#2308 Every single day, be it on my timeline or within my group - TopicsExpress


#2308 Every single day, be it on my timeline or within my group of friends or even strangers sitting around me. The most repeated sentence seen or heard would be I AM BROKE Yes, read this the second time, I AM BROKE . Ask this yourself, are you categorized in this Broke every single day club? If yes, then ask yourself, why are you fking broke? If you do not know, let me tell you the answers. 1.) You do not have a budget 2.) You spend on branded/ unnecessary item 3.) You eat expensive food (eg one meal > Rm20) 4.) You do not have income 5.) You rely on your parents allowance 6.) You want to act rich just so you can click with people/ group of friends 7.) You overspend on junks which will depreciate and this list can go on and on. People in this group always seek out for jobs to earn 1-2k a month and spend it all without leaving a single cent for savings. They will take up any baits provided it will feed them money. Now lets move on to the next group. The Always have money group aka RICH group. Well, it sounds that way. They drive Audi, carries Gucci, wears LV belt and etc.. But let me tell you this, they are not actually rich either. Well their parents are. If you are in this group, ask yourself these questions. 1.) Are you really rich? 2.) What will happen to you once your family stop working? 3.) What will happen to you once your family stops giving you allowance? 4.) Do you have the pride in continuing being rich(but actually not) or step down accepting that you are really poor? 5.) Can you live without swiping your parents credit card? 6.) Can you live without relying on your parents hard build business? Yes, people in this group are basically not interested in business and are really not in need of fast cash. However, just like the broke category, they usually do not have any savings either. They relying heavily on parents bank account to look rich. Last but not least, people whom are not rich and neither poor. If you fall in this category, you are either one of the following: 1.) Having a goal to be like the rich with high income 2.) Dont give a fk about money but just want a simple life Those falls under the first category are usually aggressive and independent people whom seeks ways to generate his personal income to support himself without relying on parents support. They will venture into almost anything such as MLM, and multiples jobs at once or even start a business. Those falls under the second category are usually people whom doesnt have a goal in life and have a high probability to fall into the poor category in the coming future. The reason why I am sharing this is because i came across a confession with post number #2288 which have brought down a persons image in public. Yes, you may think that MLM is a scamming platform, you may criticize the platform, but I dont think that it is ethical for you to shoot at someone in public. (Put yourself in his shoes) Instead, just politely reject his offer. You do not know what he went through and you do not know how much courage he need to approach you on the MLM scheme. ( For those whom have tried would understand) I sincerely hope you can apologize to the person. And also do look for which category are you in right now and look ahead in the coming 5 to 10 years on where you are going to be at. There will always be criticism but before you criticize, always put yourself in his shoes. It makes this world a better place. :)
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:13:56 +0000

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