24TH AUGUST 2014 ~TODAY’S MESSAGE~ UNDERSTANDING PRAYER! Prayer is probably the most common word and the most common activity in Christianity; but, ironically, prayer also is one of the least understood concepts in Christendom. What a lot of Christians call prayer is actually not close to the art of prayer in any way. Most of the failures and struggles we see in the lives of most Christians are as a result of their lack of understanding of what prayer is and what prayer isn’t. If most Christians understood PRAYER, they wouldn’t waste their time of prayer on the devil, on challenges etc. When it comes to dealing with Satan and his demons, we don’t pray about them; we don’t pray against them. Never let any devil/man deceive you to think that the time of prayer is the time to war with devils; that’s an abuse; that’s ignorance with white beard. In fact, there is nothing like “a warfare prayer”, because we don’t war with prayer; prayer is not a warring weapon for the Christian. All these terms and practices are the inventions of renowned and highly esteemed ignorant men who never had accurate understanding of the TRUTH. If you careful study the life of the Lord Jesus Chris while he walked on the earth, you will come to understand that prayer is fellowshipping with the Father/Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ never prayed about devils, sicknesses and diseases; He cast them out with a command or an instruction from Him and that’s not prayer. I define Prayer as the act of communicating/fellowshipping with the Father/Holy Spirit in the Name of Jesus that results in the Father’s respond on your behalf in the form of a feedback message or the working of His mighty power on your behalf. Our Lord Jesus Christ said that “…men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” Luke 18:1 The Greek word translated to mean pray in the scripture above is ‘proseuchomai’, which means “to ask God, to pray to God, to make a request from God, or supplicate to God”. This is different from when Jesus Christ said that; “In my name shall they cast out devils…They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” Mark 16:17-18 In the scripture above, Jesus meant something different from what He said in Luke 18:1. Here he meant that we are going to use His Name as an instrument to directly cast out devils, heal the sick and do others of such without praying to the Father in Jesus name. When we do this, we are directly exercising our authority/power of attorney in the Name of Jesus to directly cast them out; that’s not prayer—prayer is to the Father— Praying to the Father in the Name of Jesus is different from exercising our authority directly over sicknesses, demons and circumstances. Glory! —PASTOR BERNARD KING-ARTHUR—
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 07:07:19 +0000

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