23 DEC 2014 TUE EPISODE This is the part where Stef goes - TopicsExpress


23 DEC 2014 TUE EPISODE This is the part where Stef goes berserk…or so she’d like you to think. Stefi paces anxiously in her jail cell, still blaming Marichuy for her problems and wondering how long she’ll be locked up for. She’s determined to get out. Her butch-looking cellmate, who’s just trying to catch up on her beauty tips and celeb gossip, says, “Stop pacing already! You’re making me nervous!” “Nervous” seems to be a euphemism for “want to punch you.” She flings her magazine aside and glares. Stefi stares at her defiantly. Fight! Fight! Unfortunately, they can’t take it outside. They do not yet fight. It’s night over at the HellHovel, and Fermina and Pedro are doing some sort of dirty work outside. Fermina says she can’t stop thinking about the baby, and she wonders whether they did the right thing. “What else could we have done?,” asks Pedro. Maybe told the baby’s father where he is, Pedro. Pedro is more interested in his new puppy than in JMito. Marichuy gingerly approaches them, guided by Padre Anselmo, and tells them how she happened to lose the baby on account of being blind, and begs them to tell her if they’ve seen him or know anything about him. They hesitate and look like they’re about to give in, but then insist they know nothing about JMito. PA says thanks anyway and he and Marichuy leave. After they’re gone Fermina hears Jiminy Cricket singing and telling her that the’ll be punished and feel guilty their whole lives. She sends Pedro running to stop Marichuy. Pedro does not try very hard, and fails to find PA and Marichuy even though they walked away like 15 seconds earlier. Fermina searches frantically for JM’s card. Mayita snuggles on Abuela Mariana’s lap and tells her she’s worried because her papa always seems sad and is crying. She wonders if she can do anything for him. Abue, always the source of wisdom, says probably not; parents always seem so strong but they can be sad, too, and it’s okay for them to cry. Then Abue tells her a story about a little boy who got lost, and his parents were so happy when he was found. Mayita PSAs about the importance of not wandering off on your own. They beam over to Mayita’s bed for bedtime prayers, with a special prayer for lost children to be found. Fermina and Pedro greet JM when he arrives in the foyer of the castle. He really puts his home address on his cards that he gives to just anyone? Anyway, these people have trekked out there to tell him the long story of how they found and took in the baby, and the visitors asking about him, and how they thought he was abandoned and they were doing the right thing, etc., and JM listens to all this very patiently without saying, “Give me my son! Explain later!” They finally get to the end and JM says they need to tell all this to the police, and, oh yes, by the way, where is he, and they say they don’t have him anymore. JM is upset, obvi, and it only gets worse when they tell him the baby was sick, so they took him somewhere for treatment. Then, because that wasn’t bad enough, Fermina adds that she doesn’t know whether they can save him. They say they took him to an hospicio. Marichuy is in her bedroom, continuing to worry about where her baby is and who is taking care of him. Fermina and Pedro don’t know the name of the hospicio, but they say they can show JM where it is. They all head out. Balbina sees them leave, and tells Onelia that JM left and took those people with him in his car. Onelia actually looks happy and says that must mean they’ve found the baby and they’re going to get him. Boy, has she ever changed. JM hasn’t bothered to call Marichuy, so she’s still fretting about where the baby might be and blaming herself and praying that he’s well and with people who know how to take care of him. JM and crew are at the hospicio, where some letter-of-the-law nun is trying to recite to them the regulations regarding visiting hours. JM is having none of that and demands information about HIS SON, the sick baby who was brought there. The nun either knows she’s in a telenovela or just watches too many of them, because she takes a long dramatic pause instead of saying something. Finally the nun says that the baby is still in bad shape, but is in the doctor’s care. The nun still doesn’t want to let JM see him because it ISN’T VISITING HOURS, but after JM insists that this is his son, who he and the police have been searching for for days, and he’s a doctor, she finally lets him. JMito is sleeping peacefully and looks adorable. Juan Miguel admires him and worries and insists on seeing the doctor, and still does not see fit to pull out his phone and call Marichuy to let her know he’s been found. I guess he thinks that thing is only good for wearing a Bluetooth thingy and looking hip while driving his car. Marichuy continues to cry. Ceci tries to comfort her. Marichuy has a feeling that something bad has happened to her baby and he is in danger. Ceci tells her to stay hopeful and trust that people are taking care of him. “What if we never find him and he grows up the way I did, with a rough life and no mother?,” wails Marichuy. Ceci says that she spent years looking for her daughter, and look, she found her after all, although at times she worried that she had died. “You think he could die?!,” Marichuy shrieks hysterically. Oops. Ceci tries to take that back. The doctor says that JMito has gastroenteritis from being fed something wrong. He doesn’t know whether he’ll live, but doc is tired and is going to bed; they’ll wait and see how the baby is in the morning. Gosh, what great medical care. JM for some reason says okay rather than just immediately picking up the baby and heading to a real hospital. He looks around and thinks back sadly to Marichuy’s descriptions of the hard life in the hospicio. He pulls up a chair so he can sit there next to his son all night. Good grief. Still doesn’t call Marichuy. Stefi sits on her jailhouse bunk and worries about all the years she’s going to be locked up. Her cellmate has somehow gone somewhere. Stefi thinks she’s going to go crazy. Then, the Grinch gets a wonderful, awful idea. Loca? Ceci is leaving for the tribunal to testify against Stefi. Pat wants to go and support her, but she insists that he stay in bed. Stefi is still determinedly going loca. She decides she’s too smart for anyone to figure