245 FEIGN (noun: FEINT): To pretend - He feigned to be angry, but - TopicsExpress


245 FEIGN (noun: FEINT): To pretend - He feigned to be angry, but we saw through his pretense. Synonyms: dissemble, sham, dissimulate, affect FELICITY (adj.: FELICITOUS): (1) A state of happiness - promoted felicity in the nation. Synonym: bliss (2) A high ability - lie has a felicity of language, mastery of the well-chosen phrase. FERVID: Spirited; ardent - a fervid debater, full of emotion. Synonyms: perfervid, impassioned, zealous, fervent, vehement FESTOON (noun): A garland of flowers, leaves, etc. hung between two points - the room bright with festoons of Thanksgiving decorations. (verb): To hang with festoons - a room festooned with spring flowers. FETISH. (1) Something that is believed to have magical powers - savages worshipping the fetish in a ceremonial dance. Synonym: charm, talisman, amulet (2) An object of unreasoning devotion and worship – Photography, begun as a hobby, became a fetish. FIASCO: A ludicrous and complete failure - all his glorious plans ending in a fiasco. Synonym: debacle FICTITIOUS: Unreal; made-up - used a fictitious name to avoid being recognized. Synonym: fabricated FLACCID: Lacking firmness - muscles grown flaccid after the illness. Synonyms: flabby, limp FLAGRANT: Outstandingly bad - condemned for his flagrant abuse of power. Synonyms: glaring, scandalous, notorious, conspicuous, gross FLAMBOYANT: Elaborately showy - written in a flamboyant, style, full of highly decorative imagery. Synonyms: florid, ornate, resplendent, embellished, garish, gaudy, gorgeous, rococo Antonym: somber FLAUNT: Display or wave boastfully - flaunted the excellent report before his delighted parents. FLEETING: Passing swiftly -the fleeting hours of happiness Synonyms: transitory, fugitive FLUCTUATE: To waver from one course to another; to vary irregularly - his mood fluctuating with every hour. Synonyms: oscillate, vacillate, undulate, sway FORBEAR (noun: FORBEARANCE): To exercise self control; to keep from - forbearing to shoot the animal despite temptation. Synonyms: restrain, abstain FORENSIC: Pertaining to public discussion or law courts - a lawyer gifted in forensic debate. Synonyms: rhetorical, oratorical FORTUITOUS: Accidental - a fortuitous meeting with a friend in need. Synonyms: casual, incidental, adventitious, random FRACAS: A disorderly quarrel - A fracas broke up the meeting. Synonyms: brawl, altercation, fray, wrangle, imbroglio FRUSTRATE: To prevent (the attainment of an object); to defeat or render ineffectual - His scholastic progress was frustrated by a serious illness. Synonyms: balk, thwart, foil, baffle, obstruct, discomfit Antonym: abet FULSOME: Disgustingly excessive - nauseated by fulsome praise. GARNISH: To trim or decorate - dishes garnished attractively with greens. Synonyms: adorn, deck GENEALOGY: A record of a persons or a familys ancestors or relatives - an interesting genealogy, including saints and sinners. Synonym: lineage GENESIS: Origin - chemistry, which had its genesis in alchemy. Synonym: inception GESTICULATE: To make gestures, or indicate feelings by. motions - gesticulated wildly to show his distress. GHASTLY: Horrible, deathlike - a ghastly disaster which shocked the world. Synonyms: gruesome, grisly, pallid, macabre, grim, lurid GIBE (variant spelling: JIBE): To laugh at; to utter with scorn - gibed at his enemy mercilessly. Synonyms: mock, sneer, jeer, scoff, flout, deride (adj.: derisive), rail, taunt GLIB: Smooth-spoken, fluent - a glib liar, distorting the truth effortlessly. GLUTTONOUS (noun. GLUTTON; verb: GLUT): Inclined to cat to excess - gulped down his food in gluttonous fashion. Synonyms:voracious, intemperate GOSSAMER (noun): A very thin gauzelike fabric or structure - a poem so delicate that it seemed an unreal gossamer. (adj.): Thin and light - the gossamer wings of a dragon fly. Synonyms: diaphanous, flimsy, gauzelike Antonyms: substantial, ponderous GREGARIOUS: Habitually fond of associating in a company or herd - gregarious sheep; that gregarious animal, man. Antonyms:lone, aloof GRIMACE: A distortion of the face to express an attitude or feeling - a grimace that was more expressive than words. HAIL: To greet - The crowd hailed the returning hero. Synonyms: accost, salute HARANGUE (verb): To deliver a long. noisy speech- harangued the multitude. Synonyms: rant, declaim (noun): A loud, tiresome speech - an empty harangue which bored his audience. Synonym: tirade HARBINGER, A forerunner; ail announcer - the robin, harbinger of spring. Synonyms:precursor, herald HAUGHTY: Proud; looking down with contempt on others - dismissed the messenger in a haughty manner. HEEDLESS: Thoughtless; taking little care - rushed into battle, heedless of the danger. Synonyms: inadvertent, rash, incautious Antonyms: prudent, circumspect, mindful, wary HEINOUS: Wicked; hateful - committed a heinous crime. Synonyms: atrocious, outrageous, monstrous, odious, nefarious, abominable HERESY: An opinion held in opposition to the traditional view - a view condemned as heresy. Synonym: heterodoxy Antonym: orthodoxy HIATUS: A gap or vacancy; break -left a hiatus on the page where he erased a sentence. Synonym:breach HISTRIONIC: Pertaining to the theater; designed for show - broke into histrionic laughter, hollow and insincere. Synonyms: dramatic, theatrical HOAX (noun): A trick or deception; a practical joke - played a hoax upon the credulous public. Synonym: canard (verb): To play a trick on; to deceive - He hoaxed the crowd completely with his disguise. HOMONYM: Two words having the same sound but different meanings - confusing such homonyms as mail add male. HOVEL: A dirty or wretched dwelling - born in a hovel, died in a mansion. HYPERBOLE: Extravagant exaggeration for effect - An example of hyperbole: There are a million objections to the project. Synonym: overstatement Antonym: understatement HYPOTHESIS: An assumption made for the sake of argument - worked from a fantastic hypothesis. Synonym: supposition IDIOSYNCRASY: A. personal peculiarity - Wearing white was one of Whistlers idiosyncrasies. Synonyms: eccentricity, foible, mannerism, crotchet, aberration, quirk, singularity IGNOMINIOUS (noun: IGNOMINY): Incurring public disgrace - suffered an ignominious descent from political power. Synonyms: infamous, degrading, opprobrious, odious Antonyms: illustrious, renowned, preeminent IMMACULATE: Spotless; pure - an immaculate reputation. Synonyms: undefiled, unsullied, unblemished, untarnished Antonyms: defiled, sullied, blemished IMMINENT: Likely to occur soon - stood in imminent peril. Synonym: impending IMMUNE (verb: IMMUNIZE): Exempt from; protected from - immune from taxation. Synonym : unsusceptible IMPALE: To pierce through with a pointed instrument - impaled a spider to the wall. IMPEACH: (1) To accuse (a public official) of wrongdoing - impeached the judge for accepting a bribe. Synonym: arraign (2) To cast discredit upon - impeached his motives. Synonyms: call in question, discredit IMPECCABLE: Faultless - performed with impeccable skill. Synonyms: consummate, irreproachable, unerring, infallible Antonyms: culpable, fallible IMPERVIOUS: Incapable of being penetrated - a mind impervious to new ideas. Synonyms: impermeable, impenetrable Antonyms: permeable, pervasive IMPLACABLE: Incapable of being soothed, made peaceful, or forgiving - implacable resentment. Synonyms: unrelenting, inexorable, unappeasable Antonyms: placable, forbearing IMPLICIT: (1) Implied but not clearly expressed - an implicit agreement. (2) Unquestioning - implicit confidence. Synonyms: tacit, implied Antonym: explicit IMPORT (noun): Meaning; significance or importance - a matter of great import. Synonyms: purport, moment, consequence IMPOSTOR (noun: IMPOSTURE): One who pretends to be what he is notunmasked as an impostor. Synonyms: quack, mountebank, charlatan, bogus, fraud IMPRECATION: A curse - hurled imprecations at those who would not listen to him. Synonyms: execration, malediction, anathema Antonyms: benediction, benison IMPREGNABLE: Unconquerable - an impregnable fortress. Synonym: invincible Antonym: vulnerable IMPROPRIETY: Improper act, manners, or expression - guilty of impropriety in public office. Synonyms: indecency, indecorum Antonym: amenity IMPROVIDENT: Lacking in thrift; not providing for future needs - an improvident spender. Synonyms: prodigal, shiftless IMPUGN: To attack or criticize as false; to call in question - impugned his honesty. INCARCERATE: To imprison - crushed his opponents by incarcerating them. Synonyms: intern, immure Antonyms: emancipate, enfranchise INCISIVE: Cutting, penetrating - incisive criticism. Synonyms: sarcastic, mordant, trenchant, acute INCOGNITO. With ones identity concealed - traveled incognito. INCONTROVERTIBLE: Indisputable - incontrovertible evidence. Synonyms: irrefutable, -indubitable INCREMENT: An increase - a salary increment. Synonym: accrual INCUMBENT (noun): An officeholder - the incumbent in an election. (adj.): Obligatory - felt it incumbent to reply. Synonyms: - mandatory, imperative INDEFATIGABLE: Untiring - an indefatigable worker. Synonyms:unflagging, unremitting, persevering INDIGENOUS: Native - Rice is indigenous to China. Synonyms:innate, inborn INDOOMITABLE: