25 October: Come out of Babylon and rather operate in Kingdom - TopicsExpress


25 October: Come out of Babylon and rather operate in Kingdom Economics (2) Today, we continue to build on the theme that started yesterday: Kingdom Economics is fundamentally contrary to the Babylonian Economic system that many Ministers and saints are getting caught up in at great risk to their souls! Core Imperatives of Kingdom Economics Those who come into the life changing transition from darkness to light are expected to accept certain imperatives concerning the economic system the King has put in place to provide and care for them in this present life, preceding when they will experience the fullness of His providence in the hereafter. These imperatives are as follows: 1* Yahweh, our Father who we serve is creator, controller and owner of the entire universe. He has everything figured out and until Jesus returns, has set out how to sustain all who are called by His name. 2* All saints who make Yahweh and His Kingdom a priority have a secure provision for their real needs. Matthew 6:25 - 34; 2 Peter 1:3 3* Yahweh is the source of all blessings for the redeemed. He has however ordained for us to engage in specific jobs, businesses, professions, activities He already has ordained to use as channels to bless us. 4* Through prayers and faith we come into understanding of the various channels of blessing ordained for us. Matthew 7: 7 - 11. In other words, a saint should never enter into any business, profession or activity based on what he/she heard, feels or saw other people do. Doing likewise will take such a saint outside the will of God. 5* There are those God has set apart as instruments of bringing in plenty who will become channels of bringing in large volume of money. Such people will understand that theirs is a divinely assigned role which they will accept with joy. 1 Timothy 6: 17 -19. 6* In effect, not every saint will be rich in this present life. However, if they are saints indeed and have a contented heart, all they need for sustenance has been provided. 1 Timothy 6:6-8. 7 * God has enough to meet all our NEED but not enough for all our GREED! The Core Distinctive: More blessed to give than to receive! The superiority of Kingdom Economics to the worldly system can be summed up thus: It is about yielding to Jehovah Jireh to use you as an instrument of manifesting His Love and care for His saints and for humanity. Jesus explained it in one of the shortest statements He made, incidentally to Paul the apostle: It is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20:35. Kingdom economics therefore is not about acquiring more money or assets but about yielding to and allowing the Father to use you as a channel of adding value to the lives of others. Those who are so yielded are proved first by death to self and complete submission to the will and purpose of Abba. In Kingdom Economics therefore profit is not the primary motive of enterprise. It is to add value to people, dress the earth and keep it (Genesis 2:15). It is about being subject to Yahweh as an instrument through which He causes things to be preserved from the corruption of poverty and abject lack. It is this kind of consecration which excites Yeshua, Jesus! Whenever He finds vessels that have died to self and are willing to trust Him completely and allow themselves to be channels of blessing others, Abba commits all of His good pleasure, favour and treasures to them! There are no limits to the degree of blessings and success that can be committed to them. Matthew 6:19-34 Those who are proved in the realm of consecration can be trusted to handle wealth without backsliding! This is why being in the Marketplace is a rare privilege. All those who allowed God to use them in the marketplace had this distinguishing mark: all of their being and lives were poured out like a drink offering to the Lord. He empowered and used them to fulfil His divine purpose. Such was the case with Joseph, Joshua, Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel and a host of witnesses who God used in the public space. That a Christian runs a business or is a professional does not make that person a marketplace minister. It is only those who embrace the divine concept of Kingdom economics that can refer themselves as Marketplace Ministers on assignment for the King of Kings where He has planted them! One final word on this section is necessary. Jesus never used anyone in the ministry who was not first proved at the place of Kingdom Economics. He always required those who made it into His circle of influence to renounce the wordy perspective of self sustenance and come to a place of absolute trust in God. The innermost three - Peter, James and John passed the test when they left all and cast their lot with Jesus - in life or in death. The other 9 who made up the 12 with them did likewise (save Judas Iscariot of course). The 120 who followed Jesus for 40 days after His resurrection and an extra 10 days after the Ascension in the Upper Room for the baptism of the Holy Spirit all passed the benchmark! Those who want to live for Yeshua, Jesus in this day and age must accept that His Words are dependable. From this stand point, they do not struggle with receiving His yoke joyfully. Matthew 11:28-30. This root of Kingdom economics has not changed and will not change! Please share freely with friends and family on and off Facebook! You can request for a free copy of the full teaching note GSOM Course 121: Market Place Ministry by email to apostlegsom@gmail. Please send your requests from 29-30 October.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:41:28 +0000

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