24th October, Zambian Independence Day, is a Solemn Day on - TopicsExpress


24th October, Zambian Independence Day, is a Solemn Day on Barotseland Calendar - Afumba Mombotwa as he cautions Barotseland nationals against celebrating Zambias 50th Independence Day PRESS RELEASE, 18/10/2014 Caution To All Barotzis Over The 24th October Celebrations Accept kind and heartfelt greetings of love from me, His Majesty King Lubosi Imwiko II, and from the Royal Barotseland Government. May God richly bless you all; for He has proved His providence to all our needs, and He has granted us victory in the pursuit of our independence! The Barotse people should not attach any importance to 24th October 1964. It is a solemn day with solemn music according to the Barotseland calendar; because it reminds us of the insults UNIP thugs showered on the Litunga Mwanawina III; “Mwanawina zwela kwande sekeli mukuwa waku bata.” Such an insolent, impudent and taunt language brought into a civilized society from foreign community. Jubilee to us is not a memorial occasion; it is a current situation or event of liberty. When the Barotzish people are loosened from Zambian shackles and not a celebration to remember how we were deceived, deluded and betrayed by Prime Minister Kaunda, a master dribbler! Zambia was a colony while Barotseland was a protectorate. Zambia is celebrating the subjugation of Barotseland as a victory and departure of whites as a relief (two fold) for all these years. Celebration of the Pharaohs, if they had anything to celebrate, could not be the celebration of the Hebrews even if they were in the same country (Egypt); only those who wanted meat in Egypt could not see anything wrong there. Can any sensible person celebrate the looting of the £78,500,000 (seventy eight million five hundred thousand British sterling pounds) from the Barotseland coffers? Can a normal person celebrate the termination of the treaty, BA’64? Can somebody celebrate the incarceration of school pupils, brothers, sisters and parents for treason, just for the knowledge of who they are? Those in the realms of power of Zambia are celebrating the fore-going. Really, the 24th October, 2014 shall differentiate the Barotse people who love Barotseland and those who do not. Those Barotzish, who have renounced their Barotzish nationality, let them join Zambia. The Barotzish currently in Zambia shall not celebrate on 24th October. The Zambians who live in Barotseland are once more given chance to celebrate. Let all the Barotzish be not drunk with wine (doctrine) of Zambia!! Tukongote Litunga ni lyetu! Rt. Hon. Afumba Mombotwa Administrator general Royal Barotseland kingdom - See more at: barotsepost/index.php/en/frontnews/local-news/939-24th-october-zambian-independence-day-is-a-solemn-day-on-barotseland-calendar-afumba-mombotwa-as-he-cautions-barotseland-nationals-against-celebrating-zambia-s-50th-independence-day#sthash.N0EplGoj.dpuf
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:57:23 +0000

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