Stubborn in determination not to be subdued - indomitable courage. Synonyms:insuperable, irrepressible, invincible, unyielding Antonyms:tractable, amenable, docile, submissive INFERENCE: A conclusion reached by reasoning from data or premises - an inference drawn from his remarks. Synonyms:deduction, implication INGENIOUS: Demonstrating originality, skill, or resourcefulness - an ingenious device. Synonyms:dextrous, inventive, adroit Antonyms:maladroit, gauche INGENUOUS: Simple and straightforward; concealing nothing - an ingenuous plan that anyone could see through. Synonyms: unsophisticated, naive, candid Antonym: sophisticated INGRATIATE: To win anothers favor or good opinion tried to ingratiate himself with the politician. INHIBIT: To check or hinder - inhibited his friend from a foolhardy course. Synonyms:restrain, curb Antonym: promote INNOCUOUS: Harmless; inoffensive - an innocuous remark, but it enraged him. INNUENDO: An indirect reference or suggestion (frequently derogatory) - conveyed his idea by innuendo. Synonyms: (verb) intimate, insinuate INORDINATE: Excessive - spoiled by inordinate praise. Synonyms: immoderate, intemperate, extravagant INSATIABLE: Unable to be satisfied - insatiable greed Synonyms. unappeasable, unquenchable, insatiate INSCRUTABLE: Incapable of interpretation or understanding - the inscrutable smile of the Mona Lisa. Synonyms: unfathomable, cryptic, enigmatic INSIDIOUS: Working secretly or slyly - that insidious disease, cancer. Synonyms: wily, crafty, furtive, treacherous, artful, guileful perfidious INSTIGATE: To stir tip - instigated discontent among the soldiers. Synonyms: foment, incite INTEGRITY: Honesty, moral soundness - a man of proved integrity. Synonyms: probity, uprightness, incorruptibility INVEIGH (noun-. INVECTIVE): To speak angrily or bitterly-inveighed against economic discrimination. Synonyms: rail, denounce, fulminate, vituperate IRASCIBLE: Easily angered - Even petty things made Peter irascible. Synonyms: choleric, petulant, testy, peevish, splenetic, touchy Antonyms: placid, equable IRE: Anger -aroused his ire. Synonyms: resentment; (adj.) irate, incensed IRKSOME: Tedious, monotonous - an irksome chore that no one liked. ITINERANT: Traveling about; wandering - an itinerant salesman. Synonym: nomadic JARGON: Confused, unintelligible, meaningless talk; special vocabulary used only by members of a group or trade - Variety, a newspaper written in theatrical jargon. Synonyms: gibberish, argot, cant JAUNTY: Having an air of easy carelessness or liveliness - walked with a jaunty step. Synonyms: sprightly, airy, gay, nonchalant, debonair Antonyms: somber, staid JEOPARDY: Danger - His life was in jeopardy. Synonyms: hazard, peril JETTISON: To throw overboard (as cargo); to throw off (as a burden or something in the way )- jettisoned their old candidate as a political liability. JUDICIOUS: Wise; using or exhibiting good judgment - a well-chosen plan, termed judicious by all. Synonyms:discreet, politic, discerning KALEIDOSCOPIC: Constantly changing or varying in pattern or scenes - kaleidoscopic views of New York. KEN: Range of sight or understanding - something beyond our ken. Synonym: insight LABYRINTH (adj.: LABYRINTHINE): A structure or intricate passage out of which it is difficult to find ones way (also applied to spiritual and intellectual complexities) - confused by a labyrinth of intellectual discussions. Synonym:maze LACHRYMOSE: Causing or given to shedding tears - a lachrymose tragedy. LACONIC: Saying much in few words - a laconic reply that spoke volumes. Synonyms:concise, pithy, terse, succinct, taciturn, reticent Antonyms:verbose, prolix, redundant, diffuse, tautological, turgid, garrulous, voluble LARCENY: Theft - indicted for grand larceny. LATENT: Hidden; present but not fully developed - latent talent that time will reveal. Synonyms:dormant, quiescent, covert, potential Antonyms:apparent, patent LAVISH: (1) Profuse or generous - lavish in praise. Synonyms: ample, superabundant (2) Given to extravagance - a lavish spender. Synonyms: prodigal, munificent, magnanimous. Antonyms: parsimonious, niggardly, frugal, penurious LETHAL: Deadly - a lethal weapon. Synonyms: mortal, fatal LONGEVITY: Prolonged duration of life - a country remarkable for the longevity of its inhabitants. LOW: To bellow softly like cattle - the lowing herd in the meadow. Synonym: moo LUCID: Clear; transparent; easily understood - a lucid explanation of a difficult text. Synonyms: pellucid, perspicuous, intelligible, limpid, luminous, translucent Antonyms: abstruse, obscure LUDICROUS: Ridiculous; producing laughter - a ludicrous remark