25 days, 75 likes Thank you again! Come on August 31st! - TopicsExpress


25 days, 75 likes Thank you again! Come on August 31st! Continuation.... Chase was three years older than me, but I always felt those roles were reversed. Living with him, I spent most of my time acting on behalf of our Mom: making sure he stayed out of trouble, and sometimes keeping her from knowing what kind of trouble he was in. His low grades and lack of ambition made it impossible for him to move on to even the most basic of community colleges after graduation, and he fell into the same rut most guys without a scholar-ship do: work for one of the many steel mills, or work on a farm. Chase chose the farm life, since his cook and housekeeper could still take care of him at home, in exchange for a few maintenance jobs here and there. Two hours since the meteor struck Earth, and the military had finally arrived, fully armed and ready to protect our great country if necessary. Chase seemed even more confused than I was, since he hadn’t had the liberty of watching the television the entire time as events unfolded. By his reaction, he must have been listening to a CD on his way over and still had no idea what had happened. Mom must have forgotten to mention the exact nature of the early class departure. “Holy…” Chase began to say. His sentence drifted off before he could get the final word out. His jaw just hung there as he gazed in awe at the images on the screen, above the words that now read, “Extraterrestrials Land in Vesper, WI.” One of the creatures – an older one, probably late fifties by Earth standards –slowly moved forward, separating himself from the crowd. His face still had all the grace of any of them, but his age showed through his wrinkling brow and probably once-jet-black hair, now distinguished by a spackling of grey and white. His eyes were darker than most, but still hinted at a beryl glimmer like the rest. A smile appeared on his face, displaying dazzling white teeth. It wasn’t menacing or ill willed, but an honest smile, full of compassion. He barely took a few steps forward before stopping and raising his hands, palms out, to show everyone he meant no harm. One of the generals advanced to meet him partway, still surrounded by other troops pre-pared to open fire if necessary. His stature, compared to the alien’s, was much shorter. Even as cool as the morning air had to have been in Wisconsin, beads of perspiration clung to the general’s forehead from the mounting fear and anxiety of being the first one to make contact. “Please, don’t be scared. We are not here to hurt you.” The alien’s voice was unwavering and gentle. His English was unbroken and showed no signs of an accent. As if he had spoken it his whole life. The audience of armed forces made no attempt to back down, even though his words felt genuine. Guns remained pointed at the target, as the soldiers waited for the next move. “Why are you here?” demanded the general, sounding gruffer than possibly intended. “We were blindly attacked by a primitive race that destroyed our planet as well as their own. We had no choice but to leave.” His smile faded, replaced by a look of despair. He sounded genuinely upset by the loss they had suffered. Shaken by all new fears, the general asked, “Did they follow you here? Do we need to be concerned that they will attack us?” “Yes. They are coming. They will try to do the same to all your people, but you can stop them.” .....to be continued
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:42:43 +0000

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