23/09/14 Report of the Lower Krynka journalists. Lower Jug. - TopicsExpress


23/09/14 Report of the Lower Krynka journalists. Lower Jug. Another 2 days ago there were Aydar and remnants of the 25th Airmobile. In the gardens stretch. A lot of destruction. Mine is number 22 Komunarka found the burial of civilians with signs of torture. Near many cartridges. In one of the wells found the body of a pregnant woman. The people found in the pits at the mine, hands were tied and prostrelyanny head. There are a lot of pistol cartridges. It was shot. Number of people killed in the mine is still unknown. Militias fear that the body in the pits can be mined. Working engineers. atsgvardeytsy tortured and then shot and buried on his checkpoint 4 militias. Put the plate. In one of the houses have arranged MAT headquarters. After a left syringes, devastation and empty basements. Burial killed near Donetsk to uncover the truth about the atrocities of the National Guard. OSCE observers arrived today in the village of Lower Jug. After leaving the National Guard units out there made the terrible discovery. At the mine, where the camp was located punitive found the dead bodies with their hands tied. It is reported that one victim torturers were beheaded. The militia came to the mine №22 «Kommunarskiy to defuse the territory and neutralize unexploded ordnance left behind by Ukrainian law enforcers. When viewed from the Donbas area defenders found the decapitated body of a woman with her hands tied behind their backs. The representative of the militia, Here, enjoy. Valorous feats of the Ukrainian army punitive! Two days ago on the territory of the National Guard units were mines of about 500 people. When the company came to the militia, it became clear what the security forces are doing. The representative of the militia: It is assumed that the girls were shot with a Makarov pistol. Were found near the sleeve. Interfax referring to the Investigative Committee of the NPT states that it is a natural burial of civilians and soldiers of self-defense. It is located near the village of Communar, 60 km from Donetsk. The representative of the Investigative Committee of the NPT: At the moment, found the body 4. One of the dead - a woman. But there is every reason to believe that this is a mass burial. The militia did not rule out that people were executed in the camp executioners. A few kilometers from the first natural burial tomb was found with five fighters DNR. It is possible that it is a body of militia, who were shot at a checkpoint Ukrainian law enforcers. The OSCE study every detail. According to NTV correspondent Alexei Ivliev their report later can be used when applying to the International Court of Human Rights. Mine, where there were Ukrainian troops, littered with shells, it is engaged in a special squad of sappers mine. The workers quickly dismantled rubble exploded enterprise. They hope that will impose order and resume coal mining.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 05:20:41 +0000

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