that set them all to roaring. Synonyms: mirthful, droll, comical, absurd Antonyms: doleful, lugubrious, dismal LUMINARY: An eminent person; a celestial body - the platform graced by a number of luminaries. MACHIAVELLIAN: Sacrificing moral principles in order to attain power; politically cunning; crafty - a machiavellian design, wickedly contrived. Synonym: unscrupulous MALICIOUS (noun: MALICE): Bearing, or acting with, deliberate ill-will or spite - hurting with malicious intent. Synonyms:rancorous, malignant, malevolent, virulent, vindictive Antonym: benign MASQUERADE (verb): To assume a deceptive appearance or character - a thief masquerading as an honest man. Synonyms: dissemble, feign (noun): A disguise; a group of people in disguise or fancy costumes - a masquerade so perfect no one could guess his identity. MAUDLIN: Sentimental to the point of tears - turned maudlin at the mention of his lost dog. Synonym : mawkish, lachrymose MEANDER: To walk about (or talk) aimlessly; to wind about (as a stream) - meandered through the town, looking into shop windows. Synonym: ramble MEDIOCRE: Average in quality - a mediocre performance, unworthy of his talents. MERCENARY: Acting solely from a consideration of reward or profit - actuated by a mercenary motive. Synonym: venal MERETRICIOUS: Attracting in a false, cheap, or showy manner- a meretricious beauty that is too flashy to be real. Synonyms:tawdry, specious METICULOUS: Fussy about minute details - took meticulous pains with his composition. Synonyms:fastidious, punctilious, overscrupulous, finical, methodical Antonyms:desultory, perfunctory, slovenly METTLE (adj.: METTLESOME: high-spirited ): Disposition; spirit; courage - His mettle was tried in battle. Idiom: to be on ones mettle (meaning, “ready to do ones best”) Synonyms:temperament, ardor MICROCOSM: A little world, or a universe in miniature this village, a microcosm of the great outside world. Antonym:macrocosm (world on a large scale) MIMIC: To make fun of or copy by imitating - mimicked the comedians gestures. MISANTHROPIC (noun: MISANTHROPE): Hating or distrusting mankind - condemned for his misanthropic views. Antonyms: philanthropic, altruistic MISNOMER: A name or term that describes wrongly - To call him a brave man is really a misnomer. MONOLOGUE: A speech by one person - The actor gave his views in a dramatic monologue. Synonym:soliloquy Antonyms:colloquy (adj. colloquial): conversation between two or more persons; dialogue: conversation between two persons MOROSE: Gloomy; ill-humored - shunned because of his morose temper. Synonyms: sulky, crabbed, sullen, splenetic, saturnine Antonyms: blithe, genial MOTLEY: Of various colors; of mixed ingredients - a motley costume; a motley crowd. Synonyms: checkered (referring to a varied career), piebald, variegated, diverse, heterogeneous Antonym: homogeneous MOTTLED: Spotted or streaked with varied colors - a mottled pony. Synonyms:blotched, dappled MUNDANE: Of, or pertaining to, the world, as contrasted with the spirit - mundane affairs. Synonyms:earthly, terrestrial, secular, temporal MURKY: Dark; cloudy - a murky cavern. Synonyms:dismal, tenebrous, fuliginous Antonyms:resplendent, glowing, lustrous, luminous, fulgent, coruscating MUTABLE: Given to frequent change in nature, mood, or form - mutable in mood as a spring wind. Synonyms:vacillating, fickle, inconstant, fitful, mercurial, wavering, capricious Antonyms:constant, steady MYRIAD: Innumerable - the myriad stars in the heavens. NAUTICAL: Pertaining to ships or navigation - a nautical career. Synonyms: marine, naval, maritime NETTLE: To irritate or provoke - nettled by his critics. Synonyms: vex, pique, goad NOCTURNAL: Pertaining to, or occurring in, the night - awakened by the sounds of a nocturnal prowler. Antonym: diurnal NOISOME: Foul-smelling; harmful-the swamp gave off a noisome odor. Synonyms: malodorous, fetid, disgusting; noxious, deleterious Antonym: salubrious NONCHALANT: Unmoved or indifferent; casual - reacted to the news in a nonchalant manner. Synonym: apathetic Antonyms: enthusiastic, zealous NOSTALGIA: Homesickness - felt nostalgia for the old homestead. NOTORIOUS: Widely known (in a bad sense) - a notorious gambler. NOVICE: A beginner - conducted himself in politics like a novice. Synonyms:tyro, neophyte Antonym:virtuoso OBDURATE: Hard-hearted; stubborn - an obdurate, unrepentant criminal. Synonyms:adamant, unyielding, inflexible Antonyms:submissive, docile, compliant OBLIVIOUS (noun: OBLIVION): Forgetful; absent-minded - walking oblivious of his surroundings. Synonyms:unmindful, heedless, abstracted OBSESSION: A persistent