26/ Islamic Science Sufism 26…Welcome to Sufism, the present - TopicsExpress


26/ Islamic Science Sufism 26…Welcome to Sufism, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group for better of humanity to peace, love & harmonyUnderstanding Sufism is to understand Ameerul Mu’mineen, Ya’subud Deen, Imaamul Mashaariq wal Maghaarib Hadhrat Ali (karaamallahu wajhah) said:.“I have selected from the Taurah Shareef twelve statements and I daily reflect on these statements thrice.”1. O man! Never fear any shaitaan and king as long as My Reign endures .2. O man! Never be worried about your food as long as you find My treasures to be filled. My treasures never decrease nor will be depleted.3. O man! When you become helpless in any affair, call Me, and most certainly, you will find Me. I am the bestower of all things and all goodness.4. O man! Be assured that I regard you as My friend. You therefore, befriend Me.5. O man! Do not become fearless of Me until you have crossed the Bridge (in Qiyaamah). 6. O man! I have created you out of dust, sperm and a blood-clot. I was not without perfect power when creating you, how then can be without power in feeding you? Why then do you seek from others? 7. O man! I have created all things for you and, I have created you for My Ibaadat, but you have become trapped in that which has been created for your service and you have drifted away from Me for the sake of others. 8. O man! All creation desires something for them selves while I desire you for your own sake, but you run from Me. 9. O man! You are displeased with Me because of the desires of the nafs, but never did you become displeased with your nafs for My sake. 10. O man! My Ibaadat is incumbent on you and upon Me is incumbent your feeding. Bur, in most cases you are deficient in your duty while 1 am never deficient in feeding you. 11. O man! You seek future sustenance even today, but I do not desire from you the Ibaadat of the future. 12. O man! You will forever remain in peace and comfort if you are contented with what I have given you. If you are not contented with it, 1 will assert the greed of the world over you. It will then cause you to run form pillar to post, from door to door in utter contempt and then too you will obtain only that which has been predestined for you. A SINCERE Spiritual teacher [, true pir, murshad, pious shayikh] of Allah is the Representative (Khalifah) of Allah Ta’ala on earth. He/She has Knowledge and Grace for unity of humans, not to disunite humans but to unite humans… Allah Ta’ala has expanded his/her breast for the understanding of the meaning of His Kalaam (The Qur’aan Shareef) and Sunnah. He/she, the pious righteous Pir has been appointed by Allah Ta’ala to execute the obligation of Amr Bil Ma’roof (Commanding virtue) and Nahu anil Munkar (prohibiting evil). He/she cleanses the hearts from impurities of the peoples to Siraatul Mustaqeem, the straight path to Allah. Such a human is the true Khalifah of Allah Ta’ala on earth. Sufi pir-murshaid, shaikh, who has attained spiritual perfection for sake of Allah, to please Allah; not own ego-nafs selfish ends… Khulafaa (Spiritual Representatives) is he or she, who are“Acting in according to Qur’an & Sunnah by entering into heart repeatedly ziker of Allah.” When the darkness of the nafs and the impurities of character are eliminated by means of constant Zikrullah and abundance of spiritual exercise and abstinence and the heart and soul gain a special and a distinguished spiritual state to be with Allah Ta’ala, in deep worship of Allah and then certain spiritual mysteries and esoteric knowledge enter the heart intuitively and inspirationally without the agency of the senses or other external material mediums.” “O Rasulullah! What is mubash-shiraat?”Rasulullah (saws) replied: “True dreams. And, this is the tafseer of Allah Ta’ala’s statement: ‘And, for them there are ‘bushraa’ (glad-tidings) in this worldly life, [Holy Qur’an].”Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group is operated purely on the basis of ‘Tawakkul’ (, Trust in Allah Ta’ala) and to serves the Cause of Islam and Allah Ta’ala. Saheeh hadith; “Verily, Allah Ta’ala will not eliminate Knowledge by way of extracting it (from the hearts) of servants. But, he will eliminate Knowledge by taking away the pious righteous Ulama’s of haqq. And, when there no longer remains a pious righteous Aalim, people will take for their leaders the ignorant. They (, the ignorant ones) will be questioned, and they will issue verdicts against one another through nafs-ego means of own sect, group, party cause of favour. Thus they will be astray and lead (others) astray.” Auliyaa are friends of Sufi & Sufi is linked to Rasulullah (saws); Sufi has piety and spiritual excellence in the firmament of Ma’rifat and Tasawwuf. The Tasawwuf is Sufi’s house of great Spiritual Order,way, path, class deeply rooted in the Quraan and the Sunnah of Rasulullah (saws), for sake of Allah to Please Allah,. Not to please humans in to to attain from them-humans material things, money, gold, silver, lands, cars womans, food,etc, but to give humans knowledge of Truth for sake of Allah, to please Allah….True Sufi has virtue, ta’leem (teaching), tarbiyat (spiritual training), writings, lectures and preaching, true aqaa-id (beliefs); correct masaa-il (laws); propagated; programmes for Deeni Ta’leem; Islamic customs ; the Sunnah of Nabi (saws) revived; the negligent aroused; the sleeping one’s awoke; those who had forgotten, remembered; those without relationships were joined to Allah Ta’ala; hearts kindled with the love for Rasulullah (saws), and hearts lit up with the remembrance of Allah Ta’ala through the branch of knowledge (Tasawwuf) which had become empty, once again became adorned with the treasures of Hadhrat Shibli, Junaid, Bustaami, Jilaani, Suharwardi and Sarhindi (rahmatullah Alayhim); etc; Tasawwuf in fact is the rooh (soul) and state of perfection of the soul. Sufism purify the batin (, the heart) of man from the lowly bestial attributes of lust, calamities of the tongue, anger, malice, jealousy, love of the world, love for fame, niggardliness, greed, ostentation, vanity, deception, etc, heart towards the lofty attributes of repentance, perseverance, gratefulness, fear of Allah, hope, abstention, tauheed, trust, love sincerity, truth, meditation, reckoning, contemplation, etc, attention towards Allah Ta’ala, knowing the purpose of life is tasawwuf, tasawwuf helps human to know the self-nafs; to become a perfect human, a perfect Muslim, perfect believer, a Sufi, “A authentic principles of Tasawwuf are to be found in the Qur’aan and Ahadith. The Tasawwuf is in the Qur’aan & in the Sunnah, only ego followers can’t see it… but some faqe sufis as well as some faqe Ulama of today have misunderstood Sufiam because they misunderstood the Qur’aan and Ahadith words. The pious sufis assert that in the Qur’aan and Hadith are the exoteric (zahiri) & batin laws. Tasawwuf is the knowledge of the batin (esotericism). According to fake Ulama’s – Na uthu billah – there is no need for Sufism but pious righteous pure Sufi is in spiritual science of Islam which is Tasawwuf knowledge of the Qur’aan and Hadith.” “He (, Allah) loves them (, Sufi Mu’mineen) and they love Him.” … “Verily, he who has purified the nafs has attained victory… “That Day (of Qiyamat) neither wealth nor sons will benefit (anyone), but that person who comes to Allah with a reformed heart.” Bayazid Bistami (rahmatullah alayh) says: Measure him/her [, Sufi pir, Sufi Ulamas] on the Standard of the Shariat – how he/her adheres to the the Commands of the Shariat.” Hadhrat Junaid (rahmatullah alayh) says: Sufism is the strict following of Rasulullah (saws)… Hadhrat Nuri (rahmatullah alayh) says: Sufismis “being in the Shariat.” Hadhrat Khwajah Naseeruddin Chiraghe Dehlawi (rahmatullah alayh) says: Sufism is “Obedience to Rasulullah (saws); obedience is essential in word, act and intention because Love for Allah Ta’ala is not possible without obedience to Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saws).” Khwajah Mueenuddin Chishti (rahmatullah alayh) says: Sufism is “he/she, who adheres to the Shariat, executing its commands and refrains from transgression, progresses in spiritual rank, i.e. all progress is dependent on adherence to the Shariat.”Sufi Sultan says: Sufism is love of Allah, which is gained by following & practically