23 September was certainly a day of queer equinox cosmic - TopicsExpress


23 September was certainly a day of queer equinox cosmic awesomeness. Lunch with Y. Gavriel Ansara the launch of From Blues To Rainbows (link coming soon) Gavis presentation to open - great use of visual images on screen to describe the words Cannon OSaurus recorded peeps from Ygender Melbourne reading out some of the quotes from #fbtr Georgie Harman, Beyondblue CEO spoke - she only signed the cheque - pretty big only. She was the only person there in a suit (some of my best friends wear suits, its ok :) ) and realised the importance of connecting with communities. Then Cannon speaking as a Community Advisory Group member Dani from Shepparton giving her thoughts as a young person and then... Erik Lock your story of what you went through in terms of being trans at a religious school. Holy gender diversity. some $%^&^ principal locks you in a room for a day, yet it is a room where everyone can see you. [Digression: yes, at a religious school. and the justification for religious exemptions, including at schools, is...???] and your total courage to get out of home when your parents threaten to send you to Vietnam for conversion therapy. no one has to put up that...at 16 too. Your fluency to talk about this blew the room away. The standing ovation was infinite per cent deserved. as someone said over the cheese and fairy bread afterwards...a future PM in the making. And Rebecca Reynolds LGBTI Health alliance CEO talking about how this report leads to a major reframing of so much. A chance to mention Celebrate Bi Day and that Australia is yet to have a major quantitative research piece with a bi focus. (Time to put on the research bi-focals). Noted that Georgie made a note on her note-pad. (If you dont ask, you don;t get. :) ) Interesting that for the launch of a research piece, not one powerpoint slide had a statistic on it. If anyone knows counseling services for researchers... :) Great to see Dani Wright Toussaint and family, albeit too briefly. a chat with Liz Alexander about how we wanted more for trans youth/yp in the early days of the Rainbow Network late 90s early 00s. To quote T.E. Lawrence.. the dreamers of the day...may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.” And finally 20 peeps at the Bi dinner...nice way to wind down including a very helpful chat with Andrew Coon. Yes! Yes! Yes! https://youtube/watch?v=xIVy5XdQhOM
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:42:38 +0000

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