feeling, idea, activity, etc., which dominates a person; the state of being exclusively preoccupied by a fixed idea - Now that he has learned bowling, it has become his obsession. Synonyms:mania, infatuation (a foolish passion), monomania OBSOLETE: No longer in use - an obsolete word, not even included by most dictionaries. Synonyms:archaic, antiquated OBTRUSIVE (verb: OBTRUDE): Thrusting oneself or itself into undue prominence - made himself obnoxiously obtrusive. Synonyms:intrusive, aggressive OBVIATE: To prevent, dispose of, or make unnecessary by appropriate actions - an act which obviated all objections. Synonyms:preclude, forestall OMNIPOTENT: All-powerful - an omnipotent despot. ONUS: Burden; duty; obligation - bore the onus of his difficult office creditably. OSTENSIBLE: Apparent; pretended - his ostensible, though not actual, purpose. Synonyms:professed, plausible (that is, appearing true, reasonable, or fair), specious OSTRACIZE: To banish; to exclude from public favor or privileges - a former premier ostracized by popular vote. Synonym: outlaw PANACEA: A remedy for all ills - seeking a panacea to cure our social troubles. Synonym: nostrum PANEGYRIC: A speech or writing of extravagant praise - delivered a panegyric at his friends testimonial dinner. Synonyms:eulogy, adulation, tribute, laudation (adj. laudatory), encomium Antonyms:censure, disparagement, derogation, castigation, depreciation PARADOX: A self -contradictory statement; something that appears to be absurd and yet may be true -Life is too important a matter to he taken seriously. - a paradox by Oscar Wilde. Synonym: anomaly PARAPHRASE: To restate the meaning of a passage in other words - paraphrased the poem in a few lines of prose. PARODY (noun): A humorous imitation of an authors style and mannerisms - wrote a parody on Kiplings Gunga Din. Synonym: burlesque (verb): To write a parody - parodied the popular authors of the (lay to his audiences amusement. Synonym: Mimic PECCADILLO: A petty fault-possesses one peccadillo among his many virtues. Synonyms: frailty, foible, flaw, blemish PECUNIARY: Pertaining to money - involved in pecuniary difficulties. Synonyms; financial, fiscal, monetary PEDANT (adj.: PEDANTIC): One who proudly shows off his learning or who overrates his knowledge - like a pedant glorying in his scholarly trifles. PENSIVE: Sadly thoughtful - softly sang his pensive song. Synonyms: reflective, meditative, contemplative, musing PEREMPTORY: Positive in expressing an opinion - gave a peremptory judgment. Synonyms:decisive, resolute, imperious, positive, dogmatic Antonyms:indecisive, tentative PERTINACIOUS: Clinging doggedly to an opinion or purpose - pertinacious in his efforts. Synonyms:obdurate, tenacious, persistent, persevering, intractable, inflexible PERUSE: To read carefully - perused the important letter. PERVERSE: Willfully bent on doing the wrong thing - a perverse lad, always disobeying his parents. Synonyms:headstrong, froward, refractory, wayward, fractious PETRIFY: To paralyze with horror, fear, or surprise - petrified by the enemy bombardment. Synonyms:stupefy, stun, bewilder, amaze PLAGIARISM. Adopting and reproducing, without acknowledgment, the writings or ideas of another and passing them off as ones own - denied the charge of deliberate plagiarism. PLATITUDE: A dull and commonplace remark - bored people by his pompous phrases and platitudes. Synonyms:bromide, truism, axiom PLEBEIAN: Pertaining to the common people; hence, common or vulgar - plebeian in his tastes and outlook. Antonyms:patrician, aristocratic PLEBISCITE. A direct vote by the people - The decision to confederate was ratified by plebiscite. POIGNANT: (1) Gripping and moving the feelings powerfully - a poignant grief. (2) Piercing, biting, pointed - a poignant cry; poignant wit. PONDEROUS: Very heavy; clumsy; dull - a ponderous speech, extremely boring. PRECARIOUS: Uncertain or risky - earning a precarious livelihood, providing no luxuries. PRECIPITOUS: (1) Very steep - a precipitous cliff. (2) Descending rapidly - a precipitous decline in popularity. PRECOCIOUS: Remarkable for early mental development a precocious genius. PREDATORY: (1) Inclined to plunder or rob; - predatory bands roaming the countryside. (2) Preying on, others - predatory animals prowling about. Synonyms: predacious, looting, pillaging PREDILECTION: Partiality or preference for; a favorable opinion arrived at beforehand - a predilection for theatricals. Synonyms: prepossession, proclivity, predisposition, penchant Antonyms: aversion, antipathy, repugnance PRELUDE: An introduction, forerunner, or preliminary step - a short prelude to the