the content itself. Social 7. Post it to your Facebook page: Your business fan page and your personal profile. Pose a question or release a statistic. You can also be tricky and change your cover photo to reflect your content. 8. Send it out to your circles on Google Plus. Change it up and give the hot tip. Try not to repeat the same info you just posted on Facebook. Be cooler than that! 9. Get it up on your person LinkedIn profile and your business page, and get a conversation happening. 10. Also post it into a LinkedIn group as a discussion starter. 11. Push it out to your personal page on Twitter, as well as your professional profile. Don’t forget to mention people in the content or those you want to see it using @puttheirnameinhere. Hashtag it with your relevant keywords. 12. Get some word pics made up for Pinterest and Instagram that pull out some cool words and have a link back to your site where the content should be living. You can use Canva or get a graphic designer to do it for you. I use a couple of different graphic designers in case one is busy. Have a cover picture made up. But Fiverr, eLance or oDesk will be able to sort this out for you. 13. Make a short video about it and post to YouTube. It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate, just 30 seconds (no more than a couple of minutes). Grab your smart phone and get recording.NOTE: You can schedule all of these on Hootsuite or Buffer, which also tracks performance so you can see what’s working and what’s not. Website 14. Write a blog about it (promote the blog on social). 15. Have a web page dedicated to it and have links on other internal pages, especially the homepage. 16. Have an opt-in to receive a sample of this amazing premium content you have written. This particular promotion can help build your database too. Partnerships 17. Ask your partners and contacts to plug your content. Of course, you would do something in return for them. 18. Go to your best contacts and ask to do a free ad swap. So you would have an ad for their business on your site and vice versa. This way you could link to a landing page specifically for your piece of content. 19. Join a few online groups and forums, and post it in there. There are plenty of business and industry groups around who allow people to share their knowledge. You just need to be creative about it so it doesn’t look like a shameless plug. Bonus Tips 20. Guest post about it on authoritarian websites. I am a freelance writer and contributor for multiple online publications, some are paid and some are not. It doesn’t really matter in the end because we are all helping each other. 21. Send it to content curation sites such as Scoop.it. 22. Send it out to PR sites. The only thing left to do now is to be on hand to interact with your peeps when they start commenting and be sure to thank anyone personally who you asked to share your content. Content love makes the world go ’round. Images: ”laptop with a world map connected to the blue 3D word CONTENT/ Shutterstock“ __________________________________________________________________________________ Connect with Tweak Your Biz: Would you like to write for Tweak Your Biz? Tweak Your Biz is an international, business advice community and online publication. Today it is read by over 140,000 business people each month (unique visitors, Google Analytics, December, 2013). See our review of 2013 for more information. An outstanding title can increase tweets, Facebook Likes, and visitor traffic by 50% or more. Generate great titles for your articles and blog posts with the Tweak Your Biz Title Generator
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 13:11:44 +0000

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