25 Things Probationary Firefighters Should Know and Do by Frank - TopicsExpress


25 Things Probationary Firefighters Should Know and Do by Frank Viscuso and Mike Terpak 1. Respect the job: Firefighting is one of the most respected professions in our Country. For every person who wears a firefighter uniform, there are at least ten more who wish they could. As much of an honor as it is to become a Firefighter, it is equally as much a dishonor to become complacent. Those who don’t care about the job are disrespectful to the both profession and their coworkers. Respect the job, work hard, and be proud of the profession you have chosen. 2. Arrive early: Arrive at work at least 30 minutes before your shift begins. This will give you the opportunity to prepare by familiarizing yourself with the apparatus you are assigned to. This is a habit you will want to keep for the duration of your career. Preparation for the big fire begins the moment you walk through the door, not the moment your shift begins. 3. Be social: Introduce yourself to everyone you meet. This is especially important on your first day. Greet other firefighters with a handshake and simply say, “Hello, I’m Firefighter _____. It’s nice to meet you.” These are the men and women you will be putting your life on the line with, and for. If you are meeting an officer, make sure you greet him/her by the proper title. It is imperative that you understand the ranking system and address their rank. A simple, “Hello Captain,” before you introduce yourself, would suffice. 4. Find the senior firefighter: A good senior firefighter on your shift/station will be your greatest asset. Ask him/her all of those questions you have regarding your first day. Questions like, “What housework should I do?” (See #5 and #6), or “Which bed/locker is mine?” The senior firefighter is there to answer those questions, not the Officer. The Captain, for example, has greater responsibilities than to show you where the mop is. 5. Be proactive around the firehouse: Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do. As a probationary firefighter, you basically do everything. If the phone rings, answer it. If someone knocks on the door, see who it is. After lunch, volunteer to do the dishes. If you sit and watch the other firefighters doing these things, they will develop an unfavorable opinion of you early on. As a rule of thumb, if you think you are not doing enough, you probably aren’t. 6. Be the first to rise and the last to sleep: Plan on being the last one to go to bed. This is the time to assure that the firehouse is secured and tidy. This is also a great time to read up on fire related material. Wake up 30 minutes before the others, make coffee, and do whatever tasks are necessary around the firehouse. The others will respect you for it. 7. Find a mentor: This may not be easy to do on the first or second day, but in time you will find the person who impresses you with his/her knowledge and attitude, and is receptive to you. Most Firefighters would be honored to share their knowledge and help mentor a probationary firefighter, but you will have to make it clear that you want their help. Align yourself with the right people, because every successful person will tell you that association is the key to success. 8. Know your riding position and responsibilities: you will be assigned a position by the officer, who will also instruct you on the responsibilities of that position. Everyone on an apparatus has specific duties and tasks that they are expected to know and accomplish in order to ensure success at an incident. Understand what is expected of you before you go out the door. 9. Check your equipment: This rule cannot be overstated. Check your Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and SCBA. Check nozzles, saws, tools, etc. Starting on day one, prepare yourself by checking to see where everything is located, so when the officer asks for a specific tool, you won’t be foolishly running around the apparatus looking for it. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. 10. Wear your safety gear: Contrary to what you might think, you are NOT indestructible. You have been issued protective clothing to help ensure that you go home at the end of your shift. The clothing cannot protect you if it’s sitting in your gear locker. Wear your hood, your gloves, and your mask! Button your collar. Give yourself every chance of getting back home in the same shape as when you left. 11. Ask questions: When you have a question, ask it. Not asking a question for fear of looking foolish will only get you in trouble. You will be working with knowledgeable firefighters, but to benefit from their knowledge, you must be willing to make the first move. They can’t answer your question if they don’t know what that question is. The firefighters preparing this document have a combined fifty years on the job, and they still ask questions. Twenty years from today, you will be also… if you’re smart. 