22nd oct... 2 days before sharing at Dance4... I need to get out - TopicsExpress


22nd oct... 2 days before sharing at Dance4... I need to get out of my head... When all elements are together, always, always, always, ask myself what have I got? , looking at each section and understanding what they are about, and ask myselfmif in that current form, place, expression, that meaning is conveyed... and if not, expand, rework, rearrange, edit, replace, delete... The sharing... ... words are mostly what we have to express what we have seen and experienced after the event... A lecture that turns into a performance that turns into an immersive installation... Intro: Tell people about the sharing arrived after 3 weeks (18 days) in the space and more specifically about the fact that they cannot see the thinking done in that space... how to show them thinking? If only I could take you in my head... Lets go at the deep end... Take people to the other side of the room showing them 2 ways of thinking: -random and abstract - my thoughts about my sentiment on the immigration debate that is the genesis of this project... my thoughts written in phonectics because I hear my thoughts... phonetics: a system where symbols can be recognised, a pattern, a logic that can be arrived at from seeing (2nd glance), a system can be understood... the kind of thinking that I am aspiring at... Tell them how I started 3 weeks ago, by throwing caution to the wind (physically throwing different shape and size paper around) while audio listing all the ideas plays in the background... attempt to gather the papers with my feet... Not working and time consumming... I jump ships and take a tangent. I draw a line and make a parallel while audio of chris journey plays in the background, I attach strings between the length of the room... I take an oar to gather the pieces of paper and rearrange their order while explaining how the expression making parallels has become my tool to move forward... Then I tell how i further spent my time by doing (what might look like) nothing, immersing myself into words... Balancing oar on my hand while audio of the definition of displacement is playing in the background... I make a parallel between crossing the installation of strings with starting a new process, a new approach... at first easy, stepping effortlessly over the low lines, then comes points where decisions need to be made, taking the same way of walking over or taking the plunge and diving under... lots ofmups and downs... and sometimes the feelingmof being overwhelmed, immersed in thoughts, drowning... Repeat the perception of doing nothing when thinking, dilemma rising about the idea of loosing time, being productive, making something that can be seen, demonstrating work has taken place... thinking does not always give you any of the sort... so loss of hours... make a paralle with loosing hours when travelling... Draw further 2 lines perpendicular to the others while audio of je suis partie a 2 heures - I arrived at 2 plays in the background... Explains that I feel in transition, in transit, at sea between 2 languages... the literal (uk no shutter, you can see people interior very clearly) and the abstract (france shutters where nothing can be seen) and my search for that in-between place... ...my search leading to the making of an installation which incidently also aims at making visible human constructs (parallel lines and time zones) in the hope to make people more aware and possibly make them slightly change how they behave, ever so slightly... The installation will be the duration of an hailku... meaning very short.... I set the installation up, moving projectors which project the translation of the phonetic text on one side and the projection of a couple of sentences gathered during my research on the other side, puting theatre lights up, turning down house lights, playing audio of men lost at sea text (making a parallel between Jan Bas Ader fatal voyage and that of migrants crossing the mediteranee, by ressemblance through particulars: date, age, place of departure, size of the boat, location of naufrage, final resting place of boat...) and CD of birds chorus, place paper boats upside down on the point where the strings meet... I leave the installation first watching people trying to negociate how to travel back to the side of the room they entered 32 minutes before.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 00:56:52 +0000

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