250,000 Americans in two days. During my press conference - TopicsExpress


250,000 Americans in two days. During my press conference yesterday, national media types couldn’t contain their surprise that so many Americans had already joined our class action lawsuit to STOP President Obama’s secret collection of BILLIONS of our phone records every day. But the truth is, I need more signatures. So won’t you please agree to take action IMMEDIATELY? If you haven’t already done so, please sign your Joining Statement to join with me in this critical lawsuit. If you have already signed it, can you please forward this email to as many friends and family members as you can? I don’t think for a second suing the federal government to TAKE BACK our rights is going to be easy. So I believe every new name increases our ability to win this crucial case. And please understand this outright gutting of the Fourth Amendment is NOT a fight you and I can ignore. This country fought a revolution over issues like generalized warrants where soldiers would go from house to house searching anything they liked. Our lives are now so digitized that the government going from computer to computer or phone to phone is the modern equivalent of the same type of tyranny that our Founders rebelled against. I know some of my colleagues here in Congress just roll their eyes. They say you and I should “trust” this massive unconstitutional power grab won’t be abused. How can we? This administration has an abysmal track record of abuse, lies, and cover ups, including; *** Twisting Senate rules to RAM through ObamaCare against the will of the vast majority of the American people; *** Misleading the American people over the Benghazi travesty; *** Using the IRS to target political enemies and Tea Party groups; *** Eavesdropping on reporters from the AP and Fox News who dared to criticize the administration. What else are they hiding? What new scandal will break next week? How is the NSA’s massive unconstitutional domestic spying program already being abused? Robert, with this administration’s track record, you and I can be virtually sure it is. The national media wants to turn the focus of this outrageous program to the whistleblower. But as Rush Limbaugh rightly said recently, the real danger isn’t Edward Snowden. The real danger is allowing our federal government to go out of control and GUT our Constitution. The potential for abuse with these staggering new NSA powers is literally mind-boggling. Using this effort to start picking out political enemies would be a cinch. Gathering secret business information to hand to crony capitalist pals or insider investors on Wall Street would be easy. Once they can track and register every bank card purchase, every email, every phone call, every Internet “click” of every American, can what will be left of our lives really be called “free?” Robert, without so much as a vote in Congress, the national gun registry so many Americans rightly fear will already be built – along with a national databank of everything else about our lives. Is this the Orwellian America you and I want to leave to our children? If the answer is no, please sign your Joining Statement IMMEDIATELY. If you have already signed, please forward this to every friend and family member you have – along with a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 TODAY. Every dollar you can give will help me reach new people and add new people to my class action suit. I’m working feverishly to reach as many as possible using email, Internet ads, phones and mail. But to keep such a massive program up, I simply must be able to count on your support. Robert, I still believe the birthright of every American is the freedom and liberty our Founders have passed down to us. That birthright is in danger today. Our Constitution is being ignored by BOTH parties. I decided to run for office because I wanted to do everything possible to turn our country around. Today, I’m asking you to stand with me. Please sign your Joining Statement and agree to a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or $35 TODAY! In liberty, Senator Rand Paul P.S. A quarter of a million Americans have signed up to join my lawsuit to sue the federal government to TAKE BACK our rights. But the truth is, I need more signatures. If you haven’t already done so, please sign your Joining Statement to join with me in this critical lawsuit. If you have already signed it, can you please forward this email to as many friends and family members as you can?
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 00:55:33 +0000

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