25. ARE PSYCHIC POWERS DESIRABLE? Paragraph 2 2 Certainly there - TopicsExpress


25. ARE PSYCHIC POWERS DESIRABLE? Paragraph 2 2 Certainly there are many psychic powers that are clearly in line with this course. Communication is not limited to the small range of channels the world recognizes. If it were, there would be little point in trying to teach salvation. It would be impossible to do so. The limits the world places on communication are the chief barriers to direct experience of the Holy Spirit, Whose Presence is always there and Whose Voice is available but for the hearing. These limits are placed out of fear, for without them the walls that surround all the separate places of the world would fall at the holy sound of His Voice. Who transcends these limits in any way is merely becoming more natural. He is doing nothing special, and there is no magic in his accomplishments. I’ve never experienced most psychic abilities, but I have noticed that as I am “tuned in” to Holy Spirit, my life flows more smoothly. I hear disturbing news about a friend’s health and I realize I don’t believe it. I don’t worry about that person or think in terms of what will happen next and whether she will survive it. I just know that the problem will resolve itself. It is never clear-cut or in words, just a knowing. I drive a lot and often this in rural areas, sometimes so rural that even my GPS becomes confused. If I relax and ask for guidance, I am inevitably “led” to the right place. I thought about this because it happened again recently. I was going to a wedding, and though I know they can’t start without their minister, I don’t like to be late. Brides are nerved up enough without me adding to their stress level. The wedding was taking place out in the country at their home and even though I had been there for the rehearsal, I was coming from a different direction this time. I put the address into my GPS and wound up on a dead end road. I felt a moment of panic because I had not allowed time to get lost when I headed out. I stopped a moment to allow myself to relax and to rest the thinking mind. I turned off the GPS and asked Holy Spirit which way to go. I turned around and went straight to the house. Another way this kind of intuitive knowing is helpful is when I am facilitating a student or doing some spiritual counseling. I always ask the Holy Spirit to guide my words. Sometimes I will say something that is absolutely perfect without even knowing it until afterwards when the person tells me. Sometimes I will say things that don’t even make sense to me and yet, they are perfect. Sometimes I am as surprised by what comes from my mouth as is the person I am speaking to. Most of the time this is not very dramatic. I say what I am led to say and it just feels like a helpful conversation. But I know what a conversation coming from the ego thinking mind sounds like, and I know that when it comes from Spirit it is an entirely different thing. If this connection with Holy Spirit were not available to me, I guarantee you that I would not be a minister at all. I certainly would not be teaching and facilitating and counseling people. I am under no delusions that I am a gifted, or even skilled, communicator. One of the most dramatic differences shows up in my writing. I have tried to write something without Spirit guidance and believe me when I say that I am not a gifted writer either. I am not any kind of writer. But from the day I started listening to Holy Spirit as I write, the words have flowed easily and helpfully. I don’t think of this intuitive speaking and thinking or even writing as being psychic, but it is something out of the ordinary. It is not the way we usually think of communication. It is communicating without the involvement of the thinking mind, and that is always a good thing. The thinking mind only recycles the bits of information that I have stuffed into it in the past. Guidance comes from an All-Knowing Source and does not depend on, nor is limited to, information gathered from past experiences. It is not even limited to this little sliver of mind I call my own. It is from the whole Mind and so is relevant to any and all involved. This ability to hear Holy Spirit is certainly not limited to a few “special” people. Anyone can do this and everyone is meant to do it. All that is required is the desire to do so and the willingness to put aside the self if only for the moments needed to hear Spirit. Holy Spirit will not out-shout the ego voice. He speaks clearly and quietly and does so whether we are actively listening or not. But to hear Him, we have to stop listening to the ego voice, the voice of the self. That is all we have to do, and eventually we all will do it. The Course tells us that it is possible to hear only this Voice. Even though I am not there, I am getting closer and closer to that day.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 11:35:41 +0000

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