23rd June: Full Moon in Capricorn (11:33 a.m. GMT) This Full Moon - TopicsExpress


23rd June: Full Moon in Capricorn (11:33 a.m. GMT) This Full Moon in Capricorn is highly self-contained and encourages us to be the same. Temporarily turning the current Grand Water Trine into a Kite, it encourages us to seek stability and direction from within rather than without. This is fairly unusual for a Full Moon, which tends to be more extrovert in its energies. However, this one speaks of the need to act in the outside world, take our part in life and make a mark on our environment whilst being reliant only upon ourselves, no one else. It exhorts us to be our own saviour and ensure that if we want something to happen we look only within to make it so. In many ways it can feel like a harsh message and one that could easily be misinterpreted as ‘You can’t trust anyone else. This is a dog eat dog world and if you don’t look after yourself no one else will’! Let me assure you this is not the Moon’s message now! Far from it, in fact. Because in looking within and developing self-reliance we are, in fact, contributing an enormous amount to each other and the world at large. By doing so we can reduce the demands that we make upon our environment, upon our relationships and upon life itself to keep us happy. We don’t have to reject other people in order to rely upon ourselves, but it does necessitate that we stop blaming other people for conditions we’re unhappy with and begin to consider what we can do to change our lot, regardless of how that lot may initially have arisen. At the time of this Full Moon, therefore, we are encouraged to consider just how self-reliant we currently are and how we may need to develop greater skills in this regard in the coming months. If the prospect of doing so triggers flickers of anxiety, a slight sense of panic or just plain old full-blown fear then we definitely need to do some work in this area! The prospect of having our future in our hands with no let-out clause of blame or victimhood can be scary indeed, and we may find all manner of ways to justify why it’s not the case (I could come up with a whole list right now and I’m writing this thing!!), but ultimately the message of this Moon is plain and simple, loud and clear: Our life is up to us. Whatever does or doesn’t happen in it, however other people behave, what we make of what we’ve got is up to us. Ouch! You can always rely upon a Cappy Moon to say it like it is. So, given that this Moon is also a Super Moon and therefore even more highly charged than usual, we’d best not kick the can down the road on this one. Instead we should take note that self-reliance and a readiness to take responsibility for the conditions of our lives is required now. The more willing we are to do this the more, paradoxically, the universe will step in and give us a healing hand when we need it (I actually intended to write ‘helping hand’ there, but it seems the keyboard had other ideas!). The truth is no matter how self-reliant and independent we are, we are never alone and there are all manner of energies, influences and forces out there weaving their magic to support and assist us when we need it. They are not, however, summoned to our aid by blame and finger pointing but by standing up, taking charge of our lives and committing to the fulfilment of our potential with every fibre of our being. Which is why this Moon exhorts us to do exactly that, because once we do we’ll get so much help and support we won’t know what to do with it all! Happy Full Moon everyone. Sarah Varcas via Awakenings Intuitive Astrology astro-awakenings.co.uk
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 04:00:01 +0000

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