23 More random facts about me, you may or may not already know, - TopicsExpress


23 More random facts about me, you may or may not already know, but will now, whether you want to or not. 1- I never drank coffee until I met Josh Gould. Now theres no turning back. 2- I always said that I didnt want to have kids, ever!!! I had Emma at age 30, Phillip at age 31 and at age 34 gained 2 bonus kids, Elliot & Camden. Being a mom is the toughest job in the world, and I think I am doing quite well at it in my opinion anyway... 3- I am a major procrastinator, but work well under pressure (for the most part). I used to save all my huge college assignments till the last minute, especially speeches that I had to prepare for Speech class. I usually just winged it, and in turn aced it! 4- While Im on the subject of Speeches, and being up in front of a crowd, I have always wanted to perform stand up comedy, although I find most comedians un-funny. 5- I am a kind-hearted, loyal, trustworthy, loving individual. Although peers would not have guessed this back in the days of high school. I will be mean and rotten if you hurt me, my family or anyone that I love. I have the brain, the brute, the mouth, and the evil-ness inside me to efff you up!!!! 6- At 38 yrs. of age I still dont know what I want to be when I grow up. I have many interests but I tend to get bored easily. 7- I often burst out in LOUD song at random times. I love the acoustics of our big old house. My favorite is the alphabet, Christmas songs, and whatever pops into my head at that given time. 8- I sometimes get myself into predicaments because of my mouth and its inability to restrain itself at times. Speaking my mind is not an option, its something I do. 9- I am going to KILL Joshua Gould for giving me the number 23 for this shit. 10- I love kittens and puppies but I dont like that they pee and poop and have to grow up. 11- I had a crush on Michael J. Fox when I was little and had pictures of him hanging in my bedroom. I still do! Not the picture part though. 12- I enjoy hard work outside, especially in the summer under the heat of the sun, sweating. 13- I sleep with a crocheted monster and a sock monkey every night. 14- I am not afraid of the dark at all. Actually Im not afraid of much at all. 15- A lot of the crap in our house is from thrift-shops or yard sales. I can tell you where and when and how much I spent on each individual item. Everything has its own little story. 16- I played the trumpet in elementary school, then the clarinet in middle & high school. I was never really good at either instrument. 17- I hated ham & peas and even hotdogs for awhile as a kid. Now I love hotdogs and ham, still dislike peas unless theyre fresh ones still in the pod. Ill eat them, but...blahhh... 18- I enjoy trying new foods, and get bored with eating the same shit all the time. I have eaten snails and raw oysters and would definitely eat them again. I however do not want to eat anything brain or eyeball or privates related...gross! 19- I dislike shopping. I dislike spending money on myself. I recently just purchased new undahs for the first time in about 5 years. Wow, what a variety they have nowadays! 20- I do not have a middle name. 21- I am a weirdo and proud of it. 22- Smells make me gag. Public bathrooms, smelly people, rotten food, dog crap, cat crap, dead things... 23- I get migraine headaches so bad that moving makes me throw up. Sounds, light, smells, everything makes me throw up. Sometimes for days at a time. Ok, so, now you know 23 more random things about me. Since I am done I can now get up and get a coffee refill. Click like and Ill give you a number too, but maybe not as crazy as TWENTY THREE!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 13:58:27 +0000

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