play. Synonyms: preface, prologue, preamble. Antonym: epilogue PREROGATIVE: A privilege or power attaching to a position - It is a womans prerogative to refuse to tell her age. Synonym: license PRESTIGE: Esteem or influence accorded for recognized achievements or reputation - As Senator he enjoyed great prestige. Synonym: distinction 415, PRECOCIOUS: Remarkable for early mental development a precocious genius. PREDATORY: (1) Inclined to plunder or rob; - predatory bands roaming the countryside. (2) Preying on, others - predatory animals prowling about. Synonyms: predacious, looting, pillaging PREDILECTION: Partiality or pr eference for; a favorable opinion arrived at beforehand - a predilection for theatricals. Synonyms: prepossession, proclivity, predisposition, penchant Antonyms: aversion, antipathy, repugnance PRELUDE: An introduction, forerunner, or preliminary step - a short prelude to the play. Synonyms: Preface, prologue. Preamble Antonym: epilogue PREROGATIVE: A privilege or power attaching to a position - It is a womans prerogative to refuse to tell her age. Synonym: license PRESTIGE: Esteem or influence accorded for recognized achievements or reputation - As Senator he enjoyed great prestige. Synonym: distinction PRESUMPTION: (1) Something taken for granted - acted on a reasonable presumption. (2) Going beyond proper bounds; impudent boldness - His question was downright presumption. Synonyms: effrontery, forwardness, arrogance PREVARICATE: To disguise or conceal the truth to lie - prevaricated in order to avoid detection. Synonyms: quibble, equivocate; (adj.) mendacious Antonyms: (noun) veracity, verity; (adj.) forthright PROCRASTINATE: To postpone or put off to another time - missed his opportunity by procrastinating too long. Synonyms: defer, delay PROGNOSTICATE (noun: PROGNOSIS): To forecast - The Weather Bureau prognosticates daily. Synonyms:presage, portend, augur, forebode PROLETARIAT: The wage-earning class - a truckman, humble member of the proletariat. PROMONTORY: A cliff - an imposing promontory along the coast. Synonyms:headland, precipice PROMULGATE: To publish or proclaim; to spread abroad The President promulgated a decree. Synonym:disseminate PROTUBERANT: Bulging or swelling out - a protuberant jaw. Antonyms:receding, recessive PROVISIONAL: Temporary; for the time being - a provisional plan until a permanent decision is reached. Synonym:tentative PROXIMITY: Nearness-worked in close proximity to his home. Synonyms :propinquity, vicinity Antonym:remoteness PSEUDONYM: A false name assumed by a writer - concealed his identity by a pseudonym. Synonyms:alias, pen name, nom de plume PUNITIVE: Inflicting, or concerned with, punishment - took punitive measures against deserters. QUASH: To crush; to render void - quashed a rebellion; quashed an indictment. Synonyms:suppress, extinguish, quell; annul QUERULOUS: Given to fault-finding and complaining - Her querulous nature estranged many people. Synonyms:fretful, whining, captious, carping, peevish, petulant Antonym: affable QUIXOTIC: Extravagantly romantic or idealistic; highly impractical - a quixotic scheme that can never materialize. Synonyms:utopian, visionary, fantastic RACONTEUR: A skilled storyteller - held spellbound by a superb raconteur. RADICAL (noun): One who advocates extreme basic changes - The reform movement was led by a radical. (adj.): Thorough, extreme - radical measures adopted to meet the emergency. Antonym:(noun and adj.) conservative RAMIFICATION: A branching; sub-division - studied the subject in all its ramifications. RAZE: To tear down completely- razed the old building. Synonyms:level Antonym:rear RECAPITULATE: To restate in a brief, concise form; to sum up - recapitulated the main ideas. RECIPROCAL: Mutual; done in return for something received - held each other in reciprocal esteem. RECUMBENT: Lying down; leaning back or down - resting in a recumbent position. REDOLENT: (1) Fragrant - a room redolent of roses. Synonym: aromatic (2) Reminiscent of - redolent of olden times. REDOUBTABLE: Commanding fear or respect - cringing before a redoubtable enemy. Synonym:formidable REFUTE: To prove incorrect or false-refuted his opponents argument. Synonyms:rebut, confute Antonyms: substantiate, confirm, corroborate REITERATE: Repeat (several times) - reiterated his story once more. REMUNERATIVE: Profitable - a remunerative job. Synonyms: lucrative, gainful RENEGADE: One who forsakes political or party principles or his religious faith - a renegade from his former allegiance. Synonyms: turncoat, apostate, recreant, traitor REPRISAL: Injury inflicted in turn for one received - took