24 Peace Offering 082114 When I am upset, there is - TopicsExpress


24 Peace Offering 082114 When I am upset, there is something in me that is upsetting, that has become manifest outside me as a karmic trigger reflection gift for me to experience. Creation remains my very own personal co-creation, so all my perceptions from my personal perspective, helps enlighten my upsets in continual projections. When I deny my feelings of upset, even more flagrant projection reflections increase, so until I experience the relief, that forgiving others brings, I won’t even want to embrace my upsets, until I am more confident, to trust how forgiveness helps make outside trigger reflections disappear. Compassion is what enlightens acceptance of, first others, then, very soon, ourselves. When I admit my upset with others that reflect my own problem mirrors, but with no intention to forgive it in others as I embrace it in myself, then I will remain a victim still blaming others and still blaming myself, without compassion, that enlightens acceptance. Asking for help inside ourselves for Spirit to forgive, for us, increases more confidence with fear prayed courage to face all our hidden karmic upsets. The more anyone forgives others, the more difficult core issues can come up, as projection reflections just become a sort of innocent game gain to, even want to face more compassionate relief. The more we become aware of how creation works to help us suffer, the more we will enhance our desire to turn within, to ask for ‘more’ help to continually forgive. Spirit abides within the Inner Realm of Grace and Mercy, and the more we perform forgiveness discipline, the more Peace of Love from within gets to put our heart in charge of our fox-in-the-hen-pen coward-bully resentful-busy minds. As our mind slows down, our heart slows down, and as our heart slows down our breathing, more easily, slows down, like the opposite, when we let all three, heart, mind, and fast breathing go into thermal runaway so fast, we won’t even notice just how wound-up our up-tight, and out of sight karmic upset increases abound. Once we connect with the power inside ourselves within our very own Soul Conscience, nothing can become triggered any more, that we can’t just forgive, and forget, to better enjoy a confident new Peace offering for all others. Human Envy remains our innate inheritance, until we connect with our own Soul, deep inside ourselves, so the more awareness of suffering outside, the more we become inspired to turn within to ONENESS Peace of Love. ONENESS Conscience does the forgiving for us, and enlightens acceptance with compassion, and humility, that never comes from investing outside, over inside; physical, over Spirit. An indweller sees, just how much we all suffer outside, and only has compassion for others, not judgement, or any more human normalcy biased hidden hate. A recent miracle experience has come to get me out of a seemingly impossible eternal poverty housing type upset, and the more I turned within, and stopped trying to control the outside triggers, the closer I got to enough self esteem to realize a new comfortable, and safer energetic home. I write today with this one intention, to lead up to deep gratitude for such a subtle nuance of a miracle, that I think deserves to be heard by other impossible human sufferers. God Loves us all so much, and I Love forgiveness so much, even if forgiveness didn’t enlighten compassion, and humility. Just knowing that absolutely nothing of this World can keep me upset for very long; no sorrow, no trauma, no personal perspective, denied, and no other personal mirror just like me, can now posses/upset me. If it wasn’t bad enough for me to begin with forgiving perpetrators, that raped, and tried to murder me many times, just accepting that these parent’s constant humiliation isn’t one bit different, than the constant blackmailing battering and humiliation, that we all suffer by the incorrigible Satanic Dark Cabal. The most effective way to forgive my family of origin, actually worked best by seeing how much my whole ‘human family’ suffers the same rape, and genocide in generations of continual “War as good business”, just like my parents learned from similar suffering. I hadn’t noticed, my devotion to meditation, and continual forgiveness prayers, had actually made a renunciate out of me. It surprised me to learn to renounce, not denounce, duplicates a similar meaning as living ‘in’ this crazy World, but not ‘of’ this crazy-making World. I have learned to live loved, myself, and, actually Love this World with more acceptance, than ever before possible.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 02:27:27 +0000

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