practicing, the the Sunnats, whosoever loves His Beloved [s.a.w] sunnahs; He loves them. Sufism is strict adherents to all branches of Islamic instruction – Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and Tasawwuf, etc; all are from the Madressah of Nabi (saws). In Madrasah of Nabi (saws) there was a permanent group of lovers of Allah and devotees of Rasulullah (saws), who were at all times engaged in the purification of the nafs, and the reformation of the batin by means of practical education & this group is called Ashab-e-Suffah. The process of these revelations (i.e. inkishaf) is called Ma’rifat while the Saint of Inkishaf is known as a Muhaqqiq and Arif. Kashf (inspiration) and karamat (miracles) are deeply within Sufism… one will be successful in court of Allah by prayers, zikers, mediations, fasting & in some cases by means of duaa due to self purity, etc, worship of Allah, increase in one’s earnings, promise one cure from physical ailments and can help one to make future events with right mind. Sufi Pir of pious righteous thought, help the disciple’s (mureed) reform the ego and achieve the spiritual bliss of Allah, through Muhammad [s.a.w] through the Sufi Shaikhs, one who trod this Path-sufism to total self-annihilation of the self evils to baqa, on going in spiritual spiritually, so that one is aware of one’s presence. To become a Sufi, one has to find a true pious righteous Pir, who don’t take money or any other material things, gold, sliver, cars, mobiles, foods, lands & woman, etc, & true Sufi Pir is one in the law-shari’ah from head to toe and than take a Bay’t & Ba’t is a mutual pledge relating to the striving, arranging, executing and adhering to the laws of A’male Zahiri and A’male Batini. This pledge is called Bay’t-e-Tareeqat which has been in vogue by authoritative transmission from generation to generation from the earliest time of Islam & it is fard & Sunnah. Rasulullah (saws) had enacted bay’t of the Sahaabah: “Auf Ibn Maalik Ash-ja-ee (radhiyallahu anhu) said: We were with Nabi (saws), seven, eight or nine (of us), when he said: ‘Will you not make bay’t (pledge) to the Rasul of Allah?’ We stretched our hands and enquired: On what shall we make bay’t to you, O Rasul of Allah? He said: ‘That you make the Ibaadat of Allah; that you associate nothing with Him; that you perform the five Salaat; that you hear and obey,” (Muslim, Abu Dawood, Nisai). Welcome to Sufism President, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans. Islamic scholar of Sufism of Chishtiya, Sabiriya & Imdadiya order of Hanafi School of Deobandi Thought,s Dastar band Jalsa, the turban tying ceremony done by the scholars, who are very strict in Sufism Deobandi Thought of Qur’an, Fiqh, Hadith & Tassawuf-Sufism. Sufism Deobandi thought, Maulana, Imam, Aliam, and Mufti & Pir-Murshad against Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan [r.a.], who issued a fatwa of kufr against Sufism Deobandi Thought leaders entitled Husam ul-Haramain (: Sword of Mecca and Medina], declrying them as unbelievers –kufr and Satanists. The fatwa was countersigned by many other ulama, but why? The Imam, Aliam, Mufti & Great Sufism Spiritual Master-pir akim al-Umma ,“Spiritual Physician of the Muslim Umma”and Mujaddid al-Milla ,the“Reformer of the Nation”, the “most eminent religious figure of their time, the greatest Sufi, who led a very active life, teaching, preaching, writing, lecturing, and making occasional journeys to Mecca & Medina, etc. “And thus have We made you a nation justly balanced, that you might be witnesses over mankind” (Qur’an 2:143). Maulanas, Pirs, Muftis, Alims & Murshadis,etc, with great tiltes but Imam Ala Hazrat Ailam, Mufti, Pir Ahmed Raza Khan Baravli [r.a.] said that Sufism Deobandi Thought Sufi’s don’t love of Allah and His Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace). Why Did Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan’s, issued the fatwa of kufr & Satanists? The Messenger of Allah (,Allah bless him and give him peace,) said, “Make the company of pious righteous ‘ulama’ compulsory upon yourselves and listen to the words of the wise, for Allah Most Exalted restores life to dead hearts by the light of wisdom just