25 NOV 2014 TUESDAY EPISODE * At the reception in the castle, - TopicsExpress


25 NOV 2014 TUESDAY EPISODE * At the reception in the castle, JM and Rocio promise to keep in touch - everyone wishes the newlyweds luck and happiness on their future. Mayita is a bundle of joy and happiness as she hugs Cuate and rambles on about her wishes for the future. * Up in the fantasyland attic with Granny M, Mayita relays all the details about the wedding and reception of Rocio and Vince. Mayita is upset that MC wasnt at the reception with JM Jr. Granny gets Mayita to open up and Mayita talks about her disappointment of Omar. Granny changes the subject and gets Mayita back to talking about the wedding, reception, wedding trip and that Vince is going to school to become a professional painter. * At the church, JM wanders into the sanctuary. He looks up at the altar and begins to pray and thought bubble to himself about seeing MC sitting with Omar in the pews at the wedding ceremony. He recalls Omars declarations of love for MC and that JM needs to respect it and stay away. JM sits down and cries that when MC marries Omar hell lose her forever. JM cries as he remembers MC looking at him during the ceremony. * Ceci visits MC and JM Jr. at the apartment. Happy greetings! Ceci mentions how much she regrets the past mistakes and giving MC up as a baby. MC tells her thats the past; we together now thats important. Ceci cant let it go - and starts begging MC to move into the mansion to live with her and Patricio. * Steffie is on hands and knees begging and arguing to get Patricio on her side against MC and Ceci. Pats getting frustrated with her badgering arguments. * Ceci continues to plead for MC to return to the mansion. Ceci even includes Cande in the move. MC doesnt know what to say. * Steffie continues to badger Pat and claims that Ceci favors MC over her and him both. Steffie really starts to annoy Pat and he tries to leave. Steffie pulls out her wild card argument and tells him gossip about Ceci and JM. * Ceci tells MC about all the lies and tricks that Isa and Steffie pulled to torment Ceci about Steffie being her daughter instead of MC. MC hates that they did that, but what really hurts is that Pat insulted her, and supported Steffie and Isas plot. For that reason, MC cant live in the same house as Pat. Ceci is sad but understands. * Steffie continues to badger and annoy Pat and demands that Pat team up with her against MC and his own wife (Ceci). Pat finally has enough, stomps his foot, and tells Steffie NO WAY! I will not fight against my own wife! Steffie is muy impactado (stunned beyond belief). * Ceci and MC continue to discuss MCs problems with Patricio. Ceci tells MC that if she has to choose, she would choose MC hands down over Patricio. MC is stunned - she excuses herself as JM Jr. squirms around in her arms. * Blanca and Balbina talk in Blancas bedroom. Blanca asks Balbina to lock her into her room for the night. Balbina agrees and leaves. * In the hallway, Balbina locks the door with the keys. Nellie approaches and starts whining and grumbling about JM bringing the murderer back into the house. Balbina stares and listens as Nellie continues to belly-ache her paranoia about Mayitas safety. * Granny M tells Mayita the story of Hansel and Gretl. Mayita is so intrigued by the story that when Granny stops right when the Witch opens the door to see Hansel and Gretl outside, Mayita begs for Granny to continue. Granny tells her no more tonight, tune in tomorrow for the rest of the story. * MC tells Ceci that she has decided to marry Omar and she and JM Jr. will live with him. MC says that its best for her son to have a father in his life also. MC then tells Ceci that she will always be welcome to visit them. Ceci cries - they hug. Ceci wonders if MC will ever forgive Patricio. MC says no. Ceci begs for her to reconsider. MC makes her arguments against Pat and Steffie. Ceci is sad and begs again. MC says for now, she cant forgive Pat. * Francisco talks with Bea in the living room about her engagement and upcoming wedding to Eduardo. He wonders about Amador. Bea says that Amador was a stupid mistake of youth. Just at that moment, like magic, Amador appears in the room. * Purita meets with Padre Anselmo in the church rectory hallway. They talk about Puritas happiness and Padre gives her some advice about men. * Francisco leaves so Amador and Bea can talk in private. She tells Amador that she will be marrying and having a life with Eduardo. Amador demands that she end the relationship and engagement with Eduardo immediately. * Adrian joins Purita and Padre in the rectory hallway. Adrian and Purita are all aglow