23 June 2013 Come just as you are! John 6: 37 All that the - TopicsExpress


23 June 2013 Come just as you are! John 6: 37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” Message Those who come to the Lord will be accepted and receive help. Summary 1) When God desires to draw someone to Himself, He leads that person to His Son. 2) Those who come to the Son, even with their unbelief and doubts, as well as all other faults and imperfections, will receive help. 3) If we turn to the Lord we will not remain in our original condition. A change will take place. Context Our Bible text is taken from the context of Jesus’ dis- course about the bread of life, which began with the feeding of the five thousand (cf. John 6: 1-13). Jesus speaks of Himself as the “bread of life” (verse 35) through whom salvation can be attained. At the same time He makes reference to the unbelief with which He is confronted (verse 36). And Afrikaans Text Word is: Kom soos jy is! Johannes 6:37 Al wat die Vader My gee, sal Na My toe kom; en Ek sal hom wat na My toe kom, nooit uitwerp nie. Boodskap Diegene wat na die Here kom, sal aanvaar word en sal hulp ontvang. Samevatting 1) Wanneer God iemand tot Hom wil trek, lei Hy daardie persoon na sy Seun. 2) Diegene wat na die Seun kom, selfs met hul ongeloof en twyfel, sowel as alle ander foute en tekortkominge, sal hulp ontvang. 3) As ons ons tot die Here wend, sal ons nie in ons oorspronklike toestand bly nie. ‘N Verandering sal plaasvind. Agtergrond Ons Bybelteks is geneem uit die omstandighede rondom Jesus se preek oor die brood van die lewe, wat begin met die voeding van die vyf duisend mense (vgl. Johannes 6:1-13). Jesus verwys Na Homself as die “die brood van die lewe” (vers 35) deur wie verlossing verkry kan word. Terselfdertyd verwys Hy na die ongeloof waarmee Hy te kampe kry (vers 36).
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:52:54 +0000

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