action in reprisal against his neighbor. Synonym: retaliation RESENTMENT: Feeling of displeasure or indignation resulting from mistreatment or abuse - showed resentment at what he considered an unwarranted insult. Synonyms: umbrage, dudgeon, animosity RESILIENT: Elastic; light-hearted; possessing power of recovery - a resilient Spirit, refusing to admit defeat. Synonyms: flexible, pliable, supple, limber RESPITE: (1) Temporary deferment or cessation of work or pain - a brief respite from labor. Synonym: surcease (2) A temporary delay in the execution of -a sentence - granted the doom man a temporary respite. Synonym: reprieve RETRIBUTION: The reward or punishment exacted for an injury, wickedness, or other action - suffered just retribution for his folly. Synonyms: requital, nemesis RETRIEVE: (1) To make good -retrieved a mistake. (2) To recover -retrieved the suitcase left at the station. (3) To restore - retrieved his lost fortunes. REVERBERATE: To echo - a shot reverberating through the valley. Synonym: resound RUDIMENTARY: In an early stage of development - possessing only a rudimentary, knowledge of physics. Synonym: incipient RUE (adj.: RUEFUL): To be sorry for-He will rue the day he left home. Synonyms: regret, repent SACROSANCT: Very holy - a shrine. regarded as sacrosanct. Synonyms: consecrated, inviolable, hallowed SAGACIOUS (noun: SAGACITY): Wise; shrewd - proved to be sagacious in his judgment. Synonyms: perspicacious, astute, sapient, discerning, sage SALLOW: Sick - a sallow complexion. Synonym: pallid Antonyms: rubicund, ruddy, florid SALLY: (verb): To rush forth suddenly - sallied out to meet the enemy. (noun): A Witty remark - amused the audience with his sallies against his opponent. Synonyms: quip, banter SANCTIMONIOUS: Pretending to be religious - showed his hypocrisy in a sanctimonious display of piety. SANGUINARY: Bloody - a sanguinary battle. Synonym: gory SANGUINE: Of a hopeful disposition; blood-red in color - a perennial optimist, sanguine in temperament. Synonyms: buoyant, ardent SARTORIAL: Pertaining to a tailor or clothes - a picture of sartorial perfection. SATELLITE: (1) An attentive or flattering follower - a prince surrounded by many satellites. Synonyms: lackey, toady, disciple, adherent; adj., fawning, obsequious, partisan (2) A country influenced or controlled by another - Freedom is conspicuously absent ,in the Soviet satellites. (3) A body (natural or artificial) which revolves around a larger body, generally a planet - The moon is the only natural satellite of the earth, but in recent years it has been joined by many artificial satellites. SCINTILLA: A trace; a particle - not a scintilla of convincing evidence. Synonyms: iota; vestige SCOURGE (verb): To punish severely; to afflict; to whip - a disease that scourged the country. Synonyms: excoriate, flay (noun). A whip or other means of punishment; a cause of affliction - The Black Plague was a dreadful scourge of the Middle Ages. Synonym: tribulation SCRUTINIZE: To examine carefully -scrutinized the contents of the letter. SHIBBOLETH: A party slogan - a shibboleth designed to attract votes. SIMPER (verb): To smile in a silly or affected way simpered as he greeted each guest. (noun): An affected or silly smile - stood nervously, a simper on his face. Synonym: (verb and noun) smirk SINECURE: Employment entailing little or no responsibility or labor - His job was a sinecure. SINISTER: Threatening or showing evil; dishonest - the sinisterlook of a gangster. SLEAZY: Flimsy and cheap - sleazy cloth which is used only in cheap garments. Synonym: unsubstantial SLOVENLY: Untidy-severely criticized the students slovenly appearance. Synonyms: slipshod, slatternly, frowzy SOPORIFIC: Tending to induce sleep - a poorly written novel, soporific in effect. SORDID: Mean and base; filthy - Sordid motives breed selfish actions. Synonyms: degraded, vile, ignoble SOVEREIGN: Supreme m power and authority; independent of the control of any other government - possessing sovereign powers; a sovereign state. Synonyms: autonomous, imperial, majestic, paramount SPORADIC: Occurring singly, at irregular intervals; scattered - sporadic cases of illness. SPURN: To refuse or reject with contempt - an offer that was spurned instantly. Synonyms: repel, snub STOIC: Indifferent, calm in bearing pain or pleasure; practising remarkable self-control over emotions - maintained a stoic attitude despite all his trials. Synonyms: stolid, impassive STRINGENT: Strict; compelling, constraining stringent regulations; stringent requirements. Synonyms: exacting, rigid Antonym: lax STUPENDOUS: Amazing by, virtue of its immense