as He makes alive the dead earth by rain” (‘Asqalani 25). Sufi Sultan says’s ‘that the Companionship of a pious, God-fearing shaykh is necessa’s/ Pray for each and every Muslim. Through the knowledge of books, one’s external self is reformed, and through the companionship of a shaykh, one’s internal condition is purified’. A master of Islamic spirituality, is“widely considered the preeminent Su f i of modern world” & Sufi Sultan Mahmood’s approach to tasawwuf is in complete harmony with the Qur’an and hadith. The out side writers praise Sufi Sultan because of being in the Shari ‘a (the law, based on scriptures and religious knowledge), and the Tariqa (path, derived from religious experience); interpreting the four schools of Islamic law. The Qur’an, the hadith, qiyas (analogical reasoning), and ijma‘(consensus) provided the foundation of religious knowledge, but understanding the pious righteous ‘ulama’ as guides and making a good judgments on belief & practice of Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan[r.a.]; Who gave ‘FATWA against Sufism Deobandi Thought Sufi’s, in giving reason that Sufism Deobandi Thought Sufi’s accept Sufism but rejected numerous ceremonies and the authority of pirs who claimed sanctity by their descent rather than by their learning’s. Knowledge granted authority and not inheritance. Pilgrimages to saints’ tombs, and the annual death rites of a particular saint (the urs) also lay outside acceptable Islamic practice as it is nafl not fard but Sufism Deobandi Sufi’s say that they have purified Islamic mysticism from erroneous innovations; from all un-Islamic elements and practiced a tasawwuf that earlier Muslims, such as Hasan al-Basri, Junayd al-Baghdadi, and ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [r.a.] were living in the pure Sufism. Pure Sufism is an important part of the Islamic faith”. How could Sufism Deobandi Sufi’s things against Sufism when they had within them great Sufi pirs? Some say that Sufism Deobandi Sufi’s conndeming fake sufi pirs but engaged in some formulas (wazifas),of some scholar of hadith (muhaddith); a jurist (faqih) who issued thousands of legal rulings (fatawa; a mystic (Sufi) who revealed the secrets and subtleties of Islamic mysticism; Shari‘a and tasawwuf which is essential parts of Islam”but what went wrong? How could Sufism Deobandi Sufi’s turn against Sufism? They studied & read more than twenty commentary relies heavily on Ruh al-Ma‘ani of ‘Allama Alusi al-Baghdadi, and because it was written in the mid-thirteenth centuryah, it encompasses all previous explanations of the Qur’an.” Sufi Sultan Mahmood Preaching Islam and calling people to the way of Allah Almighty; wisdom and tolerance; battled against all fake pirs evil innovations in religion and presented Islam as it stood in light of the Qur’an and hadith. Sufi Sultan Mahmood deeply concerned about the ignorance of those fake pir Muslims, who performed many unnecessary acts perceiving them to be righteous acts of religion, in being against the fake Pirs? But the great Scholar of his time & age, the Ala Hazrat, Mawlana, Imam, Ailam, Mufti, Pir Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi [r.a.] gave a open decreed-verdict- fatawa against the Fake Pirs? For having this belief from MawlanaThanawi book ‘Hifz al-iman’, which clearly explains the evils in acts such as grave worshipping, beseeching other than Allah, believing in the omnipresence of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and pious people, to root out all un-Islamic rituals prevalent among people; Innovations in belief, worship, etc. Sufi Sultan condemning all kinds of sectarianism; battling against secularism; working to reform the masses and train a large number of humans to spread all over the world the Truth of Truth of Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group. But the great Scholar of his time & age, Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan [r.a] issued a fatwa of kufr against Sufism Deobandi Sufi’s? Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan [r.a], Fatwa was Because Sufism Deobandi’s Sufi’s insult Rasul [AS]; by saying that shaytaan knew more knowledge than Rasul [AS]; By saying that Allah could lie; by saying that a new prophet can appear; So the fatwa is, he who doubts in their kufr (deobandis) is also a kaafir… like Abu al-`Ala al-Bukhari who declared: he who doubts in the kufr of Ibn `Arabi is also a kafir, who calls Ibn Taymiyya Shaykh al-Islam a kafir? Is a kafir himself But Mulla `Ali al-Qari [r.a] who said that in such cases the best course is silence? Silence! But Saheeh Bukhari & Saheeh Muslim; whosoever call fellow Muslim a kaafir, is himself a Kaafir… A Muslim is mirrior to other Muslim... [Bukhari & Muslim] - The Prophet [s.a.w] -- Allah blesses and greets him – said the Shaytan knows more unbeneficial knowledge than anyone else. Allah said; And they schemed, and Allah schemed, and Allah is the best of schemers. Ala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan [r.a] defended tawassul and refuted Wahhabi/Salafi/ Deoband/Tabligi/ Jama’at Islami’s,etc, innovations on the matter of ziyara of the Prophet -- Allah bless and greet him:Was the greatest Sufi spiritual Master of his time & age right in refuting against fake Sufi pirs? Yes because due to fake Pirs the Ahmadiyya heresy spread in India… the Wahhabi/Salfi/Deobandi/Tabligi/Jama’at Islami Ulamas saying it is kufr and shirk to do meelad ash-sharif, to visit the graves, to seek help from them etc, are all shirk…to celebrate mawlid or visit the graves is shirk. As for seeking help apart from Allah it is shirk whether from the living or the dead…when Mawlid, Yareewee Sharif, Urs sharif, Katham sharif 7 Sallam after Friday prayer, etc, are all nafl acts of goodness in attaing barakat-blessings in nafl of blessed good acts & actions, which are better than watching cable, playing cards, wandering in pubs, clubs, shoppings centers to find a female, etc. Sufism understand the barakat and virtues of the shoes of Rasulullah Sallallahu `Alayhi Wasallam, is very high…One is blessed by seeing Rasulullah Sallallahu `Alayhi Wasallam in ones dreams…Every object is fulfilled by its tawassul (means, petition, request]… hadith of Jabir: The first thing that Allah created is the light of the Prophet, Allah bless and greet him on the authority of `Abd al-Razzaq…Mawlid or tawassul through the Prophet and awliya? Is in Islam but La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah, What happen to great Sufi pir off Sufism Deobandi Sufi’s of present?…The graves of Hakimul Ummat, pious righteous Muslims give barakat, blessings to the comer in helping the comer to the grave to think about his own grave & how to become friend of Allah?…Shaykh Maulana Ahmed Reza Khan (rah) refuted Wahhabi/Salafi,Deobandi,Tabligi,Jama’at Islami Scholars beyond repair…The late great scholar of honor, the true Shaykh Malik Al Alawi [r.a], pir of the pirs, also held the opinion and wrote a book about the Wahhabi/Salafi/Deobandi/tabligi,jama’at Islami scholars departure from Ahle SUnnah Wal Jamaah… Wahhabi/ Salafi/Deobadi Tabligi, Jama’at Islami’s scholars were labeled to build a new Kaafirs, ‘Qadianis’ and others to fuel confusion amongst Muslims… The Spiritual Master Shaukh Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan [r.a] said; they all created chaos by attacking the celebration of Mawlid un Nabi [AS]; going against Hafiz Jalaluddin Suyuti and going against the millions of Muslims and scholars who practiced, ‘remembering’ our beloved [s.a.w]… The great Pir Raza Khan [r.a] said; they ruled against Miraj UN -Nabi programs that take place on 27th Rajab and the fasting of 27th and the night worship. They affectively go against Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rah), (See Ghunya section on Rajab… Imam Rajab Al Hanbalis research in Laylatul MaArif where he showed that 70 known companions congregated on 27th night and fasted the following day… They ruled against gathering on the 15th of SHabaan to read salat, etc. They are in opposition with Shakyh Abdul Qadir Jilani (see Ghunyas section on Shaban)… Thay went against Sunni scholars of Ahl-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah Sufism Thought, Abdul Hakim Murad, Shakyh Nuh, Dr. Hadaad, Imam Ghazali, Suyuti, Abdul Qadir Jilani (Rahi), etc… The Spiritual Master Sheikh Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan [r.a] said; Our Dawah should be a message of love and tolerance but we should be well educated to know the issues and the haqq on the matters concerned… my love for the Sunni brothers of tariqa is great but…the Wahhabi’s/Salafi’s/Deobandi/Tablighi’s/Jama’at Islami’s scholars spread confusion and dissension in the community of Ahl-Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah… The Spiritual Master Shaykh Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi [r.a]…said; Wahhabi’s/Salafi’s/Deobandi‘s Scholars has shifted Mawlid to a Pagan practice, when we are in perfect, very well alhamdollilah… Celebrating/ commeration of Aulia are like Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani’s [r.a.]… Commeration of Ashura and the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain in Muharram: Jalaluddin Suyuti (rah) and the majority of Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaah hold lectures and programs in Masjids… The Spiritual Master Shaykh Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan Barelwi [r.a]…said; The Prophet is Noor and perfect Bashar…. The Prophet [s.a.w] has Alim ul Ghaib… Is---Haazir and Naazir... Calling for assistance from Aulia...is in Islam & Milad UN Nab [AS] is Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaah Barelwi Manhaj (methodology) of Dawah (propagation) …. The famous refutation of the SHaykh Ahmed Rida Khan (rah) keeps the Barelwi Sunnis united in belief and practice…Up to this day Wahhabi’s/Salafi’s/Deobandi’s/Tabligi’s/Jama’at Islami’s scholars are condemen by the Barelwi’s……But in Sufism , Sufi Sultan Mahmood says, ‘The Pious Self’ has no caste and caste-based discrimination among the Sufi’s…’ O humankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted’ (Quran 49: 13)… There are two things that, if they are found among people, take them to the level of infidelity: one is to consider others to be low-born [...] (Sahih Muslim)…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group reach out with Islam’s message of brotherhood and equality… there is no caste’ism in Islam…Some even today refuse to give their daughters to prospective grooms from other Muslim castes, no matter how well-educated and decent such men may be. Instead, they insist that their daughters marry men from their own caste even if the latter are illiterate…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group promoting ‘Islamic revolution’ and establishing ‘Islamic thought…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group helps to be free from the cancer of casteism…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group says, caste prejudice and ethnic pride is sheer ignorance of the self-nafs…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group believes that the rival of Wahhabi’s/Salafi’s/Deobandi/Tabligi’is/Jama’at Islami scholars and the Barelvi scholars of Four schools of thought is a guidance in religious matters, for those who know not inner belief of Islam… the Fatawa-e Rizviya by Maulana Ahmad Riza Khan Barelvi (r.a), and the Bahar-e Shariat gives very good knowledge of Shari’ah…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group learns all inner & outer knowledge in the light of the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah, the practice of the Prophet Muhammad [s.a.w]…Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group first proof from the Quran and the Sunnah, and than from Sufism books of Sufi Saints [Awliya Allah]...Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group struggle against ego-nafs evils and refuse to acknowledge materialism Pirs & materialism Ulamas, who build sectarism differences for own self’s better for own selfish ends, etc… place of Sufi women in Sufism society Perfect harmony… Sufi spiritual teachers take a pact, bay’t from coming seeker who is going to be their student in accourd to Sunnah. Sufi classes, orders of thought in Tasawwuf, viz., Chishtiyya, Qaderiyyah, Naqshabandiyyah and Suharwardiyyah, etc; Ahl Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah Sufism Thought is the four Schools of Thought and Sufism Silsilahs is practically practicing the Shari’ah in the way Muhammad [s.a.w] practiced…The