22ND OCTOBER,2013. MORNING DEVOTION. MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT AMAZING GRACE. TODAYS SCRIPTURE.And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then is it no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. (Romans 11:6 KJV) Good works do not make God love me more. You can study your Bible for several hours in a day and pray fervently yet God will not love you any more than He loves you right now. Good works do not make God love you any more because His love is unconditional! Let me share an experience that changed my attitude towards quiet time. Many believers have problems with inconsistency in their quiet time because it has become a duty. You tend to react wrongly to things that have become duties in your life and Satan gives you all sorts of ideas to avoid doing them. For several years I had my quiet time because I thought God would love me more. I thought God would think I was more spiritual. It affected my health adversely while I was in the University because I wanted to please God by all means. I got up every morning and prayed from 5am to 6am for a year and I never missed a single day. I disciplined and forced myself to get up and pray even when I had malaria or stayed up late to read the night before because I thought it would make God love me more. One of the most profound statements I have ever heard is We do not read the Bible to change Gods opinion about us. But we read the Bible to change our opinion of God. We dont read the Bible to impress Him. You read the Bible, pray and worship God so you change your opinion of God and understand what He is like. In Galatians chapter three Paul started a church in Galatia and taught them to live by grace. After he left some Judaizers taught the Galatians that believing in Christ and keeping the Jewish law makes you a Christian. In Galatians 3:3 Paul said You fools! You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? He also asked thus Id like to learn just one thing from you. Did you receive the Spirit by observing the Law or by believing what you heard. Are you so foolish?After beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort? Have you suffered so much for nothing if it really was for nothing?Does God give you the Spirit and work miracles because you observe the Law or because you believe what you heard? He went on and on and in verse 11 said Clearly no one is justified by the law because the righteous will live by faith. It is all by grace.The opening scripture says And if by grace then it is no longer by works. If it were grace would no longer be grace. Grace and works do not match. It is like oil and water they cannot mix. It is either you live by grace or you live by works. That is a frustrating way to live. It is either/ or. Todays Response Thank God for the exposition on the above topic and enlighten those around you accordingly.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 06:36:44 +0000

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