12. Talk to the off-going crew: Don’t let your counterpart leave without giving you a report. Ask questions that will affect your readiness on what happened on their shirt. Ex: “Has any equipment been moved, replaced or sent out for repair?” Conversely, don’t rush out the door at the end of your shift. Share pertinent information with the crew (and person) that is relieving you. Give them the same courtesy that others extended to you. 13. Lead by example: Yes, even a rookie can display the qualities of a leader. If you do your job well, every time – that’s the first step. On the fire ground, there is something we call “layered leadership.” When an assignment is given, the person receiving the assignment is expected to complete that task. If you tackle assignments with professionalism and a “whatever it takes” attitude, others (even veteran firefighters) may try to reach the standard that you, the rookie, have set. 14. Don’t try to force acceptance: Your actions both in the firehouse and on the fire ground will be closely scrutinized. Trying to get comfortable too quickly will likely work against you. For example, it is wise to bring in the newspaper, but your job is not to kick your feet up and read it. You can do that on your off time. When on duty, you should be reading about one thing, your job. 15. Leave your ego at the door: Don’t think, “Been there, done that.” In this profession, celebrations are short lived. You (and your crew) are only as good as your next call. Don’t be overconfident or cocky because you had a fire on your first day. Sure, the experience will help, but remember, there is a lot to learn in this business and you will NEVER know it all. The day you think you do, is the day you should consider another career. 16. Respect your elders: There is an extensive amount of experience and information stored in the minds of the senior members of most departments. To them, you’re the “kid” who just got out of the academy, and some of them may remind you of that from time to time. If so, consider that you may be showing them signs of disrespect. It’s okay to share your opinion, but don’t forget that these men and women paid their dues and have experience that exceeds yours. Respect that fact. 17. Stay physically fit: Firefighting is one of the most physically demanding jobs in the world. Consider the fact that a significant number of firefighters die each year due to stress induced heart attacks. Some of those deaths may have been avoided if the firefighter ate healthier, worked out more consistently, and was proactive with regular physical and cardiovascular exams. In short, Stay Fit! Your life depends on it. 18. Stay mentally fit: The most important tool you have is the one under your helmet and in between your ears. You have to exercise that tool daily by attending as many classes and reading as many books as you can. There is an endless supply of educational materials out there. A smart firefighter will understand that the day they stop reading about the job is the day they should retire. If you think you have run out of things to study and learn, you have greatly underestimated the complexity of the job. 19. If you feel stressed, tell your officer: While on duty, you will see and experience traumatic occurrences that exceed what the average person will see in their lifetime (Multiple alarm fires, serious injuries, death, etc). In time, you will become partially immune to most of this, but you will always be affected to some degree. Some people are good at hiding their stress, but this will catch up to you and affect your personal life as well as your professional life. Don’t be foolish enough to hesitate to ask for help if you need it. 20. Have fun: You may be saying, “Fun? Nothing I’ve read so far sounds like fun,” but you will discover that life as a firefighter can be just that. If, of course, you learn how to take a joke. The fact is many firefighters like to test the sense of humor of probies early on. Don’t take things too personally. Have fun, if you don’t have a sense of humor, it would be wise to develop one. Survival in the firehouse depends on it. 21. Be a team player: Firefighting is the ultimate definition of the word TEAM. Individuals rarely get credit for a job well done, but your crew will be judged by how well you work together. Remember, when things go bad, all you have is your team. Crew continuity is built in the fire station, but teamwork is fine-tuned on the training ground and at the fire scene. It also helps to get involved with off duty, non-firefighting activities as well. 22. Be accountable: The only person responsible for your actions is you. If you make a mistake, own up to it. Your co-workers will respect you more for admitting you were wrong then by trying to hide or justify your actions. Accountability is also important on the fire ground. If your officer asks you to do something, do it, then immediately report back to him. Freelancing at a fire is a major problem that could end up costing someone their life. 23. Respect the public: Being a firefighter is an honor and privilege. Being issued a badge doesn’t mean you deserve special treatment. On the contrary, firefighting is a business of service. When people have problems, they call you for help. They let you in their homes because they trust you and believe that you are a professional. Treat them with the same respect you would want others to treat you, and your family with in a time of need. 24. Make safety your priority: No matter where you are or what you are doing, think safety. On the fire ground especially, it is easy to get so caught up in the moment, that you forget the basics. Take a moment to think about what you are doing before you do it. In that moment, think, “is this the safest way I can accomplish this task?” The job is dangerous enough. There is no room for poor judgment and unsafe practices. 25. Pay it forward: As the years go by, you will move from probie to experienced firefighter. One day you may be the senior firefighter, or even the company officer. Don’t ever forget what it feels like to be the rookie shaking in his boots. The probies of tomorrow deserve the same respect and tutelage that you will receive. If hazing and condescension were your tutors, then you be the one to break that destructive cycle. Be a dedicated firefighter, and help out the rookie, even if you weren’t helped. Individually we can get better, but only as a whole can we become great. * PRINT this article here: fireopsonline/probationary-firefighters/
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 03:41:44 +0000

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