in love and happiness - they are planning their wedding and where to live together (somewhere close to his work and also the neighborhood). * Amador and Bea argue over Amador now asserting his paternity rights for her son. Bea says that Ed has been there for her and her son and is his father now and reminds Amador that he rejected her and the baby during her pregnancy. Amadors male ego pride is hurt and he makes his demand - either give up Eduardo or he will take his son from her. Bea is stunned and tells him he cant do that. Amador exerts his rights and demands again. Bea is still stunned by his demands and doesnt believe he will do it. Amador insults Eds manliness. Bea begs Amador to let her and her son be a family with Ed. Amador says you can marry Ed if you wish, but as for my son, he remains with me - only me. Bea is startled and upset. Amador disappears into thin air. * Magically Amador is transported to the theater where he meets with Steffie. Amador tells Steffie all about the new play that MC is starring in. Steffie remembers the english version she saw in New York. Amador is thrilled about MC and the plays success. The cogs in Steffies imagination start churning as she asks Amador questions about the gun shot scene in the play. * MC talks with Cande about Cecis visit, her wedding with Omar and her doubts about a life with Omar and JM. As Cande starts to ask questions and discusses the matter in depth with MC, JM Jr. starts to fuss in his crib and MC goes to check on him. * Steffie continues to interrogate Amador about gun shootings in the theater. Amador explains that its all show - all special effects - not real. Steffie doesnt reveal her reasons for the questions. Amador leaves her alone. * MC finally arrives at the theater and runs inside. She meets with Amador in the hallway backstage. He argues with her about being late - tonight is opening night after all. MC and Ana Julia (AJ) have to assure him that MC will be well prepared and ready for tonight. Amador is agitated and leaves. MC and AJ wonder whats bugging him? * Padre fixes the squeaking doors on the prayer cabinet. Israel and Becky appear and tells Padre their good news -- they are engaged to be married. Padre tells them about Adrian and Puritas engagement and wedding plans. Israel and Becky are happy for them - they too want to get married, but in a small, simple ceremony because they dont have family in the city to attend the ceremony. Padre tells them that he will be happy to officiate; they just need to give him the date. * AJ helps MC get prepared for the play; MC is nervous and talking faster than usual (1,000 kilometers a minute). AJ has to help MC do some deep breathing exercises to get her to calm down. (It doesnt help; shes still talking at 1,000 km/minute). They discuss what Amadors worried about. AJ is more concerned about the gun violence in the play. MC assures her that its only for dramatic effect - nothing to worry about. * In the church rectory hallway, Israel and Becky are happy and excited about getting married and starting their own family together. * The play starts with Ramon on stage as Federico; MC appears on stage as Rosalia. Amador, AJ and others are watching from backstage. * Isa calls the castle. Balbina answers. Isa fakes an accent and tells Balbina shes a friend of Blancas and wants to talk with her. Balbina takes the phone to Blancas room. * In Blancas bedroom, Balbina tells her Ivette, her friend, is on the phone. Blanca is surprised. * MC and Ramon finish the play - audience applauds - MC and Ramon take their bows. * Balbina asks Blanca if she wants to talk to the person on the phone. Blanca agrees reluctantly - she thought bubbles that she cant let JM down and takes a deep breath. Balbina leaves the room and locks the door again. Blanca answers the phone. Isa, in her fake french accent, acts the part of Ivette and attempts to hypnotize and provoke Blanca into turning into her murderous evil twin Ivette to kill someone. Blanca takes deep breaths, meditates and hangs up. Isa grumbles her disappoint and calls back. Blanca lets the phone ring as she continues to meditate. * Backstage, Amador and AJ hug and congratulate Ramon and MC for an excellent opening night performance. Ramon and MC have to go back onstage to take more bows - the audience, which includes Omar and JM, are giving them a standing ovation. ADVANCE: Pat offers to move out of the mansion so Ceci and MC can live together under the same roof. Steffie and Isa grumble and make plans to get rid of MC forever (kill her).
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 19:37:04 +0000

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