26 JANUARY 2015 MONDAY EPISODE Leftovers: Rafael gives Marichuy - TopicsExpress


26 JANUARY 2015 MONDAY EPISODE Leftovers: Rafael gives Marichuy a new service dog and explains how the dog will help give her more freedom. She’s delighted. Rocío tells Juan Miguel that Daniel has finally worn her down and she figures it’s easier to get rid of him by agreeing to be his novia and then acting annoying until he dumps her. No, she says she’s finally ready to consider love again. I still think she should have tried harder to find a doctor who could diagnose whatever caused Vicente’s complete personality transplant. Anyway, JM does not approve of Rocío’s new fling. She says he’s just jealous. Onelia steps in and tells JM to just let Rocío be happy. JM is also perturbed about that Rafael character. Roc patiently explains to him that Marichuy isn’t romantically interested in either Rafael or Daniel. JM’s eyes are practically shooting sparks, he’s so het up with jealousy. Um, JM, Daniel is Marichuy’s COUSIN. GROSS. JM swaggers out in dramatic slow motion. New: Marichuy tells Ana Julia all the exciting stuff she missed the day before (while AJ was desperately and unsuccessfully trying to seduce JM, then getting raped by Amador as a consolation prize). Rocío and Daniel are sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, Rafael brought a guide dog, AND she felt like Juan Miguel was nearby again. AJ says surely JM isn’t around; he’s probably married and expecting a child with his new wife by now. She wonders why Marichuy is even interested in JM, after all he’s done (seriously, this mantra is getting SO IRRITATING. Juan Miguel is not responsible for any of Marichuy’s current difficulties). Marichuy says she’s hoping to eventually be able to get revenge. JM and Ed visit Detective Blackhat, who sounds hoarser than ever. The effort required to speak is apparently taking all his energy, because he isn’t flipping his hat around today. They tell him that Amador Robles is up and about again and they’re worried about the safety of Beatriz and Little Ed. The detective says he’ll reopen the case. JM suggests that they’d like Amador to spend the rest of his life in jail. I suggest that I’d like him to slowly be eaten by his wolf while someone reads him lots of stories in glossy magazines about how successful and happy all his former victims have become. Amador’s wolf drags him over to Ana Julia’s place, and Amador wants her to agree to help him with his vengeance. She declines, saying she wants to be a good girl from now on so she can snag JM. Amador has a good laugh about that. Ana Julia goes straight to confession, and, after clarifying that revenge is bad, tells Padre Manuel about her bad deeds. She dredges up lots of tears and tells PM she wants to change her life. PM is skeptical and asks why. “Because I’m in love with Juan Miguel San Roman,” she replies. PM doesn’t seem to think skanky gold-digging counts as real contrition, and tells her that her sins are serious and he doesn’t believe JM is available. AJ continues to cry and insist and PM looks like he’s thinking hostile thoughts behind the screen. Marichuy is practicing navigating around the house with Güero, the new guide dog, when she hears Onelia walk in. Onelia immediately tells her who’s there. JM should take lessons. Onelia sits down and says she wants to talk with Marichuy about Juan Miguel. AJ is still confessing more sins. She hurt everyone around her, and she enjoyed it. Good grief, we could spend the whole episode in the confessional with her. She does admit that she only wants to be good in order to win over JM, but then realizes how that sounds and says she wants to really be good, not just pretend. Padre Anselmo tells her JM is only in love with Marichuy, but she doesn’t give up. PA says in order to be forgiven, she will need to also confess to all the people she’s wronged. Onelia asks why Marichuy won’t forgive Juan Miguel, when she knows how much she loves him. AJ says she couldn’t possibly tell everyone all the bad things she’s done; JM might hate her! PA says that’s a risk she’ll have to take. AJ yells at him that she wants to be forgiven and she came here because she wanted him to help her! PA says he’s trying to help her, but she can’t be forgiven if she won’t do the penitence. She says forget it, then, she doesn’t need him or God to forgive her! Thunder rolls, but, sadly, lightning does not penetrate the church to strike AJ. PA throws her out. I hope the seal of the confessional won’t prevent him from sending a little anonymous warning note to JM. A priest must protect