24/8/2014. Jay Shri Krishna You are fine as you are. You need - TopicsExpress


24/8/2014. Jay Shri Krishna You are fine as you are. You need not to transform into anything else. There is an Arabic proverb that when God created a man, He told in his ear that he is the best ever creation He has hither to created. And this He tells in everyone’s ear. And that is true, too. God creates unique human every time. Logically thinking too it will sound that the sculptor like God can’t leave His creation imperfect. If you believe that God has created you, then you must also believe that His creation must be the whole and perfect. And for a time being if you think that God has left some mistake in you, then do you think you have capacity and efficacy to correct that mistake? It is better that you stick your legs to earth. Now if you are ok as you are, then you will ask that what is use of spiritual books? What is use of seeing and listening to man of wisdom? What this all commotion for Sadhna is? The right answer to all these questions is they all are just to suggest you that you have to unlearn all learned things and then only you can have place in the Kingdom of God. They are here to just suggest you that all knowledge in the end is hindrance in realisation. They are merely to preach you that all that is perceivable by sense organs, mind, intellect and ego are void and the experimental knowledge that is perceived through beyond sense organs, mind, intellect, ego and chitta is the real knowledge and it only helps in realisation. It is only capable to lead to God, all rest is just inference. When you are in far away country and you see some person speaking your language, you for a moment forget that you are in the far away country. You feel as if you are in your own country. Scriptures are like that. As such we are voyagers from the land of elixir. Here we are not as native. Our resettlement here is purely temporary and we reside in inn. What you consider to be your houses and palaces are in reality inns and motels. Before you occupied those, some others were occupying them. And more others are in wait to occupy them after you vacate them. We have come over here as travelers. We have to return to our permanent abode, the land of elixir, when our, stay, tour, visa here expires. The scriptures speak the language of the land of elixir. When we read or listen the preaching of scriptures, or learn from master, we forget for a time being where we are. At that moment of time we start believing that we are in the land of elixir. So we feel relaxed and at ease. We feel that we have turned weightless and our all botheration and worries have been evaporated. The botheration and the worries were self inflicted. They were result of our forgetting that our stay here is temporary, for a few nights only. This Shrusti is since millions of years here. The universe is here for billions of years. In comparison to that existence of billions of years, our 70-80 years life span is just like a night only. So we forgot that our stay here is temporary. And when you feel you are permanent here, your desires and your requirements change. Your urges and your demands change. And then you start long term planning. You start building castles and palaces on the sands. Your all planning is drawing on water and your castles and palaces are built on sand, just a wave comes and everything including you goes to dust. Though you are just born entity yesterday, you are laid in graveyard or burnt to ashes today. Before you get acquainted with the surrounding and you have consolidated your foot on the ground, your time for journey to funeral place is arrived. Friends this is reality. You have not been left with much time to improve yourself. Just take care that you don’t deteriorate, you were born childlike, and see that your childlike innocence is not destroyed. That is all you should take care of. You are fine as you are. Dont waste time in transforming yourself. May God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 01:30:47 +0000

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