24 November, 2013 19:27 Low turnout in Mali vote amid security - TopicsExpress


24 November, 2013 19:27 Low turnout in Mali vote amid security fears Amid tight security Sunday Malians trickled to the polls for a legislative ballot in the second lot of elections since France intervened earlier this year to oust al-Qaeda linked militants in the north of the country. Mali has suffered a renewed surge in violence since President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was elected in August in the first democratic vote since the March 2012 coup. Malian, French and UN soldiers protected polling stations in the north of Mali, but unlike the presidential elections in August when there were long lines of people outside polling stations, this time many people choose to stay at home. Nick Pool 19:26 Swiss voters reject move to limit top executives’ pay Swiss voters have rejected by 66 percent Sunday a proposal to cap the salaries of top executives at 12 times that of a company’s lowest wage. Industry leaders have said that such a move could harm the country’s economy by making it less competitive. The “1:12 initiative for fair pay” was brought about by the youth wing of the Social Democrats (JUSO) and the idea was that nobody should earn more in a month than other people earn in a year. Sunday’s vote is one of several initiatives being put to Swiss voters to try and redress the country’s widening income gap. Switzerland also plans a vote on whether to introduce a living wage of $2,800 a month, although no date for the referendum has been set. The small alpine country is home to some of the world’s biggest companies including Nestle and Glencore Xstrata. 15:56 Indonesia orders mass evacuation as Sumatra volcano eruptions intensify Indonesian authorities ordered the evacuation of 15,000 residents near the active volcano of Sinabung on the island of Sumatra after it repeatedly sent hot clouds of gas down its slopes following a series of eruptions in the past days. No casualties have yet been reported as authorities have put the whole area on high alert. About 6,000 residents have already been evacuated 88 kilometers from Medan, the capital of North Sumatra province. The mountain is one of the world’s 130 active volcanoes located on the Pacific Ring of Fire. Legal disclaimerPrivacy policyFeedbackAbout usContact info© Autonomous Nonprofit Organ
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 20:56:57 +0000

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