founder of the Chishtiyyah Silsilah is Hadhrat Khwajah Mueenuddin Chishti Ajmeri (rahmatullah alayh); founder of the Qaderiyyah Order is Hadhrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (rahmatullah alayh); founder of the Naqshabandiyyah Order is Hadhrat Shaikh Bahauddin Naqshabuddin (rahmatullah alayh); and the founder of the Suharwardiyyah Silsilah is Hadhrat Shaikh Shahabuddin Suharwardiyyah (rahmatullah alayh). The founder of Silsilah Al-Wasah al Qarni is the Saint himself. The bay’t ceremony; Hadhrat Aishah (radhiyallahu anha) said: “Rasulullah (saws) never touched the palm of a woman, but he would make the (pledge-bay’t) upon her. Upon having made the bay’t he would say. ‘Go! Verify, I have already made bay’t with you’ ” (Bukhari, Muslim, Abu-Dawood). It is for this reason that in entering ladies into the bay’t, the Masha-ikh does so verbally or by means of a cloth which is spread from the Shaikh to the lady behind the screen. This is the method of bay’t when in the presence of the Shaikh. Those who are not able to present themselves personally to the Shaikh could contract the bay’t by means of a letter or through the agency of a responsible and trustworthy person. This form of bay’t is called bay’t-e-Uthmani. Rasulullah (saws) on the occasion of bay’t-e-Ridhwan made the bay’t of Hadhrat Uthmaan in his (Uthmaan’s) absence. On this occasion, Rasulullah (saws) placed his right hand on his left hand and announced that he has made bay’t of Uthmaan. (The bay’t in absence of the mureed is therefore termed bay’t-e-Uthmaani,). Certain instructions are given to the mureed at the time of bay’t. Firstly, discharging any monetary obligations of others, pay back what you need to give to fellow human whom you took from them in force or due to them being weak & if one is liable for such obligations. Such discharge is either by making the due payment or by obtaining the pardon of the one whose right is involved. Fully guarding the eyes, ears and the tongue; total abstention from haraam and mushtabah (doubtful) wealth; appearance, dress to be in conformity with the Sunnat; refrain from unlawful methods in all affairs; to constantly bear in mind not to harm anyone by means of one’s hand or tongue; not to hurt anyone nor break ones heart; refraining from association; meeting according to need; and abstaining from unnecessary conversation. Constantly being all ways in trying to maintain the thikr of Kalimah Tayyibah, i.e. while walking, sitting, reclining and laying down. The way to do this is to continuously engage in reciting first ten times لآ اِلَهَ اِلاَّ ا لله & on the 11 times say: مُحَمَّدٌ رَّسُوْلُ ا للهِ صَلَّى ا للهُ تَعَا لى عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمْ. After every Salaat recite Ayatul Kursi followed by Tasbeeh Fatimi. I.e. 33 times سُبْحَانَ ا ; 33 times اَلْحَمْدُ ا ; and thirty four times اَلله اَكْبَرُ. If you have time then recite after Zuhr, Maghrib and Isha prayer one Tasbeeh (100 times) the third Kalimah. After Isha Salaat, at the time of going to bed engage in muhasabah (self-reckoning) and muraqabah-e-maut (contemplating death). This is the daily muhasabah incumbent upon the mureed. Contemplate…to think about the oncoming event of maut (death). Reflect about the pangs of death, the questioning in the grave, the Plain of Resurrection, the Reckoning in Qiyamat; the presence in the Court of Allah; crossing the Sirat, etc. All this has to be contemplated and a pledge is to be made that one will in future not venture near to sin. One tasbeeh (100 times) Istighfaar is then to be recited. The Istighfaar is: سُبْحَانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ سُبْحِانَ اللهِ الْعَظِيْمِ | اَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ الْعَظِيْمَ لآاِلَهَ اِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَىُّ الْقَيُّوْمُ وَاَتُوْبُ اِلَيْهِ to sincere taubah and become a person of high piety but be away from the sin not from the sinner because for sake of Allah, you have to guide him/her away from sin, if you move away from the sinner, he/she will carry on committing sins so (Allah forbid!), don’t follow the nafs and shaitan, they divert one away from Ibaadat and obedience. Seek