his flock, after all. PA’s tormented mutterings to himself seem to indicate he’ll remain silent, though. JM paces back and forth in front of the locked Velarde gates and looks handsomely tormented. He tries climbing over and can totally manage it, but decides not to go that route. He says to himself that he’ll keep spying like a thief until he has a chance to talk to Marichuy. Marichuy tells Onelia she won’t give JM a chance. She alludes to JM having taken up with some new dame, but of course doesn’t actually say that so Onelia doesn’t know what she’s so upset about. Marichuy says she doesn’t want to hear any more about JM, but that she’s going to get revenge for his deceit, and gets up to leave as Onelia looks confused. JM visits Eduardo (mi amor!) in his office and tells him that all his time stalking Marichuy has given him a chance to think, and he’s decided to start a free clinic to help people who need eye surgery and whatnot but can’t afford it. Ed seems delighted that JM has decided to do something constructive. Marichuy tells Cande her head feels like it’s spinning like a top (the captions say “perinola”, but I think it should be “piriñola”…someone tell me if I’m wrong) and she’s been thinking about her vengeance on JM. Cande clutches her head in her hands and crosses herself and says they’ve got to go see Padre Anselmo. Juan Miguel is at his stalker post outside the gates again when a car drives up. Fortunately, it is Ceci, not Pat. She looks concerned about him. Cande has gotten Marichuy straight to the confessional. Poor PA; he’s having a very long day. Also, the confessional doesn’t seem to really have any privacy; Cande is right there where she can hear everything. Mari starts to tell PA that she’s full of bitterness regarding JM because of all he’s done to her. PA interjects that JM hasn’t done anything to hurt her. THANK YOU, PADRE ANSELMO. Marichuy tells him she had promised not to soltar la sopa (spill the soup, aka spill the beans), but JM sent her a letter saying he had another woman, and AJ read it to her. JM tells Ceci he’s been hanging around outside the gate day after day, night after night (which somehow no one in the household cottoned to) trying to see Marichuy. Ceci says he shouldn’t, because Marichuy wants nothing to do with him and if Pat finds out there will be big trouble. JM says that’s not fair, because he and Marichuy share a son, whom he has not seen in months (fortunately for Daddy, the kid hasn’t grown at all or learned to walk, so he hasn’t missed anything major). Ceci says that’s true, so she’ll bring the kiddo and meet JM at a park. He looks so happy at this suggestion, I don’t see how Ceci can resist dragging him right into the house and throwing out Patricio instead. Padre Anselmo tells Marichuy to pray until she gets these ugly and poisonous thoughts out of her head, but tells her she’s absolved of her sins. After she leaves, PA laments that he can do nothing about AJ’s wicked presence in the Velarde household. Can a priest really do nothing if people are endangered and he knows it? Isn’t there some way to protect the innocent without violating the seal of the confessional? Daniel is kissing Rocío and being clingy, but she’s not that into it. He worries that she doesn’t love him, but she says that she does; she’s just preoccupied because her brother doesn’t like the idea of their noviocity. Daniel says he’ll talk to Juan Miguel and win him over, the same way he did Rocío. By faking a heart attack and kissing him under protest? Well, JM isn’t a very good doctor, and he’s used to being hit on right and left; it might work. He goes on about his sincerity and true love so long I begin to think the man doth protest too much, then they smooch some more. Ceci and JMito meet up with JM at the park, and JM is just overcome at seeing his son again. He remarks about how much he’s grown, so I guess we’re supposed to pretend that the baby has grown. He sits down on the grass to play with the baby, probably thinking it’s about time someone encouraged the undergrown 18-month-old (or whatever) to walk. Ana Julia is walking through the park for some reason and sees them. She thinks to herself that since Padre Anselmo won’t forgive her, she may as well continue her evil game. AJ goes right to Patricio and tells him that Ceci has taken Juanito to visit his dad at the park. Pat is angry. Over at the park, Ceci is telling JM she’d better get going, because she doesn’t want Pat to find out about this. I cannot believe she puts up with Pat’s dictatorship. Patricio shows up and yells at Ceci and JM. AJ smirks