****22nd nugget gold of the midnight Cry **** Pronounce the - TopicsExpress


****22nd nugget gold of the midnight Cry **** Pronounce the Judgment. Extract of the Book of Prophet Kacou Philippe: Kc.2 /philippekacou.org 10 And when a Prophet-Messenger is sent, it’s because there is no more Truth on earth and his Message is the Only Truth of his Time. He is the Depository of the Truth and the Legislator of the Word. You see? When Noah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Noah. When Jeremiah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by the Message of Jeremiah. When Elijah was preaching, no one could be saved unless by his Message. When the Lord Jesus was preaching, no one could be saved unless by his Message. He said: No one comes to the Father unless by Me. When Luther was preaching, no one could be saved unless by his Message. When Wesley was preaching, no one could be saved unless by his Message. When William Branham was preaching, no one could be saved unless by his Message. And today, you cannot be saved but by the Message Prophet Kacou Philippe. And if you are a Child of God you will believe in them and so it is today. 11 And even before they enter the scene, some biblical Prophecies announced them, indicating that at such a Time, God will do such a thing. You see? Jesus showed in Luke 4:14-21 that Isaiah 61:1-2 referred to him. John the Baptist showed in Mat.3:1-3 that Isaiah 40:3 referred to him. The Apostle Paul showed in Acts 13:47 that Isaiah 49:6 referred to him ... That is also the difference between True and false prophets. 12 And every Jew knows that God does not lead His People but by a Prophet. And we cannot be in the Will of God but by a Prophet. Apart from Jews, they are muslims who have understood this lesson. Muslims believe in prophets. 13 But the misfortune of the human is that he ignores that the fall in Eden made him lower than animals and he should trust the Prophet according to 2 Chr.20: 20 ... ... And as they went out, Jehoshaphat stood there and said: Hear me, Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem! Believe in Jehovah your God, and you will be established; believe His Prophets and ye shall prosper! ... . You see? Be aware that neither a Pastor nor the four Ministries put together can perfect the church. There will be a Prophet-Messenger on the earth when the Rapture takes place ... You see? Hosea 12:14 says: ...And by a Prophet Jehovah brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a Prophet was he preserved. You see? By Prophet Moses, Jehovah brought Israel out of Egypt, and by Prophet Joshua, was he preserved. 14 Well, what does the third Angel say? not only does he condemn the catholic church but also all the other churches, Missions and Ministries, he condemns those who pose as Servants of God and who are not, then in a second Phase, he talks about the mark of the beast. So he knows what the mark of the beast is and he speaks about it. 15 When God says that something is bad, do not try to find good things in it. First what does biology mean? [A Brother answers: study of life] Very good! What does geology mean? [A Brother answers: study of the soil ] We know that the Greek word theo means God and logy means study. Thus theology means study of God. By definition, theology is the whole of the knowledge obtained by means of the intelligence. And the Word is the whole of revealed Truths. Theology is thus an initiative, a demonic pretention because we know that it is God Himself who reveals Himself or reveals his Word to whom He wills. 16 That is why we cannot go into those catholic, protestant, evangelical, branhamist churches and others and that we cannot use the Louis Segond, Thompson, Scofield versions and others because it’s the work of theologians. If a fetish priest translates the Bible, even if that is well done, I will stay far away because I do not believe in fetishism and the spirit that stands behind is the devil. Here’s what Origen, a Disciple of the Apostles, said and which is reported by the historian Daniel-Rops: … theology is a science which is grounded on objects of faith but which draws its results from the intellectual order and that must be separated from revealed Truths. 17 This third Angel comes out , not only for the condemnation of Babylon but for the condemnation of its image which the whole of the evangelical, protestant and branhamist churches and for the unveiling of it mark which is the holy spirit through which the priest and pastors of the earth minister. 18 This third Angel comes out for the unveiling of the demons through which Chris Oyakhilome, David Owuor, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Uebert Angel, T. B. Joshua and David Oyedepo minister. This third Angel comes out for the unveiling of the demons through which Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Doug Batchelor, Billy Graham, Edir Macedo, Valdemiro Santiago, Silas Malafaia, Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon and Dante Gebel minister. This third Angel comes out for the unveiling of the demons through which Benny Hinn, Manasseh Jordan, Jesse Jackson, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Joaquim Gonçalves, Donald Parnell, Alejandro Bullón and Guillermo Maldonado minister. 19 Don’t let a church, a man, whoever he is, or any theology seduce you ... The Word of God is not therefore a social, moral, scientific or evangelical preaching of two thousand years ago but the Prophetic Revelation promised by God to this generation and by only One Man, a Prophet-Messenger and the four Ministries of Ephesians 4:11 echo It without ever contradicting It. [Ed: The Congregation says, Amen!]. 23 For, if God saves an assembly of gods or a baptist, what about the pharisees, Balaam, Judas and Cain? Satan and his children say: If youre baptist, assembly of gods, revival or other and that you live well, that’s the most important thing ... They want to make us believe that in the Flock of Jesus, there are clean dogs, clean goats, clean pigs ... but they have to be Sheep. They say: If you are baptised in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or in the name of Jesus Christ, it is the same thing Yet, Gal.1: 8 says: Cursed be him who says that. 36 A brigand who stole the wealth of his master went to a far-off country. He changed his identity and established himself as a good man. He got married, lived in a luxurious house, wove a lot of relations and was helpful. On indication, his master sent a first spy who did not know the brigand’s face. But a real expert in espionage. He went and found him but could not know that he was the brigand. He spent several days with him and returned with a present. Then the master sent a second spy who knew him by face and the name that he bore in his country of origin. The spy found him but the brigand bribed him and, gave him more than the salary of espionage and engaged him in his acts of darkness. The spy did not return, the master sent another spy who knew the brigand’s face and his original name. When this spy saw the brigand and his wealth and all those he conquered, he cried and alerted the country but nobody believed him because of the appearance and the new identity of the brigand. And the inhabitants talked of throwing the spy in prison. He that hath ears to hear let him hear.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 20:17:12 +0000

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