the pious Sufi disciple, who remains much closed within the Qur’an & Sunnah practices practically. The bay’t (بيع: to sell) the self to God in to inherent in bay’t (بيعت) of His spiritual Truth. Bay’t is to learn the outer& inner knowledge of Shari’ah from the Pir; ahkam-e-zahirah and ahkam-e-batinah (i.e. to learn the practical Law of Allah Ta’ala, outwardly & inwardly). To do the reverence of Sunnah actions and give full respect to Islam. The Pir job is to teach Qur’an & Sunnah knowledge from heart to heart & the student job is to practice it for sake of Allah, to please Allah. It has always been in the Divine Scheme of things that perfection cannot be attained without a spiritual ustad (expert spiritual instructor). When one is endowed with the guidance to enter into the Road of Tareeqat, one should search for a pious righteous spiritual teacher, Ustad of Tareeqat-path, so that one may reach the true goal through the medium of his/her graceful instruction and auspicious companionship. “O my heart! If you desire to undertake me to this so journ hold on to the garment of the guide. Whoever trod the Path of Love without Companion his/her life passed by without attaining love?” “What! Has anyone attained perfection by only books? When can not attain self perfection by books if he/she is not learned and one can attain self perfection or become an expert without the companionship of an expert if he/she is well learned by putting into practice the knowledge of Qur’an/Sunnah by oneself.”The companionship of a pious man will induce piety in you. Similarly, the companionship of an evil man will induce evil in you. He, ‘who searches for association with Allah Ta’ala, has to acquire the association of the Auliya-e-Kiram’, pious righteous Sufi pirs, in this time & age, out 40 pirs, only one is the true pious pir. So, it’s best for you, if you can not find a pious righteous pir became by yourself pious righteous Sufi beliver by practically practicing the knowledge of Qur’an & Sunnah through in being with Ahl Sunnah Wa’l Jama’ah of Sufism Thought of early Sufi Pirs, Murshids, shaikhs, whose books are still within this world, read them & act by them practically. A short while spent in the companionship of Auliyaa, pious righteous Sufi is nobler and superior to a century of unostentatious obedience. Companionship with the pious for even a moment is superior to a century of zuhd (abstention) and ta’at (obedience]. If one is connected to true qualified Shaikh, he/she informs one of the errors and pitfalls. Assuming that the Saalik (one who trods the Path of Tasawwuf) has intelligence and correct understanding, attains tranquillity and peace of mind because of understanding the responsibility of faithfully practicing the knowledge of Sufism. Nevertheless, in kindness he/she eliminate evil by undergoeing heardship, great stress and difficulty although repeated subjection to such difficulty finally becomes transformed into ease. The difficulty disappears, understanding appears by following advice and an instruction of early pirs, shaikh, murshad of Sufis in total obedience is possible only if one has full trust and confidence in the Sufism Shaikh books, fully submitting to him/her at that time one will actually feel and realize that it is possible to attain the goal normally without a Shaikh. A true pure Sufi Shaikh is one who has full knowledge and experience of spiritual ailments (amradh-e-batinah), attributes of vice and virtue (akhlaq-e-razeelah and akhlaq-e-hameedah), their characteristics (khawas) and their effects (ta’theerat). …Welcome to Sufism President, the present genuine spiritual master of Azad Kashmir khalifa [, Sufism president] pir Shaykh murshid dervish fiqeer sufi sultan Mahmood Qadiri, Naqshbandi Chisti, Suhrawardi & Awais al-Qarani class /order tariqh spiritually in possession of spiritual goods, surrender, faith, excellences, reality, wisdom, in bliss for all kinds of humans. Email only Email…Mahmood.sul@outlook ….Sufi Sultan Spiritual Reality Group working for better of Humana in to help humans gain peace, love & harmony…
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 08:49:05 +0000

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