from behind a tree. P: How dare anyone defy my orders?! JM: You’re not the boss of everyone! P: Stay away from us, and give me back my grandson!JM: Your grandson?! He’s MY son! P: You abandoned him and his mother! JM: I went for training so I could do surgery to cure Marichuy! P: This surgery only exists in your imagination! I’m taking this to court! Amador is at his auntie’s house, putting on his jacket to go out. She begs him to stop doing stupid things. He says they’re his reason for living, and besides, he’s too smart to get caught. The doorbell rings. It’s our favorite high-strung detective. AJ skips through the Velarde gate, delighted to show up at her job because it offers so many pretexts to armar un zafarrancho (wreak havoc). Rafael and Marichuy are in the house, discussing the proper way to treat the dog, when AJ bounces in and reports that Marichuy’s parents are fighting outside. Rafa says he’ll go find out what’s going on. After he leaves, AJ tells Marichuy that she thinks Pat is having an affair. I think it’s amazing that one woman puts up with him. Where would he find another one? Pat and JM are still fighting and Ceci is trying to break it up, without success. JM tells Pat not to try to interfere in his feelings, and he has a right to see his son. Pat leaves and Ceci apologetically takes the baby and says goodbye to JM. Detective Blackhat orders Amador to come with him, and auntie protests. Amador says he’s done nothing wrong. DB says they’ll see about that, and they’ll have plenty of time to discuss it at the delegation. He encourages Amador to come the easy way rather than by force. Back at home, Patricio tells Ceci he can’t believe the way she betrayed him. She disrespected him and he is never going to forgive her! He is so abusive. Ceci rolls her eyes and says, “fine, don’t forgive me, but don’t talk to me like that, either. You’re my spouse, not my father, and I don’t have to obey you. I’ll respect you if you respect me.” “Is it so hard for you to just do what I ask?,” stonewalls Patricio, totally missing the point. “Doesn’t my opinion count? Am I just furniture?,” asks Cecilia. Pat says he won’t permit her impertinence. Marichuy overheard the end of their fight, and looks sad and confused. Over at the park (apparently there is a park with a food stand and everything within walking distance in the rich-people-with-huge-yards Velarde neighborhood), Juan Miguel sits on a bench thinking that he will not allow Marichuy and JMito to be kept from him. Rafael feels his way into the park, calling for Ceci and Pat, and JM says, “it’s you!” Marichuy asks why Pat and Ceci were fighting, and they insist it was nothing. Pat is suddenly all sweetness and comfort and insists that he loves them all. Classic abusive behavior, I tell you. JM tells Rafael he just wants to talk to Marichuy to clear up the misunderstandings between them, because they are in love. Rafael tells him that when he met Marichuy she was depressed and hopeless over spending the rest of her life blind, but now he’s taught her to do many things. JM says she doesn’t need to be blind forever. Rafael gets offended and says people who can see just assume blind people aren’t living full lives, but that’s not true. JM asks if Rafael and Marichuy are novios. Marichuy is upset and fretting to Cande that she’s never heard her parents fight like that. Cande thinks it’s normal; all marriages have some fights. Marichuy says she thinks her father has another woman. Cande: “Don’t make me laugh! Where do you get this stuff?” Marichuys says she isn’t imagining it; she was told. Cande guesses it was the hyena, and says Mari is a fool if she believes anything AJ says, because AJ likes to see her suffer. Marichuy is just worried that her parents may separate. Patricio says he doesn’t want any of the San Roman family in his house. The friendship between the families is over! Ceci says that’s absurd. What about Rocío and Mayita? NO!, says the jerk. Cande swears to Marichuy that nothing bad will happen and everything will go on the same as always. JM keeps asking Rafael about the nature of his relationship with Marichuy. Rafael waffles a whole lot, and eventually says that he and Mari have a tie so strong that nothing will ever break it, which still doesn’t answer the question but is apparently dramatic enough to end the episode. Next time: Daniel tells Juan Miguel that Marichuy will always be in love with JM. Pat tells Marichuy he’s sending her to Costa Rica.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 12:31:15 +0000

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