out that she’s only pretending to be crazy. Oy, she really is just a special kind of crazy. I don’t think she knows that for an insanity plea, you have to have been insane at the time of the crime. Of course you’re going to go nuts after you’re locked up; no one cares. Ceci helps Marichuy fix her hair and get ready to go. Marichuy doesn’t want to go testify, but Ceci tells her it’s important because she is the victim, and it’s best to just go and swallow the bitterness all at once. Marichuy agrees, and then wonders why JM hasn’t called. Ceci says she called his house but he wasn’t there. JM has now gone back home, and tells Balbina that he’s found his son in an hospicio. Balbina is relieved and of course wants to know if he’s told Marichuy. He says no, and he doesn’t think the news would be any comfort to her, because the baby is seriously ill. Which is why you should take him to a HOSPITAL, Juan Miguel. And honestly, does he really think Marichuy would rather not know? How did this guy become a shrink?!? HOW?! At the tribunal, Marichuy is helped into the witness chair as Stef swears to herself that she will get vengeance on that cursed orphan. The lawyer or whoever tells her to describe what happened. Marichuy tells them about getting shot at rehearsal. “Do you know who is responsible? Is that person here? Can you point out him or her?” the lawyer grandstands. “Um, no. I’m BLIND,” says Marichuy. Everyone in the courtroom looks impactado, although DUH, they already knew that she is blind. Juan Miguel calls the police to tell them that the child has been found. He doesn’t want any publicity about it, though. He’s afraid when he gets back they’ll tell him the baby has died. OH, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. This is the worst writing. What father would go home to change his clothes if he really thought his child was on his deathbed? And wouldn’t tell the child’s mother, so she could be there too? Back in the courtroom, the lawyers are doing their best Perry Mason impressions, with objections and whatnot. The one lawyer aims for more sympathy by having Marichuy describe how her blindness caused her to lose her son. Fermina and Pedro are at the hospicio trying to get a nun to tell them how Juanito is. She is about as helpful as last night’s nun. JM arrives and invites them to come in with him. Marichuy wants the court to give Stef a severe punishment. She is asked whether she hates Stef. Marichuy says no, it is Stef who has always hated her. Stef starts shrieking about how Marichuy always envied her and wanted to take away everything she had. The judge tries to shut her up. She continues howling that she’s going crazy! Oh, that’s convincing, Stef. Her lawyer tries to shut her up. She yells that Marichuy sits there looking all angel-faced, but really she’s a demon. Stef grits her teeth and growls. I plan to use that trick should I ever find myself accused of a crime. I would totally get off on an insanity plea, and no one would ever know that I was faking! Jeez, Stef, even brilliant shrink JM could see through this act. Patricio finds Candelaria in her bedroom, which is the one Stef had been staying in but which has been swiftly redecorated. They small talk. Cande is glad that witch Stef is gone, and Marichuy is in her proper place like a queen, and Cande like the Queen Mother. She says it’s a pretty room; it’s too bad Marichuy can’t see it. Pat says determinedly that Marichuy has got to recover her sight. Stefi continues to yell about everything Marichuy has taken away from her. She degrades into screaming nonsense. No one looks the least bit moved, although they all look like they’re getting headaches. The doctor reports to Juan Miguel that the infection is under control and they’re going to start giving JMito a little food. He’s rehydrated and his temperature is down. The doctor looks happy. “Well, then?” asks Juan Miguel, and he thinks to himself, “what will happen to my son?” because as a doctor, one of the best in town, he can’t figure out that this means the baby is probably going to be fine. After the commercial break, JM and Fermina and Pablo have figured out that the baby is fine, and they’re all thrilled. Detective Blackhat shows up and hisses threateningly at the peasants, but Juan Miguel says he doesn’t want to press charges, so the detective lets them off with a stern warning about what to do the next time they find a lost baby. JM invites them to feel free to check in on the baby. Stefi and her lawyer go back to her cell, and he congratulates her on the brilliant act and says she could fool a shrink. Maybe, if it was JM, but even that’s just a maybe. I think he’s making fun of her. She says she wants out, and insists on being addressed as Estefania Velarde. Then suddenly she goes blank and looks around and says, “what am I doing here?” She is SUCH a good actress; Amador should have made her famous. Seriously, though, the real actress is doing a brilliant job of portraying “delusional and annoying.” I really want her to go away. Speaking of people who won’t go away, Omar and Blanca are in their hotel room. They’re packed and ready to head to the hacienda, though, as soon as Omar is done testifying at Stef’s trial. Blanca wonders whether JM and Marichuy have made up and are together. Ah, honeymooners. So oblivious. Stefi is still screaming at her lawyer to let her out. She says her papa the judge will save her. The lawyer just smirks. Ceci and Marichuy are back at home, wondering why JM hasn’t called. Mari says he must not know how anxious she feels. Ceci says of course he does; probably there just isn’t any news. Marichuy thinks he should still let her know what they’re doing to search, to give her some hope. She thinks he’s just punishing her because it’s her fault the kid is lost. Actually, it’s Cande’s fault, but whatever. Cecilia says Juan Miguel must be just as worried as they are, and Mari shouldn’t blame herself. Mari thinks JM will never forgive her. Juan Miguel isn’t worried at all, because he’s hanging out with his son who is just fine now, but he can’t be bothered to make a brief phone call. Avances: Juan Miguel actually thinks to take the baby home to Marichuy. Everyone rejoices. Amador drives really fast and crashes into a pie cart, er, fruit truck.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:55:38 +0000

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