size, force, or any quality in exceptional degree - The circus is a stupendous spectacle. Synonyms: astounding, prodigious, monstrous, marvelous, colossal, awful SUCCULENT: juicy - a succulent steak. Antonyms; desiccated, vapid SULTRY: Close, hot, and moist - sultry tropical weather. SUPINE: (1) Lying flat on the back - resting in a supine position. Antonym: erect (2) Inert, inactive, averse to taking action - a supine, ineffective administrator. Synonyms: listless, torpid TANGIBLE: Real; actual - tangible gains which may be seen. and counted. Synonyms: material, veritable, perceptible, substantial TANTAMOUNT: Equivalent - an act that is tantamount to treason. TAUNT (verb). To reproach with contempt - taunted him with the charge of failure to act promptly. Synonyms: mock, twit, gibe, sneer, deride (noun): An insulting, jeering, or bitter remark - hurled taunts at his foes. TEEMING: In abundance, fertile, highly productive - the teeming tropics, rank with vegetation. Synonyms: swarming, fruitful, fecund, abounding TEMERITY: Unwise or reckless boldness - leaped into battle with thoughtless temerity. Synonyms: audacity, presumptuousness, effrontery, rashness; (adj.) temerarious, foolhardy, venturesome Antonyms: prudence, circumspection, wariness TEMPORAL: Worldly, as opposed to spiritual; existing for a time only - a man preoccupied with temporal matters. Synonyms: mundane, secular, civil TEMPORIZE: To delay or refuse to commit oneself in order to gain time - temporized while his friends hurried to his aid. Synonym: equivocate TENET: A principle of belief held as true - a tenet of religion which be maintained loyally. Synonyms: creed, doctrine, dogma TENUOUS: Slender; not substantial; of slight importance - clung desperately to his tenuous hope. TRANQUIL: Calm; peaceful - a tranquil summer night. Synonyms: placid, serene Antonyms: perturbed, ruffled, turbulent TRANSGRESS: To break a law or command; to violate a moral principle; to overstep a moral bound or limit - transgressed the bounds of decency; transgressed the law. TREMULOUS: Trembling - tremulous with fright. Synonym: quivering TRIVIAL: Of little - importance - a trivial offense. Synonym: paltry Antonyms: gross, momentous TRUCULENT (noun: TRUCULENCE): Cruel, fierce; harsh; threatening or intimidating savagely - a dispute marked by a truculent attitude on both sides. TURGID: (1) Swollen, inflated - turgid rivers overflowing their banks. Synonyms: bloated, distended (2) Using big or high-sounding words - a turgid prose style. Synonyms: pompous, bombastic, prolix UBIQUITOUS: Existing everywhere - The common cold is a ubiquitous complaint. Synonyms: omnipresent, universal UNTENABLE: Incapable of being defended or held - withdrew the argument as untenable. UTILITARIAN (adj.): Materially or practically useful - beautiful, but not utilitarian. VANQUISH: To subdue or conquer -an army vanquished with heavy losses. VAUNT: To boast - proudly vaunted his strength. Synonyms: brag (noun: braggadocio, braggart), proclaim VENEER: A superficial appearance or show designed to impress one with superiority - pierced beneath his thin veneer of elegance. Synonym: gloss VENERABLE: Deserving respect or reverence because of age - a venerable leader. VERNAL: Pertaining to spring-an array of vernal flowers. Antonym: hibernal (wintry) VERSATILE: Able to do many things skillfully - versatile in all the arts. VICARIOUS: Taking the place of another; felt, received, or done in place of another - took vicarious pleasure in his brothers victory. VICISSITUDE: A change from one condition to another, often unexpected - suffered many vicissitudes of fortune. VIRAGO: A scolding or ill-tempered woman - My neighbors wife is a virago. Synonyms: shrew, termagant, vixen VITUPERATE (noun: VITUPERATION; adj.: VITUPERATIVE): To scold or blame loudly, find fault with in abusive language - an angry man, vituperating the world. Synonyms: berate, revile WAIVE: To give up (privileges, etc.); to do without - waived his rights to the property. Synonyms: relinquish, forgo, forsake WHIM (adj.: WHIMSICAL): A sudden notion or passing fancy -frequently acted on the whim of the moment. Synonyms: caprice, vagary, crotchet WRITHE: To twist about (usually with pain) - writhed in agony on the floor. Synonyms: contort, squirm ZEALOUS (noun: ZEALOT: fanatic): Full of enthusiasm or eagerness -a zealous student, first in his class. Antonym: perfunctory ZENITH: The highest point - the zenith of his career. Synonyms: acme, apex, culmination, summit Antonym: nadir
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:23:55 +0000

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